Chapter Twenty Nine (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

After getting ready, I slowly drive myself to the twins' home.  The whole drive, I have an internal battle with myself. The side of me that wants to avoid them like they have the plague is slowly losing the battle. Because the other part of me is absolutely drawn to them.

Is it just lust? Intrigue piqued because it's so wrong, perhaps? Maybe just a little crush.. or two? Or possibly, I'm actually developing feelings for both of them! That thought alone knocks my breath right out of me.

How can this even work? I gnaw at my bottom lip, so deep in thought, that I barely register the taste of blood.

I can't hold onto one man, how should I keep two? I wish I just had a simple answer at this point because I'm so beyond confused, it is starting to frustrate me. Badly.

All too quick, their huge ass home pops into view. I'm not ready. Totally not ready. But I have to face them anyway so might as well get it done.

I parked my car and slowly make my way up to the front door. The door swings open just as I'm about to knock, almost causing my footing to slip. "Hey, sweetheart!  We have missed you!" Dominic enthusiastically greeted me as he pulled me inside by my waist.  Before I can react, I am swooped down into Damon's lap, arms winding around me possessively. His grip was firm and damn near suffocating, as if I'd float away if he held me softer.

"You have no idea how much I have missed you.." Damon mumbled as he ran his lips and nose down the length of my neck. Involuntarily, I lean my head back onto his shoulder and tilt my head, offering him better access. In response, a hungry growl rumbled from his chest, penetrating my body, causing me to shiver.

I barely get my eyes open and find Dominic sauntering over to us.  The smoldering look in his eyes are burning my body up with lust and desire.

A strong hand cups my cheek, "We both owe you an apology," Dominic begins, "You just don't have any clue how damn much you mean to us!" His mouth crashes down on mine, causing me to gasp, and granting his tongue access to plunder inside my mouth.

As the brothers' sensual assault continued, lips.. hands... tongues., I feel all feelings of anger towards them dissolve, a loud banging on the door interrupts everything.

"Son of a.." Damon grumbles out of irritation from behind me as he releases his hold, bringing me to my feet as he stands up. Dominic follows his brother to the front door while I sit back and gather my thoughts.

You are mad at them Amaris! Do not let them win you back over so quickly! Don't be so easy!

I was busy mentally scolding myself when the sounds of shouting brings my attention back to reality.

"Get the fuck out of here, Elise!  We do not want anything to do with you!  You were just a little bit of fun we stupidly indulged in and that time has long been gone! Now, get the hell out of here!" The angry shouts are coming from Dominic, which spiked my curiosity, but I'm nosey anyway, so I quietly got up and peeked around the corner.

I wish I didn't look. So many emotional as ran through me simultaneously. A dark, ugly feeling crept to the surface of them all though.


Oh how I loathe feeling jealous.

A gut wrenchingly, beautiful woman stands at their front door. Elise.  I feel a painful tug in my heart as my mind wanders to the twins and this woman. Did they fuck her how they fucked me? Did they pursue her at such lengths as they pursued me? Did those magical hands of theirs roam all over her body just like they roamed mine?

I'm going to be sick.

"You two will hear me out! One or both of you need to step up! I'm pregnant and I'm keeping it.  The baby belongs to one of you! Deal with it!" Elise's words sent my world spiraling upside down and shattered my heart in the process. Of course she's pregnant. The hot tears leak out finally, no matter how hard I try to hold them back, they continue to flow down my cheeks, burning the pain deep into my skin.

One of the twins barks out a maniacal laugh. "You know that baby doesn't belong to either of us!  You know it as well as we do!" Damon roared, the sound of something breaking as it makes contact with the floor.

With tears continuing to fall, I harshly scrape my hands across my cheeks to get rid of them and make my way to the front door to leave.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked as he caught my wrist, preventing me from getting out of here quickly.

I refuse to look at Dominic or Damon. "You all are kind of busy so I'll just talk to you later." I manage to say cooly, although only a tad bit higher than a whisper.

"Oh honey, don't let these boys fuck with your heart and mind too.  They will damage you! Run while you can!" Elise says, seemingly very sincere as well as looking the part. I study her eyes, hoping for some type of deception, maybe even a smug squint, but there's nothing of the sort.

I wrench my wrist free from Damon and bolt out the door -knocking into Elise slightly- before he can grab a hold of me again and sprint to my car

I allow myself to drive a bit before the tears come rushing back in full force. My eyes are swollen and hazy, making it hard to see. Resigned, I pull over and sit for a moment.

"One or maybe both of them, hell who knows.. has someone pregnant... maybe she isn't the only one and more are going to show up on their doorstep." My voice is barely above a whisper, even talking to myself out loud hurts.

My breath hitches in my throat as the realization sinks in. My mind made up. My heart breaking more and more as I realize something that could've been good, is over before it got a chance to even start. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking that I could have something good with them.

As the old song goes, que sera sera.

My mind is numb, my heart hurts, and I blindly pull back into traffic; unsure of my destination just yet. One thing I'm sure of though....

Goodbye, Dominic and Damon.

The Brothers' Desire [Complete First Draft-Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now