Chapter Twenty-One

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Tom had been running the fastest he could, not knowing his way around that great but he KNEW he could at least get around 20 minutes ahead of Red. He cautiously bit his nail, waving his hand up and yelling "Hey!" As a taxi went by. Tom immediately climbed inside once it stopped.

"H-Hi...I need to go to the airport." He said, looking at the driver as they nodded, driving straight before making a u-turn in the direction of the airport.

Tom relaxed a bit, sitting back in his chair as he closed his eyes, feeling as if his breath had calmed down. He slid his hand into his pocket, now realizing that he didn't have his wallet. He groaned and cursed under his breath. He'd just have to- wait..Tom dug a little deeper feeling a pocket knife stashed in there too.

Tom gulped, he could kill the guy then take all the money that the guy had on him.

Tom gripped the knife, slowly pulling it out as the driver didn't notice because of the darkness that erupted from the backseat.

"Um- sir...I forgot, you can drop me off right...over there." He pointed to a secluded alley. "At the end of the block."

The driver scoffed lightly and turned, now making his way through the alley as the car came to a stop. "That will be $6.9-"

And that's when Tom did it, with all the force he could he slit the drivers throat, a satisfying gurgling noise coming from the other as they choked on their own blood.

Tom covered his mouth, now laughing a little, which turned out to be a full fledge laugh as he threw his head back.

Tom clicked his tongue, smiling at the driver as he reached into their pocket, whistling as he pulled out a wallet.

"Now tell me-" He looked at the I.D. "Johnny, why is your wallet so thick? Seems as if you have been stealing from the company you work for." He hummed, taking the money out of the wallet as he opened the car door.

"Though, I don't think anyone's going to miss you." He flicked out a lighter before setting the car aflame in a matter of seconds. Tom chuckled, shaking his head at the sight as he walked away slowly, the car blowing up behind him.

Tom had turned the corner, freaking out with a girlish squeal. "That was such a rush! Ah!" He bit his lip, counting his cash as he stuffed it into his pocket.

Now, it was time to go to the airport.

Tom had huffed lightly, spending all his money on a one-way ticket to England. He slowly made his way to the waiting area as he sat down.
Tom impatiently tapped his foot, biting his lip.

"You look like you're having a bad time." Someone pointed out, smiling at Tom as they plopped down next to him.

Tom looked to the side to see a ginger-haired male, who was mildly attractive in a sense. "Yeah.."

"I'm Matt." He smiled warmly, throwing his hand out.

"To- Blue." He said, looking over at Matt with a small smile.

"Ah! Nice to meet you Blue! Oh! I almost forgot the introduce my friend, this is Mr. Mirror." He pulled out a mirror that had a small tie and a top-hat on it.

Tom cracked a smile, which made Matt smile as well.

"Where ya heading, Blue?" Matt questioned. "You don't have any luggage."

"Um- well...I'm going back to England, I feel like my time here is done."

"REALLY?! SO AM I!! I'm going to visit my boyfriend! We met online and he's so cute!" Matt blushed. "Well- not as cute as Mr. Mirror of course.."

"That's cool, maybe we could be seated next to each other. You seem nice."

"Oh, Blue, you don't know half of it!"

The announcer had called for their plane to be boarded as Tom and Matt got up, now making their way to board the plane.

Tom gave the male his ticket, now following behind Matt as they rearranged their seats with strangers, sitting next to each other.

Tom laughed lightly, smiling at Matt as he took the chance to look out the window.

'Goodbye Tord'


This was sOOOO COMPLICATED FOR ME TO WRITE BUT I THINK IT CAME OUT GOOD? Ah, who really gives a shit? I reached 2k views and YES BITCH THANK YOU LOVELIES I legit don't deserve this 💜

But anyway, I'll hopefully have another part out by the end of this week, so be on the look-out 4 ya boi 16 inch


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