Chapter 2: The battle begins

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Shiro and Keith bickered while everyone else was in class. They were attending to some school stuff so they were pardoned from class. "Katie Holt. Secretary. Why?" Asked Keith. Curiously. Both could imagine her amber hair and matching eyes. Shiro used to be best friends with her brother before they disappeared out of thin air. He was doing paper work. "She's honest, kind, beautiful, organised, actually cares about school. Loving and obviously because she wants to help us." Shiro answered Keith question rather quickly. "Oh look who had a crush on little pigeon." Shiro rolled his eyes. He moved his paperwork to the side. "Mullets talking." Shiro shot back. Keith laughed and so did he. They carried on bickering and joking with each other for the rest of the break. The door slowly opened. A young girl. Who was in year seven, walked in. "Mister Takashi. Sorry to ask but could I have some help?" Shiro nodded. "Of course what's wrong." The girl had tears in her eyes as Shiro patted the chair next to him. "This girl who's meant to be in year seven who moved to year nine in an instant is being bullied." Keith and I shared a look. "What happened." Shiro asked softly. The girl had tears in her eyes. The tips of her dark brown hair damp with tears. "A boy punched her. Then kicked her in the stomach making her fall. He kept kicking her and calling her smart... well he swore." Shiro was fuming. "What the boys name?" He asked. She hesitated. "I think it was something like. Lane or Lame no I don't know? He's still doing it look." All three looked out the window. Lance! Katie was defending herself. She was kicked in the stomach. Lance how could he. He's a fellow councillor. He wouldn't do that. Then we saw Lotor ripping him away from Pidge. We all ran outside. "What happened!" Shiro demanded. Lance looked ashamed as Katie laid there as she chocked up a splatter of blood. Wiping hit with her arm. "I'm fine." Pidge sat up. She was sprawled across the floor in a really bad position. But now she was standing. We saw a few cuts. Lance was stupid and wore soccer shoes with the horrible pointed spikes on the bottom of his shoes. "Lance care to explain?" I knew Lance was a huge friends of Matts. "She's kicking Matt out the picture and pretending to be him!" He yelled. Katie looked ticked off. "Let me guess why? In his SISTER!" Lance went silent. "But he never told you because he was quiznacking taken!" She yelled. Lance held his head low. She was fully up. Brushing herself of as she walked away. I wanted to call out to her and run to her but she needed time alone.

An hour later...

Alura walked into the girls bathroom and heard sobbing. In the corner was Pidge. Red cheeks and a water stained face. "Pidge what happened are you okay?" She nodded as she whipped her face. "Just... missing them." I understood. I called Coran. "Hello my niece what's the matter?" She held the phone to her ear. "Pidge she's a crying mess and I noticed a few bruises on her." Coran sighed. "Who did it who hurt her. She is under our protection. As she had got a painful past she can't remember." Alura nodded. "I'll find out." With that Coran hung up and Alura turned back to Pidge. "Who hurt you?" Pidge looked up and wiped her face. "Nobody I fell and hurt myself. Yeah I fell." She wasn't convincing Alura. "Lets step outside and into the nurses office." So thy did. The nurse examined Pidge. She asked her to take off her shirt. So Pidge did. She had a lot of cuts and bruises plastered on her back. "Holy Lord! Who did this?" The nurse asked. Pidge didn't answer. "Please Pidge." Still no answer. Shiro walked into the office with Keith. Katie put her shirt on before they came in. "I'm gonna Kill him!" Keith declared. Alura looked at him confused. "Is everything alright. How bad were the cuts?" Shiro asked concerned. "I'm fine trust me," Pidge insisted. They weren't buying it. "Who did it Shiro?" The boy looked up at Alura. "She hasn't told you?" His voice was soft and he finally said the name. "Lance. He thought she was kicking Matt out the picture and replacing him. But he didn't know they were related. Talk about not paying attention in class." Alura nodded. She was gonna Kill Him! But first she text Coran.

Text group.

Alura: Hi uncle. It was Lance he cut her in so many places. Bruises and cuts all over her back and chest.

Coran: Lance! I thought he was school council!

Alura:he is that's what worried me.

Coran: well what do you want me to do. Expel, suspend, take a few privileges, detention for a month, what's the punishment.

Alura: How about criminal offence. As he is old enough to go to prison and abused a new student.

Coran: A bit far don't you think?

Alura: Word gets around quick. So the police are gonna find out sooner or later.

Coran: No they won't. Now let's just give him detention for a term. It's as good as Prison. Yes.

Alura: Fine.

End of text.

Pidge felt a surging pain in her left arm. "Ow why does it hurt so much?" She held her right arm. We took of her jacket and rolled up the sleeve. She had a glowing green arm. It looked like patterns of computer chips, Flowers, natur and all sorts of technology.
Alura opened her phone and texted Coran what was happening. The she took a picture.

Shiro and Keith looked in shock at her arm

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Shiro and Keith looked in shock at her arm. "What the?" Coran burst in with Alfor and the king of England. "Quickly Coran medicine!" Coran chucked the King s bottle. He injected something into Pidges arm. Making her poss out. "Tell nobody I was here. We need to keep her under control at all cost." The king spoke directly to them. They nodded. Lance coming in at the moment the king injected something into her. "Why is she passed out. What did you inject her with and where can I get it?" Lance asked. "Medicine. She's passed out cause she hasn't had it in a while. She hasn't visited the castle since her brother and father went missing." Lance cursed under his breath. Coran sighed in relief. "No disasters today." We all looked at him. The king nodded. Coran began to explain.
"Well you see..."

Sorry about cliff hanger. Hope you enjoyed Chapter.
Again please vote and comment if you're enjoying the book. I'm not forcing you. Well night guys. Peace out.

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