Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tom had been slouched by the door, his eyes closed as small breaths escaped his lips. He was in fact, asleep.

"Tom?! Tom!" A voice had called, pounding on the door which caused Tom to wake up.

He had looked around, seeing the brightness of the sunshine peek in through the curtains. It was morning, he knew it. Tom grumbled, moving his tired body to unlock the door as he stood up, pulling it open. A raging migraine immediately as soon as he looked at Edd.

"You look terrible-" Edd began. "I-I mean you just look- did you get drunk?"

Tom shuffled, nodding. "Yeah. Sorry."

"Alright, get dressed. We're going fishing today!" He hummed, walking away.

Tom shrugged it off, closing the door as he made his way over to the bathroom. He pushed the bathroom door open, he sighed once he looked in the mirror.

Tom had dark bags under his lifeless eyes, his face looked paler than usual and he seemed more sluggish. He yawned, reaching down to pull his hoodie off as he tossed it onto the floor, cracking his back slightly.

"Hnn.." He groaned, starting to take off his pants and boxers, now walking over to the shower naked and vulnerable. Tom turned it on, now stepping into the shower as he shuddered.

It's been so long since he was, clean.

He reached for a bar of soap and a rag, wiping the bar of soap onto the rag until it turned a shade of white. Tom shuddered once it was placed against his skin. He wiped up and down, rinsing it off in the process. Now trailing the rag lower, he shuddered once he dragged it up his dick.

He blushed slightly, shaking his head no. He wasn't going to stand here and Jack off because he knew once he did Tord would pop up into his brain.

Groaning, he had turned off the water after rinsing off.

Edd had been waiting for Tom downstairs, shuffling the fishing supplies onto his back as he smiled. "Tom! There you are! Took you long enough." He hummed, looking over at Matt who was eating the cookies Edd baked for when they returned.

"Matt!" He hissed, going over to his boyfriend as Tom opened the closet door, pulling out a big harpoon gun.

"Tom-? What is that?!" Edd hissed, holding the plate of cookies he took from Matt in his hand as he put them away. "Is that why the sofa is missing?! Tom! Did you get drunk??"

Tom shrugged. "Dunno." He had carried it. "But I've always wanted to use one!"

Matt shrugged, looking at Edd as they exited the house, Tom hauling the harpoon gun into the back seat.

The ride there had been long and boring, Tom had been the one to drive as he fixed his hat momentarily before parking the car.

"I'll go rent a boat, Matt- baby, can you get everything set up?" He had pecked the other on the cheek before going to rent a boat. Matt, on the other hand had taken out all the fishing poles and bait.

Tom sighed, opening the door as he closed it. He needed something to drink. Groaning lightly, he picked up his harpoon gun once more, joining Matt along side where Edd had rented the boat.

Edd clapped to get there attention, already in the boat. "Over here! Isn't she a beauty!" He hummed as Matt plopped down in it, smiling at Edd.

Tom huffed, dropping his harpoon gun into the boat. "You guys aren't going to get any fish with that thing! Trust me, this harpoon gun is going to catch us something we can eat for days at the most."

Edd playfully rolled his eyes. "Fine, Fine. Whatever you say."

Tom nodded in agreement as Edd started to row the boat with the help of Matt.

Tom had been turning on his harpoon gun as Matt and Edd tried to fish, only getting boots and discarded zombie parts. Tom flicked the switch.

"Watch this." He purred, his harpoon gun shooting out into the sea as he felt a tug. "Got one!" Tom had slightly yelped once the boat was floated apon the whale he had harpooned.

Edd sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Tom had tied the whale onto a rope which was attached to the back of the car. He had joined Edd and Matt in the car soon after, hearing Edd mumble something about the stupid harpoon gun and about a whale.

"Hey! That harpoon gun is a proud member of our family." Tom pouted, beginning to drive home.

"You sold the sofa to buy it!" Edd snapped back.

"I'll harpoon us a new one!"

"I'll harpoon you a new one..."

Tom hadn't heard Edd well since it was mumbled as he parked the car, picking up the harpoon gun as he carried it into the house. Edd had followed behind, joined by Matt.

Tom put the harpoon gun away, carrying the harpoons in hand as he turned the corner, making his way down the hall. "Harpoons- Harpoons..they're better than spoons.." He hummed to himself, gasping as he flipped his harpoon into a weapon. "Who goes there???!" He yelled at the figure who seemed to be picking a lock.

The dark figure had turned as Tom immediately dropped the harpoon, he recognized those red eyes too well.

"Hello, old friend!"

Made a reference from the end :) this took 3 days to make since I'm soooooo lazy but eh. I'm not proud of this chapter but it was sorta rushed,, don't worry it won't be exactly like the end but as you can tell, this book is soon to its end. ♡


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