Chapter Thirty Eight

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I managed to not fall asleep. We were waiting on Hazel and Frank, at the end of the hall. When Nico... I don't think I ever thought he'd ask me.

"How do you feel about kids?" My boyfriend asked me as he rubbed my arm. Which didn't help with how tired I was.

"Kids?" I repeated and he nodded his head, "well I mean, I love kids. Why? Do you want to steal Annabeth and Will's?"

Nico sighed.

"Kind of."

I rolled my eyes and lifted up my head.

"Nico," I put my foot down, sort of. "As much as I would love to have kids with you, there not our kids. And I don't think my parents wouldn't be very happy with us. I haven't even graduated high school and you have another year."

"Yeah, I know." He remarked.

I kissed his temple and gave him a hug.

"One day." I promised him. "One day we'll have a family of our own."


Annabeth still resented me for being gay. Her acting like this was why I never wanted her to know. But too late. She found out.

Nobody told her about Percy. She already hates Nico. She hated him before she knew he was gay.

Which, whatever. I had gotten ahold of an old friend from Connecticut. Him and I were meeting up. We've seen each other a few times already.

We were meeting for a date this time. Tomorrow, to be exact. I was excited. I haven't dated anyone since the guy I was with before running away.

I missed being with someone. Being committed to them and loving someone and just the entirety of a relationship. What it meant. Sometimes it's nice to be single, yeah. But I missed being with someone.

After talking with Beckendorf and Silena, Percy and Nico had to head home (they're still fucking adorable) and there was a few of us in the room with Annabeth. The babies were with doctors right now. Will wasn't one of them. He was here.

My phone went off. A text from Josh, the guy I was going on the date with tomorrow. We went way back to elementary. I had always sort of had weird feelings for him. I just ignored it once I realized we were moving. When I also realized I was gay.

Yeah, it was a bad year in that aspect.

I never came out to anyone there. Only here.

It never ended well. I was with one guy. We never told anyone else aside our families. The only people that cared.

He knew I planned on leaving. He was going to come with. But he could walk out like I could.

His parents cared about him.

My mom's never cared about me. Just my older sister and younger brother. The sister that I haven't seen in years.

She went to college. Doesn't write. Doesn't call. It had been two years without her when I left. A four year difference between us.

And no, my mom didn't have us with three different people. My sister and brother have the same dad. They had been on break or whatever when she met my dad. And here I am.

The accident and doesn't care about.

When she found out I was gay, she wasn't very happy. Wanted her little boy back, the ladies man. The one I acted like because I thought I had to.

Tyler's cool about it. He's bi. It was obvious that he kind of liked Micah. But whenever Percy comes over? Micah won't fucking even try to be subtle about liking Percy. And Percy knows. Apparently Micah tried to ask him out and got rejected.

So they're not together. Mom hadn't noticed anything yet. Thank gods.

That's the one reason I left to find dad. Because I knew he'd be cool with it. He wouldn't care. And he didn't.

He just wasn't a very good dad.

I glanced down at my phone and opened the text, smiling at the stupid puns that Josh makes. He's adorable. I love him to death. As a friend or more, I'm not sure. But I love him to death.

"Who are you talking to?" Annabeth asked me, putting me on the spot.

"Just a friend." I assured her.

"Yeah?" She started to question me, and I didn't want to start this.

"Yeah," I repeated, a little annoyed. "An old friend. They like to make jokes that are funny sometimes. Can I not laugh at a joke?"

Not believing me, Clarisse jumped in to change the subject.

"Does anyone know where Percy or Nico went?" The daughter of Ares intervened as I responded to the text with another pun. "I thought they'd be here for a while."

"They had to go home." Beckendorf told us, and Annabeth looked almost relieved. "For uh... They had plans for today before you went into labor. A family dinner, I think."

You lying piece of shit. It's their six month anniversary.

Then again, I don't think we don't want Annabeth knowing that. She'd freak out the next time she saw Percy. And that wouldn't... I feel like he'd have an anxiety attack.

Well... 'family' dinner could be stretched. Future family. Because I'm honestly hoping that Nico moves with Percy out to Minnesota and that they have an amazing life there and get married and have kids and everything. They're both amazing with kids. From what I hear. Percy has a baby sister so they help with her a lot, apparently.

"For what?" Annabeth questioned. "I mean, either way those two are attached at the hip now and I... I'm glad they get along now. But oh my gods, personal space is a thing."

So if she was going to be a bitch about them just being friends and hanging out?

"They live together, Annabeth." Will pointed out. "They can't have personal space. They're used to invading it so much because they only have three rooms in the apartment. It's a smallish place."

"Still." The daughter of Athena figured with the knowledge that Percy was straight. "I'm assuming Percy had a girlfriend now. You wouldn't think that would cause trouble there?"

"Oh my gods." Grover stopped caring whether or not people didn't know. "They're dating, Annabeth. They have been for six months. They left because they had reservations at Hell's Kitchen for their six month anniversary. Would you stop bitching about them? It's actually really fucking annoying."

You could see the betrayal in her face. And the realization of what she's been staring straight in the face at for the last six months.

"No, you're not..." As we all did when finding out Percy wasn't straight, she went into denial at first. Because she knew but also didn't know. "they what? For six months? And nobody told me?"

"Well yeah," Thalia defended it as a secret from her. "You freaked out on Luke when you found out he was gay. You seemed to not like Nico even more when you found out he was gay. When you act like that, people stop telling you that kind of stuff. Percy's getting better, but you're like his oldest friend, Annabeth. He knows how you'd react and he doesn't want to go through that. Because I'll bet money that he's bullied for it at school. He doesn't want that here. And I don't blame him."

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