Chapter Twenty Eight (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

I woke up to the excruciating sound of my alarm clock blaring. After a few missed attempts of swiping at it, my hand finally connected and sent it to the floor.  Groaning I peer down to see if it busted.  Fortunately my echo seems intact.  Next time I'll just tell Alexa to turn the alarm off.  Old habits though.

I reluctantly drag my worn out, sleep deprived body out of the comfort of my bed and slowly pad down the hallway to the bathroom.  The sound of water running and singing stops me in my tracks. I press my ear up to the door and giggle as I hear Cole pelting out the chorus of 'Shake It Off'.  It is a relief to know he isn't in a horrible mood after last night's drama.

I pop my head into the bathroom while making sure to cover my eyes, "Do you always sing Taylor Swift songs while you shower?" I ask, earning a startled scream from Cole. "Busted!" I shouted quickly before shutting the door and retreating back to my room, laughing hard the entire way.

I notice an envelope on my dresser that I didn't see the day before.


Shrugging, I slide my index finger under the seal, removing the contents and finding it contained, none other, than my New Jersey nursing license. The amount of joy washing through me is indescribable. I don't hate the pool store, but it just isn't me.  I hoot and holler happily while fist pumping the air.

I text my boss to let him know I will no longer be coming in. I did thank him for the time he had allowed me to work there.  I cringe when I realize maybe I should give him a notice.  I don't want to but it's the right thing to do.  I sent a new text rectifying my abrupt way of quitting.  Thankfully my boss basically said no need and good luck.  Maybe I just sucked that much and he's glad to get rid of me.  I snort at the thought.  I really didn't know shit about pools or spas.  Poor guy just did a favor for my dad. 

A dark thought crossed my mind.  Why did he owe my dad a favor, even as trivial as it was, I guarantee people owe favors for a lot of grim things. 

Staring down at my license in my negative thoughts, I yelp when Cole unexpectedly plopped down on my bed beside me, jostling my body around slightly.

I eye him curiously.  "I forgot to give you your mail yesterday so I snuck in this morning to place that on your dresser. This is good news, right? Like maybe we should go celebrate kind of good news, right?"  He plastered a huge grin on his face.

"Absolutely!" I squeal and thrown my arms around Cole in excitement. "What kind of celebrating do you have in mind?"

He makes a show of tilting his head left then right, as if he really needs to think about it.  He snaps his fingers.  "Well.. tonight.. let's go out! Get some friends together and go out to have a good time together."  He nods to himself.

I laugh.  "Sounds like a plan to me! Do you work today? I'm not going back to the pool store, it was just to pass my time anyway."

He sighs long and loud as he stood up, stretching his arms above his head.  "Yeah, Mare.  I do unfortunately. I'll be home by 5pm though." He leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss on my cheek. "I'll see you later."  He said as he walked out of my room.

I lied back down as I heard the front door open and shut. I really owe so much to Cole. He has been here for me through so much and continues to be there for me.  Could I forfeit our friendship and give him a chance to be something more with me? Do I even feel that way about him? I don't think so.  I craved comfort and he was someone familiar.  I'm an asshole and never should've fucked him.  My thoughts are interrupted as my phone pinged, signaling a text message.

I already know who it is from. Well, I know it is one of them.  Honestly, I don't have anything I want to say to them aside from a good cussing out.

Or do I?

Do I want to acknowledge the fact they both have weaseled their way into my blocked off feelings?  Should I embrace it?  Give them a chance, regardless of what people would think?

Quickly shaking my doubts from my mind, I grab my phone and see that it is a message from Luca. Phew!

Hey Mare, there is a dinner party at the Sorrentino's this weekend we are required to attend. Just giving you a heads up!

Oh. Great. Thanks..

Required.   That's some horseshit if you ask me.  Well I'm absolutely dreading this weekend now.   As much as I want to avoid the twins, especially while I try to sort my feelings about them, I know they will be there.  One encounter should be okay... I'll avoid them the rest of the time as best as I can.

The ringing of my phone brought me back to reality once again.   For fuck's sake, can't a girl just have time to think?  Whatever.  Without looking, I answered.

"Hello?"  I huffed out, annoyed.

"Amaris, sweetheart, I'm glad you're awake.  You need to come over or we are coming over. Your choice." Dominic's clipped voice came through from the other end.

I seem to lose my ability to speak and ended up dropping my phone, hanging up on Dominic in the process. Shit! I quickly retrieve my phone and began to call him back, but my phone rang again before I even got the chance to.

His harsh breathing was so intense I'm pretty sure I can actually feel it through my phone.  Shit.  "Do not hang up on me. Ever.   Am I understood?" He growled.  Great, he's pissed off already and it was an accident.

"I didn't mean to. I dropped my phone." I murmur.

He grunts.  What a dick.  "As long as you understand, sweetheart. Now, when shall we expect you?"

"Give me an hour, I just woke up." I sigh.

"See you then, baby." Dominic says before he hangs up on me.  What a hypocrite.  I stare at my phone for a moment in disbelief. 

So much for avoiding them.

The Brothers' Desire [Complete First Draft-Unedited]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें