A Word from the Author

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Before you start reading this I just want to say a few things.

1. Most of the story will be written in text and dialogue format except for a few chapters here and there.

2. This story is completely from my imagination. I do not own the character of Peter Parker and the rest of the mentioned characters from "Spider-Man: Homecoming". All I am doing is making use of them for this story, hence fan fiction. However, I do own the character of November Starr and her storyline along with the rest of the characters that aren't from "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and their storylines. 

3. This story is set in the year of 2017 and is set in a universe where Peter hasn't fought the vulture and Liz hasn't moved away, but Peter has the suit that Tony gave him. 

4. I have written most of the story, so updates will be posted faster than usual. I would say that there will probably be an update every two days.

5. This story will not be very long. When I say that I mean the length that I usually make my stories. I would say that it's short and sweet. Very cute.

6. If you have any questions about it along the way feel free to post them in the comments and I will happily answer unless I have to give away a spoiler in which case I will inform you that I cannot answer your question, but that it will be answered with the next chapters.

7. This story is a stand-alone, which means that it is not a part of my already existing The Vamps Texting Stories Series. This is not the third installment. The third installment is Brad, which I will be working on again soon, so expect to see that one sometime in the near future too.

8. Have fun reading and I hope you like it!

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