Chapter Sixty Five

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I missed Percy and Nico so much. They haven't gotten to meet Alex yet.... Well, now they have. I forgot to tell Alex they'd be here today.


But Nico headed out to go give something to Bianca. Her birthday was recently, apparently. Birthday presents.

I gave Percy a hug, something I haven't gotten as much as I've liked ever since he basically started camp.

"It's been so long," I told my son. "How have you guys been?"

"Good." Percy assured me, knowing he can't lie to me. Duluth is beautiful. Canal Park was amazing."

I looked at him for a minute. Last I checked... What?

"You live in St. Paul."

"We went to Duluth for a day." He explained to me, clearing that up. "Speaking of, I gotta talk to you later. Preferably before Nico gets back."

I've gotten used to Patrick having news for me. So it made sense that my mind jumped to what it did.

"Is Nico pregnant?"

Percy opened his mouth, going to say something and then I said that. And he uh... He took a moment.

"No, Mom." Percy insisted. "I'm not Patrick. Kids are not anything you need to worry about with be right now."

"Good," I told him, messing up his hair. "You guys are 19, I should only have so many grandkids at this point in time."

Percy went to unpack as Alexa retreated to her room. She's there a lot. But she doesn't seem to be depressed or anything so I'm not too worried about her. She's still social. Eats more than enough. Has friends over.

So, of course, Alex was a sap. I was sitting down on a stool at the counter, writing down what we needed for groceries. Some shit I had no idea what it was but when Percy said he'd cook for us a few nights when he was here he said some good shit and he told me what was needed for it.

Between Gordon and I, he's a damn good cook. His children will never starve.

Alex walked up from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. Something he seems to love doing. Which, I won't complain. I was really cautious about it at first just because that was a thing Gabe did before he... Before he wanted stuff.

But Alex doesn't seem to be like that. And Susan trusts him. A kids intuition is always a good one, if I remember right.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked me, peeking over my shoulder.

"Writing down the groceries we need to get later." I told him, writing down fake weed as an inside joke. Percy once came home and told me he sold weed to a kid. And then when I was ready to become a strict mom he laughed and told me it was oregano. He needed $5 and the dude wasn't desperate or anything. "Do you need anything from the store?"

"I don't think so, no." Alex responded, as he pulled up the other stool behind me and stayed how he was, resting his head on my back.

It was silent for a few minutes as I wrote down some others things that was needed from the store. Eventually, Alex broke the silent.

"Hey, Sally."


And no, were not anywhere near the whole idea of getting engaged and married and whatever. But Alexa never knew her mom and so when she met me... She clung on pretty fast. She doesn't call me mom. But I'm... That's what I am to her. I'm Sally, Mom.

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