Chapter Twenty Two (First draft-Unedited)

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Unknown POV

I watch as Luca begins chest compressions on Levi as Matthew runs out of the room to fetch a defibrillator.  I'm glad someone knows CPR besides Amaris, or Levi would be worse off.

Amaris hangs a bag of liquid from the IV pole and instructs Dominic how to set it up as she is getting the IV started in Levi's right hand.

"Does anybody know what blood type he is?" I hear Amaris shout out to the entire room.

"No." Multiple voices answered.

"Shit! Does anyone here have O negative blood?"

"No." Multiple voices answered again, including Matthew who just returned with the defibrillator.

"Okay, I have O negative blood so once we get him out of cardiac arrest, someone will need to help me give my blood to him. Dad... gather some empty blood bags and find another tubing set, and I need a larger needle for this.  Find a package that shows a label for 16 gauge."

Feeling worthless just standing here, I continue to watch her get the pads on Levi's chest as everyone but Luca backs away.  I watch Amaris breathe into Levi's mouth a couple of times, deep breaths that make his chest rise.  Thank God she's here.

"Okay Luca, stop and back away from him so I can engage the machine."

Luca followed her instructions and the machine's robotic words said "clear." I've never seen one of these work, but they are powerful. I watch silently as Levi's body rises up then back down before Amaris curses and tells everyone to stay clear as the machine went through shocking him again.

"Clear." The machine repeated, Levi's body rising once more.

Then the most wonderful noise began.  The monitor on Levi's body began beeping. "Heart rate detected." The machine voiced.

"Oh thank god!"

"He's alive!"

"You're a hero!"

"Don't get too excited yet guys. I still need to get that bullet out of him and stop his bleeding before he goes back into cardiac arrest.  I can't make any promises because I'm not a doctor or surgeon! I'm only a nurse! But I promise to do everything I can!" She glances around the room at all of us quickly. "So while he's unconscious, I need a couple volunteers to stand by him, in case I need for him to be held down if he wakes up while I dig out the bullet."

I watch Luca stand by an arm, Dominic stand by a leg, Damon stand by the other leg, and Matthew go to the arm that has the IV in his hand.

"If he wakes up and starts fighting, hold him down and try to keep him as immobile as possible.  And you there, try not to rip out that IV."  She nodded toward Matthew.

"Is this everything you need to take your blood?" Charlie rushes over to his daughter's side, showing her the items he pulled from the medical cabinets.

"Yes, but first I need to remove the bullet and stitch him the best I can, then we will get my blood."  With a look of determination, she forces a tight smile on her face before nodding at her father.

"Hand me that tool that looks like scissors with a circle on the tip." She glanced at me.

I'm glad she didn't use fancy words because I wouldn't even know what to look for otherwise. I hurry and hand it to her.

"Okay guys, be prepared!" She shouted right before she removed the blood soaked gauze from his abdomen, proceeding to stick her finger in the wound, feeling for the bullet before sticking the tool in.

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