Chapter Thirty One (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

The screaming was intense.  The constant cracking sound tearing through the air as guns continued to go off was deafening.  Exactly how many guns are being shot? It sounds like an entire armory.

I hesitate briefly, but quickly grow a set of lady balls and enter the room fully. My eyes rake over some of the available weaponry. As if I could even identify any of these damn guns. I don't think it would be a good idea to try and carry the largest gun with me. It would just slow me down and probably be the reason for my demise when I inevitably fail to utilize it properly. There is one that catches my eye though. A silencer type. At least that is what it reminds me of based off of movies. It'll do. With trembling hands, I grab the gun and attempt a check to see if it is loaded. After a few moments of fumbling with it, the mag ejects. Thankfully, it is loaded. I grab extra ammo that was stashed next to it and hope it is the correct type. I turn on my heel and quickly make my way out of the room, heading straight for the staircase.

My breaths come out quickly and my heart rate accelerates as I descend the staircase. I halt abruptly and place my hand over my mouth to suppress the scream that wants to rip loose. To my absolute horror, it is literally a bloody, gory nightmare.

So many bodies. So much blood.

Wait.. who are some of these people? I know I have never met some of these men before, of that I am certain. Some of these men I would've seen already, being guards from the shadows or guards right out in the open, or just being around period. I would recognize them somehow at least.

Cautiously, I take a few more steps when suddenly a lamp shattered behind me.

"Oh fuck me!" I startle, cursing as I duck down into a crouch and shuffle behind a small table the best to my ability. I'm pretty confident nobody is going to notice my panties showing with the way my dress rides up my thighs in this position, so I don't bother trying to maintain modesty and focus on my immediate surroundings.

Where is my family? I have yet to see any of them. A cold shiver comes over me as my thoughts automatically turn dark. Please don't let any of the bodies scattered around belong to my brother or my parents!

I slowly peek my head above the small table and search the chaos for my family. Just as i brave standing up, over all the screaming and continued gunfire, one voice stands out amongst them all and I freeze.


He is shot.

My heart drops to my stomach as fear and despair hit me heavily while my mind tells me I'm losing my brother.

But I just got him back..

I rapidly blink back the hot tears filling my eyes before they spill over. Act now, cry later. My emotions take a turn and my body starts vibrating with rage.

I'm going to kill the motherfucker that shot my brother.

"LUCA!" My voice cracks as I shout for him while also running blindly towards the direction I think Luca's pained voice came from. I push through fleeing people, jump over both injured men and women, and stumble many times as I dodge more bullets than I can count. Guilt nearly consumes me as I force myself to not try and help the injured. It goes against my nature. I became a nurse for a reason and right now I feel like I'm a failure and an utter piece of shit for ignoring those in need.

But my brother means more to me than a stranger. So I continue on, without so much as a backwards glance.

I've already come to the conclusion that the twins aren't on a murder spree, especially from being upset over our falling out, but exactly who is responsible for this terrible massacre?

The Brothers' Desire [Complete First Draft-Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now