Chapter Five (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

"So how long are they keeping you in here for? I know on the phone they told your brother you were in the ICU, but you aren't." My father did another quick glance over my visible injuries. "So, do you know what all is going to go on?" My father asked me.

I pick nervously at a loose thread on my sheet, my nerves feel completely shot. The attack on Ryan and myself was bad enough but seeing my parents right here in person is messing with me. "Well they thought my injuries were worse than what they are blah blah blah... you can see the extent of my injuries... aside from the concussion, which I haven't had any pain from it since very early this morning." I say with a shrug, taking a quick look between my parents before looking back down at my hands.

I puff air from my cheeks then continue, "I am very fortunate I don't have any broken bones or internal bleeding. I still don't know if Ryan is okay though. Confidentiality policies and all. I think the worst of my injuries though is the gash on my chin that is stitched up and this cut through my lips." I absentmindedly skim my fingers gingerly over my lips, praying for no scarring. If it scars, survivor battle wounds I suppose.

My parents continue to quietly watch me, waiting for me to continue talking and filling the uncomfortable void of air around us. It is quite unnerving.

"The doctor said I could be discharged this evening as long as my vital signs and neuro checks continue to check out clear." I stated quickly.

My mother pursed her lips then clicked her tongue, "Honey, where do you live at? Do you have a roommate or do you live alone?" Mom asked.

"I have my own apartment, why?" Why would she even care after all this time anyway?

"We need to get movers called to pack up all of your belongings and load them up.  You're coming back home with us.  We aren't leaving you here knowing someone deliberately tried to run you over and kill you." Dad's tone was stern and left no room for argument.

I still want to argue though. Not only am I shocked they want me to return home with them but I don't appreciate being told that they are going to uproot my life for me. Treat me as though I am a child once again and need my decisions all made for me.

Choosing my words more neutrally instead of going straight for an argument, I blink up at my father, "But I have a job here, and friends. I can't just up and leave without notice."

"You may call your job and let them know that with circumstances, you have been forced to move away for your safety.  You may not tell them where or with whom.  You do not need to leave a trail." His answer was so quick I'm convinced he had already had it prepared in case I disagreed.

My mind circled back to the part where he mentioned 'safety' and 'do not need to leave a trail'.

Okay this shit is scaring me....

"You will tell your friend's the exact same thing.  Do you understand me?"

I nodded in agreement automatically.

He snapped his fingers suddenly, causing me to look up at him with wide eyes.

"You need to voice your understanding sweetie. It's the only way I know you've listened to every word I have said to you."

"Yes, dad, I understand." I said as I nodded once more.

I gave my dad my address to give to the movers he called in for hire.  I called my job and informed them of what is taking place, as my dad instructed me to do. 

Now the hard part.  Telling my friends.  Maybe I should wait until closer to the time when we leave. Yeah, that sounds best...

Hey Amy have you heard any news about Ryan?

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