Chapter Fifty

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He understood, got up, and went to bed.

That was the first I've seen Paul like that, and I'm hoping it's the last. Because I'm throwing all of the alcohol out. Mom doesn't drink. I don't drink. Nico doesn't. Nobody does but Paul.

Everyone kind of looked at me.

"When did you learn how to do that?" Gabe asked me. "You should've used that on me. I would've never touched alcohol after that. Oh my god."

"Not long after you left." I told my mom's ex husband. "I sprained my wrist and this guy just set it back into place. It took a couple days to completely heal and feel normal again. He taught me how to do it. Just in case shit like this happened."

"Just in case?" Patrick questioned, looking both worried and scared.

I nodded my head.

"Wait," Gabe brought up. "What's camp?"

"Camp?" I repeated and Gabe nodded. Paige and Patrick seemed a little confused, too. "It's a place that a group of people like to throw their kids at for the summer instead of taking them. It's a summer camp full of kids that don't want to be there but have to be by law."

Seeming honest enough, that was the end of that conversation and Gabe headed out. Didn't have much of a reason to be here anymore. We figured out sleeping arrangements and and played a brutal game of BS until 2 in the morning, when we all passed out.

Of course, I slept for 3 hours, woke up from a nightmare, and couldn't go back to bed. But Paige was in the same boat as me. She was already awake and flipping through a photo album when I got up. Paul was up, too.

He was day drinking. Or, morning drinking.

There was already 3 empty bottles on the dining table. He wasn't saying anything to Paige, so I thought he hadn't hit drunk yet.

Didn't realize that he had a glass and a quarter of it was vodka. The other three quarters were tequila, rum, and a little bit of diet coke.

Looking at Paul, I decided it was time to get rid of the alcohol.

So I opened the fridge, grabbed the three beers that were still left, and opened them up and started to pour them out.

It was when I opened the liquor cabinet that Paul noticed me.

"Percy," he slurred. "The fuck are you doing?"

Ignoring his question, I poured the Jack Daniels down the sink, along with a few things I'd vodka.

"Perseus Jackson, I swear to—"

"What are you going to do?" I asked him. "Huh? Do you remember last night, Paul? Do you remember that you tried to hurt my mother? I'm getting rid of the alcohol. You don't need it anyways."

That pissed his off. And so he chucked a glass bottle at my head.

Luckily, I was quick and ducked. But it woke up everyone in the apartment. And our neighbors.

Our neighbors are sweethearts. They're amazing people. I've watched their kid a few times. He's 13 now, I watched him a few years ago. He was a cool kid. I taught him how to skate. It was great.

They came over and came in without knocking as Mom, Nico, and Patrick came out from their rooms.

"What happened?" Mom demanded as I started to see Paul for what he really thought of me. As the kid he didn't want to ever deal with.

"Paul uh..." Paige explained. "Threw a bottle at Percy's head. Percy ducked. It hit the wall and shattered."

And Paige saying something, ratting him out to his wife and everyone else here?

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