Chapter Sixty Seven

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Percy and Nico had gone out for dinner and I really didn't want to eat alone, okay? So when Poseidon offered to take me out for dinner, I couldn't say no. Plus, I missed him. I've missed him since the day he left.

And we didn't do anything extreme. We just kind of started back at square one and went from there. He was a gentleman still. Walked me back to the apartment and the closest we got to anything was when he gave me a kiss on the forehead goodbye.

Over the next two weeks, we didn't go out while Percy and Nico were here. Didn't really tell them anything just because it was one dinner. I just didn't want to be with someone that turned into a complete asshole for once.

But the fourth came around and I had the cabin rented. Gordon cancelled last minute. Not his fault, his flight got cancelled. But that left me alone again. Because now that Paul's out he's legally obligated to have Susan every other holiday and this was his holiday to have her. He wanted her.

And Paul was... He was getting better. Nice again. And of course we talked. Had to because of Susan. He already had plans for the fourth.

"Are you going to the cabin?" Paul asked me after I dropped off Susan at his place. He's dated a little bit, I guess. But just a date here, a date there.

I shrugged. I really wasn't sure because I didn't know who had plans and what not.

"I don't know." I told my ex husband. "I was going to, but now nobody else is and I'm not sure who I could even ask. I'd invite Percy and Nico out but they were already here a few weeks ago and that's a long drive for them."

"Oh, I suppose they're in Minnesota now!" Paul recalled that Percy had gotten accepted there for college. "How are they doing? Are they still together or...?"

"Oh, yeah!" I assured him, nodding my head for a few seconds. "They're together, yeah. They actually... They actually got engaged going on a month ago now. They're starting to look at a date now. But yeah."

Paul nodded his head, saying that that was good for them. They seemed happy together and Nico was a huge help when it came to Percy. But then he got an idea.

"Why don't you invite Poseidon to the cabin with you?" Paul asked me as if it was that simple. "I mean, I'd offer but I made these plans six months ago. But now that he's mortal and whatever doesn't that mean he's living on his own now?"


"You can't tell me you don't have feelings for him, Sally." My ex insisted, as stubborn as he could be about things. "You did before we met. You did when we started going out. You did when we were married. And you still do now that we're divorced. Just invite him out. At least you're not alone then. That'd be sad way to spend the Fourth."

"Yeah, okay." I remarked, rolling my eyes. "But either way, I have to head to my place and start packing. You guys have fun."


The date was a stupid idea, I was too hopeful for my own good. And of course, the others would tease me about it. Which I didn't appreciate.

Because I was actually worried that she thought that that night meant nothing. That I do that all the time. Because I'm not Zeus, I don't do that. If I agree to actually take you out and pay for your food and walk you home, you're special. You mean something to me.

But three weeks and it's been basically nothing from Sally. I haven't even had the nerve to ask if she wanted to spend the Fourth together. That was this coming weekend.

I'm heartsick. Shut up.

But when my phone told me I had a text, I got excited. Because there's only two people that text me. And that's Sally and Percy. But even Percy will stick to calling me most of the time.

And it was from Sally.

Sally 🖤: Hey! Sorry I haven't texted the past few days, it's been really busy. But I was planning on going to the cabin for the Fourth and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along. It's kind of short notice, I know. But I'll be there all weekend if you wanted to come.

Of course, I kind of freaked out and went to Hades for help. He's good with this stuff, to help.

Me: [image] dude, help me! What do I say / do?
Hades: Uhm, who else is going to be there?

So I texted Sally back.

Me: Hey! It's all good, I've been busy, too. I'll make sure I don't have plans, but who else will be there?
Sally 🖤: Oh, right now it's just me. Gordon and his family would've come but their flight got cancelled.

I sent that to Hades and he replied almost instantly. Telling me that this was a really good chance. We'd be alone and this meant that she actually wanted to spend time with me.

Just having Hades telling me that was a oh my gods sort of thing. If Sally ever told me that I'd get flustered I would die.

After like five minutes I got my confidence to text Sally.

Me: I'm back :) I don't have anything going on this weekend so that sounds fun! What time are you planing on going
Sally 🖤: Well I mean I'm leaving in a little bit but you don't have to come until tomorrow if you don't want to. I know it was last minute.
Me: Okay, that's works. I'll see you then.

And I don't settle for shit. It was Friday evening. I didn't have anything to do tonight. So I packed up a bag for the weekend and hopped in my car to Montaunk.

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