Chapter Twenty Seven (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

"You two need to get out! Now!" I can't believe these two barge in here, drunk off their asses, and expect me to listen to their sorry ass excuses for why they behaved like douchebags. "I'm serious! Go!" I stomp my foot like a toddler and thrust my finger toward the door. Why do I always get ignored? Just get the hell out. It isn't hard to do.

A slurred voice breaks my moment of seething. "We just want to explain our behavior, sweetheart, please." I narrow my eyes at Damon. He isn't earning any brownie points. In fact, I'm getting more angry by the second.

Dropping my arms to my side, I shake my head at the twins momentarily. This isn't cute. I bounce my gaze between the both of them. "I think you two need to go home and sleep off your alcohol. Until you are sober, I have no desire to listen to anything you have to say." The defeat in both of their eyes sort of guts me. I can't give in. So I harden my eyes and turn my back to them, prepared to walk back to my room.

I don't get but a couple of steps away before an arm snags me around the waist and pulls me backward, tightly into a hard chest. My knees tremble and my core clenches. Even mad, I still want them. I can still remember how they feel inside of me.

I shudder and goosebumps decorate my skin as Dominic's lips graze my ear. "Fine. But don't think you can keep avoiding us, darling." His breath ruffles my hair as he presses a kiss to the side of my head. "We will talk tomorrow. No matter what." He released me and stepped away. He just can't help but be a bossy fucker, can he?

I glance over my shoulder at them, both of them give me a final heated stare before they turned to the door. I watched as the drunken idiots exited the house. My eyes flickered over and made contact with Cole's enraged ones.

He shakes his head, nostrils flaring, and fists squeezed tightly. "Amaris... those men are... dangerous..." He said warily, "and I mean extremely dangerous.  You do know what kind of business they are into right?" He continues to stare me down. His eyes are so intense now that I start to feel uncomfortable.

I break eye contact and stare at the floor. Huffing out a long breath, "Yes, Cole, I do know. My family works for them, remember?"

"Their infatuation with you is not healthy either." He completely disregards what I just said and took this conversation out to the left field. Goddamnit, not this conversation again.


I can't disagree with him. They are attached to me as if they are dope sick addicts.  I don't understand how things got so deep so quickly.

"Look, Cole, I'm so sorry they showed up like this.  I promise to have a talk with them about this tomorrow." I plead with my eyes. "Please don't be angry with me."

He sauntered across the room to me and wrapped me in his arms. I fell into his embrace easily. His comforting hug is exactly the reassurance I need to know that he doesn't blame me for the guys showing up drunk.

He lowers his cheek to the top of my head. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Have you seen yourself? Have you not seen how much people enjoy being around you? It isn't any wonder why they are attracted to you, even if it is an unhealthy attachment on their end." He patted my back a few times before releasing me. "Goodnight Mare. I'll see you in the morning." He gave me a beautiful smile before disappearing into the hallway, heading for his bedroom.

"Goodnight Cole, and thank you!" I called after him before heading towards my own room.

Christ... what have I gotten myself into with these brothers... and tomorrow is going to really suck!

The Brothers' Desire [Complete First Draft-Unedited]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora