Chapter Sixteen (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

I hear the door chime clang so I look up expecting to see Luca finally, but because I have bad luck, nope! It just so happens to be Asshole A and Asshole B.... aka The Sorrentino twins.  What the hell do they want this time?! To bash me over the head and pull me by my hair to their rock?

I straighten up and square my shoulders. "Well what an unpleasant surprise." I snap, curling my lip as if they brought a stench with them.

"Oh this is most definitely not intended to be pleasant. We saw that text when Luca asked Damon to check and see who text him and we didn't know he had text preview on," Dominic narrows his eyes at me, shaking his head slowly.  "So needless to say, we read your message. Really, Amaris?" He scoffs, a look of disgust evident on his handsome face.  "The morning after pill? You're that irresponsible? You lack respect for yourself that much?" Dominic growled lowly at me with so much anger it caused me to flinch back.

Recovering quickly, I glance between the twins, "Shit happens and it isn't any of your business as far as I'm concerned."  I shot back in a snarky tone, attempting to turn away from the twins before I was stopped mid-turn.

"Who the fuck marked you?!" Damon yelled, his grip on my arm like a vice.

"Huh? Marked me? What the fuck are you talking about?" I questioned him.

Dominic's large hand grabbed me by the back of my neck and snatched by chin with the other hand, angling my face all over as he looked me over.  He grazed a few spots on my neck with his fingertips. "Hickeys. Who the fuck left these hickeys on you, Amaris? And don't even think about lying."  He warned.

"It's none of your damn business!" I whisper shouted at the twins, trying to contain my temper as well as I possibly can.  I don't like being questioned as if I did something wrong. 

My neck is starting to get hot as humiliation starts slowly edging its way into me as well, fueling more of my temper trying to break loose.

"Actually, it is our business. You'll figure it out soon enough, and we will make sure of it." Dominic added with a hateful, cruel look on his face.

Just then Luca walked inside. Thank god!

He handed me the bag and said, "Everyone stared at me at the pharmacy. It was so goddamn embarrassing." He blushed.  How cute. "So who gave you those hickies and why do you need this.. medicine for?" Luca clearly has no chill and is overstepping my business.  "I'm never too old to go beat some dude's ass for touching my little sister, ya know that right?"

I shoot him a dirty look.  "Didn't you read the part where I said I'd punch you in the face if you asked?" I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head. I'm thoroughly embarrassed now.  "You do realize I'm an adult that is actually going to be getting a divorce, right?  I think it's too late for you to be the overprotective big brother now..."

He huffs out a small breath from his nose.  I wasn't trying to be an asshole and imply it's because they pushed me away, but it is what it is.  "Actually I never read it. The twins read it for me and told me." He deadpanned.

"Oh...well how much do I owe you?"  I shrugged.

"I'm not worried about it."

"You irritate me. These aren't cheap."

His eyes widen.  "Oh... you've bought these before?"

"Maybe... birth control doesn't agree with me and sometimes things get a little too carried away. Plan B happens to be the solution sometimes. After all, I don't think I'm destined to be a parent like you." I tell him honestly.  I feel like the whole 'family' thing has been ruined for me.  "Speaking of which... when can I see my niece? I haven't seen her since before...."

The Brothers' Desire [Complete First Draft-Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now