Chapter Twenty-Six

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Tom shivered, Red had made him sleep on the floor of course. He snuggled deeper into his hoodie, hissing in pain once pressure was put on his wound. Tom sat up, feeling nausea rush through him as he quickly stood up, making his way to the bathroom.

He gripped onto the toilet seat, the bile coming out faster than he actually​ expected. He wiped his mouth with a tissue as tears leaked from his eyes.

Everything hurt.

He sat there for minutes, maybe even hours at a hand before he sluggishly got up. He shuffled out the bathroom, making his way back into his room. He looked at Red, supposedly sleeping. Do- monsters even sleep? Is that like a thing?

Tom shrugged, stripping himself of his hoodie as he climbed into the bed next to Red. Being too tired to even care if was Red he was sleeping next to. He turned onto his side. Tord looked really cute when he was sleep. Tom smiled at the thought of Tord, having those big strong arms wrapped around him, protecting him from the world, calling him short and then picking him up just to prove a point.

Tom hated it, his heart ached for Tord. He needed Tord. He knew, Tord wasn't completely gone. He couldn't be- Tord is okay, right? Tom scooted a little closer to Red.

"I love you Tord." He whispered, closing his eyes. And Tom swore on his life, he heard an 'I love you too'

Tord hated this, he hated Red, he hated himself for getting Tom involved. He sighed, it wasn't like he wasn't trying enough to get his physical form back. Trust me, it's harder than you think to fight someone who's 1,000x stronger. Tord groaned to himself, he barely had an senses what so ever. He could barely hear what was going on, and he couldn't see.

Well, he can't see anything other than the darkness surrounding him. And if he closes his eyes he can see memories of him and Tom. But I mean, they aren't physical.

"I love you, Tord."

He heard in the right corner of his ear, though it was faint he knew it was Tom. He knew, Tom always had an amazing voice, deep but yet soft and adorable. Tord swear his heart melted, Tom hasn't given up on him! Tord smiled wide, he knew Red would hear him if he shouted.

"I love you too." Tord had said, soft and caring as he got no response. Tord sighed, guess Tom couldn't hear him, which isn't a good thing.

Tom stirred in his sleep, waking up to an empty bed as he spread himself out further. He buried his face into the pillow as he purred slightly, this position was WAY better than being bunched up next to Red- Wait, where the fuck was that salty cracker anyway??

Red had woken up to a body pressed up against his side, he tensed up. Looking over at Tom and he sighed.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." He tried to pry Tom's arms off him, which wasn't successful at all. Tom was holding him in a death grip, like he was some fucking teddy bear. Red growled, his struggling died down as he moved a little closer to Tom, awhile looking up at the ceiling. Tom purred in his sleep, getting closer to Red.

"Nope, nope, not happening." Red immediately wiggled out of Tom's death grasp, as he groaned in disgust. He was being held. That is stupid mushy shit.

Red made his way out of the room, noticing commotion coming from the kitchen.

Edd and Matt had been giggling and laughing, flipping pancakes and kissing. It disgusted Red, to a point where he could feel the happiness radiating off of them. "Morning." He interrupted their session, as Edd smiled.

"Goodmorning Tord! How'd you sleep?" Edd asked, placing a pancake on the plate. 

"Fine, actually. Tom and I will be packing up and taking off today." He added in, eyes flickering to the food. "If you're determined on feeding me I'm not hungry."

"Leaving?!" Edd and Matt both said in unison, looking at each other with a blush, then back at Red.

"Tom- didn't inform us about your departure," Edd said, handing a plate to Matt.

And that's when of course on cue, Tom walked in, wiping his eyes as he yawned, looking at Red then at his friends.

"Tom!" Edd snapped, glaring at the other. "Why didn't you tell us you were leaving?"

"L-Leaving?" Tom questioned, looking at Red, which he only got a smirk in response.

"Yes, Thomas. You seem to forget things so easily." He added in with a forced smile. "We'll be out of your hair by this afternoon, and trust me you'll never have to deal with us again."

Edd seemed to be processing everything awhile Matt nodded. "We're really gonna miss you Tim, and Ford! Edd really enjoyed your company."

Tom stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking down. "Y-Yeah...we enjoyed our stay."

Red looked at Tom with a more of likely evil glint in his eyes. "Why don't you go wash up, Thomas. And then we can leave."

Matt looked at Edd, Edd looked at Matt, then back at Tom.

"Yeah...I should go do that." Tom turned, making his way back to his room joined by Red.

Edd flipped another pancake, awhile Matt smiled and hugged his boyfriend.

"Something's not right, Matt. I can- I can feel it." He looked at his boyfriend.

"What do you mean? Do you not want them to leave?" Matt asked.

"No- there's just...Tord seems- different."

"Don't people always change?"

"Not that kind of different, Matt, I don't feel safe around him. And I know Tom doesn't either. There's something going on."

"Like what?"

"What if, something happened and we never knew? What if the reason Tom came here was to get away from Tord? We have- we have to find out before they leave. Tom could be in trouble.."

Matt cupped Edd's chin. "Don't worry, whatever's going on with Tum and Turd we'll figure it out, okay?"

"Alright, but let's make it quick."

woohoo shitty update and the climax is soon to come- I have to say one thing

Someone's dying :D

buuuutttt it can be a vote,, ok?

either Edd dies, matt dies, tom dies, or tord does

i already have plans for their each individual deaths,, like different endings for whichever one dies

so vote on which one dies lmao and I'll finish the next chapter early?

ok cya


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