Chapter Thirty (First draft-Unedited)

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Amaris' POV

I bawl the entire drive home. My heart feels like it took a hard plummet down into the pit of my gut and then broke into as many pieces possible.

I've never felt this kind of heartache before. Not even with Devin. My familial abandonment wrecked me in a different way, but that pain didn't prepare me for this one.

I didn't realize I was growing so attached to the twins. Our short lived chase and push clouded my emotions from truly surfacing. I fell hard and fast and all I know now is that I must move on just as quickly as I fell for them. I cannot trust them.

And I can't handle these feelings of heartbreak.

To deny being the father to an unborn child like that was harsh and difficult to witness. Would they have done the same if it was me pregnant and telling them that they were the father? Probably. One of them knocked her up and DNA wouldn't even be able to say which one due to the fact they are identical twins.

Unless, of course, they never slept with her, or they didn't sleep with her around the time she got pregnant.

A flicker of jealousy cut through me. She was beautiful. Of course, they slept with her, why wouldn't they?

I sit in silence, pondering my thoughts for a few minutes before finally getting the strength to get out of my car and head inside. The heavy pull of an immense ache deep within my heart has every part of me beyond exhausted. I fall on top of my bed and curl up into a ball, hugging myself for comfort. Ignoring the constant buzzing coming from my cell phone, I succumb to my fatigue and drift off to sleep.

'Congratulations, DNA results confirm that Mr. Sorrentino is the father of your twins, Miss Elise Dearing.'

The brothers' smiles were brighter than the sun at high noon and Elise looked as if she was in pure bliss. The newborn babies were content and cooing in their swings while their parents all gaze at them with complete adoration.

Dominic crosses the room and wraps Elise into a loving embrace. "I'm so sorry Elise."

"Very sorry." Damon agreed, walking up and rubbing Elise's shoulder, before letting his hand run slowly down her back. "Let's go home. It's time to be a family."

I gasp loudly as I bolt upright in bed. Patting myself down quickly, I realize it was just a bad dream. A goddamn nightmare actually. I reach over to check my phone and I'm not at all surprised by the amount of missed calls, voicemails, and text message notifications I have received.

Ignoring the brothers, I lie back down and wallow in self-pity. I breathe out a slow, shaky breath as I realize that tomorrow is Saturday and that means it is the night of the dinner party at the Sorrentino home.

Well fuck my life...

I finally fall back asleep at some point and slept most of the day. I didn't intend to sleep so much but I feel so empty and heartbroken. Feelings definitely sneak up on a person without a warning more often than we realize. I only wish that I had a warning about how badly it can suck.

I snatch up my phone and my eyes grow three sizes. "Jesus, they are persistent, that's for sure." Tossing my phone aside, I decide to eat something really quick, take a shower, then slip on my pajamas. It's late anyway so I might as well go back to bed and bury this awful day.

Sleep soon consumes me and the night passes quickly. Morning arrived faster than I hoped for. I'm dreading this dinner party tonight. All of the Sorrentinos will be there, not just the twins. Sighing, I get out of bed and reluctantly get my day started.

The Brothers' Desire [Complete First Draft-Unedited]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن