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Michael forced himself to brave school the next day. Lucifer had tried to convince him to stay home, but he wasn't having any of it. He refused to sit in an empty house, especially when it was full of memories of his mother.

Everyone else was glad to see Michael back, having still believed that the reason for his absence was due to his own illness, and kept asking whether he was feeling better.

Charlie was particularly pleased to see him, as one of his closest friends she'd missed his company a great deal, not to mention the fact that he'd left her with only half a ship during his absence. She was happy to hear that Lucifer had delivered her 'get well soon' card and that Michael had appreciated it.

"So," Michael started as he sat down at their table, break having just begun, "What have I missed?"

"Well, Principle Crowley had a shouting match with Mr. Moriarty a couple of days back," Meg offered, grinning, "I only wish I could have filmed it."

He wished he'd been there to see that; it seemed exciting things only ever happened when he was away.  "Alright, what else?" He was determined to find out anything Lucifer had failed to mention during his visits. He desperately needed to occupy his brain with something.

"Adam came first in a photography competition."  Dean smiled over at his friend, who suddenly became shy as everyone turned to look at him, congratulating him for the second time. Michael was impressed by this, and asked to see some of his photos later, to which Adam had readily agreed.

"Anything else?" Silence had fallen again.

Sam and Gabriel glanced at each other.  They were yet to tell people that they were dating, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

"Well," Gabriel cleared his throat loudly, "There is one other thing."

"Go on," Dean smirked.

"I have claimed ownership of the Moose," Gabriel announced, "He is mine and no one else's, so you can all lay off."  The Novak threw an arm around Sam's shoulder protectively.

Charlie screamed excitedly, trying to contain herself as Kevin stared at her, his face showing only mild concern. The rest of the Novaks all smiled, almost knowingly, but were cut off with an interruption from the eldest Winchester.

"Who asked out who?" Dean demanded.

Sam looked at his brother quizzically.  "Does it matter?"


"I asked Gabriel," Sam informed, looking rather pleased with himself.

"Dammit, Sammy," Dean sighed, sitting further back in his chair.

Sam was momentarily even more confused, until he caught sight of his sister, who was smiling widely.

"I told you so!" She grinned at Dean, "I believe you owe me."

"Are you kidding me?"  Gabriel laughed, not even bothering to hide his amusement, "You guys made a bet?"

"Everyone made a bet," Charlie announced, rolling her eyes, "They're just the only ones who decided to bet with money."

"What did the rest of you bet with?"  Sam inquired.

"Words," Charlie stated.

Michael watched as the table launched into another heated discussion. 

He didn't really feel up to joining in.  Of course he'd missed this, his friends were his second family, and he liked the routine.  But it just felt wrong: the way the world just carried on, as though nothing had changed. 

Family Don't End With Blood /Destiel//Sabriel//MichiferDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora