74 | advice and intervention

Start from the beginning

Any time, my dear.

I removed my hand from the trunk and withdrew my chakra. That was advice I could act on immediately. One of the many benefits of being a medical ninja was that a lot of shinobi were naturally inclined to trust me, especially when I offered to heal an injury of some sort.

Annoyingly, I was on the other side of the village to the Uchiha compound. I decided to stop off at home and change into my ANBU uniform, just so I wouldn't be challenged by any Jonin thinking they were all high and mighty. It happened often enough as it was, and now was really not a good time to have to whip out my ID every five seconds.

With my full ANBU uniform donned, I headed out to the Uchiha compound, deciding to take a swift rooftop route. I had just reached the centre of town when I heard the sounds of a commotion from the street. I stopped where I was on top of a shop I couldn't quite see, and observed the scene.

Two Leaf Police were tying a civilian man's hands together, shouting loudly to the crowd. A woman carrying a baby was begging the two to let the man go.

"What's going on here?" I demanded, dropping down.

"We've arrested this man for attempted theft," one Police reported.

"I wasn't stealing it!" the bound man insisted. "I was just taking it to the owner to pay!"

"Shut up!" The second Uchiha kicked the man in the chest. The woman started to cry.

"Release him," I ordered.

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" The first Uchiha demanded, getting so close I could see the faint glow of a deactivated Sharingan. I refused to flinch, and stared back at him with a calm expression.

"I am an ANBU working directly under the Third Hokage. I believe that my authority outclasses yours. Release this man, now."

"Oh, so that's it," The first sneered. "The Hokage is sending his personal ANBU to make sure we're doing our jobs properly. I knew he was up to no good! You tell him to lay off!"

"Wrong. I was just passing by, and saw a need to intervene. This man is innocent. Next time, don't arrest someone for theft until they're actually trying to steal something." I took a kunai from my holster and severed the rope bindings on the man's wrists. "Are you okay?" I addressed him.

He wrung out his wrists. "That was a pretty nasty kick."

I placed one hand on the man's chest and started to use a healing ninjutsu. The green glow that shrouded my hand spread onto his chest, and I felt his breathing grow deeper and steadier.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I turned back to the two Uchiha. I was met with two pairs of sharingan eyes, and they both looked livid.

"How dare you!" bellowed the second, jabbing a finger in my chest.

"I don't want to fight," I said. "Please be on your way." In all honesty, if these guys were as skilled with their Sharingan as Uchiha legends said, I wasn't completely sure if I would be able to hold them back alone.

"No way!" the first yelled, and before I knew it a flying kick was aimed at my side. I was tempted to use a Body Flicker Jutsu to avoid it, but I was afraid of harming any innocents. I instead opted to block each attack with tree roots that I pulled up from the ground and reinforced with chakra.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive fireball burned through the air headed straight for me. Were these shinobi really going to use dangerous ninjutsu in a civilian area?

I couldn't dodge without risking damage to the streets or to the people, so I quickly charged my foot with chakra, kicked open a fire hydrant and used a Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu to try and counter the fireball. It all evaporated into a cloud of smoke, but the fire vanished. Some civilians started to scatter for cover.

"Stand down!" I ordered, but the Uchiha didn't listen. I blocked a fist aimed at my face, then did a quick back handspring and ran up to the rooftops. The two of them followed me, sprinting up the side of the building with their chakra. They launched a barrage of fierce kicks which I blocked with my arms.

You're fighting like genin, I wanted to say, but I didn't want to enrage them further. If only I had backup...

There was a clang of metal on metal, but I hadn't unsheathed any weapons. I turned around to see Itachi fending off an Uchiha's kunai with one of his own.

"Itachi, I won't make you stand against your Clan," I said. "If you want to stay out of this, do."

"It's okay. We should report this to the Hokage," Itachi said. I realised that he had already bound the other one with wire.

"In that case, I should thank you."

Itachi flashed me one quick smile. "That won't be necessary."

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