Chapter Twenty One

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That night, I was really in my head. Just thinking about the situation with Percy and how he never told anyone. Aside his best friend and Nico. And Nico found out because he was staying with Percy for five days. Jason overheard the bi thing. Annabeth accidentally found out about the sexual abuse.

He's a demigod. One of the best ones there is at that. As of fighting skills and personality.

Yet he's lived his entire life in fear.

No wonder he denies everything. He knows that if he's a straight, white, strong male no matter where he goes, that'll cause him less harm. Rather than if he owned up to being bi, having mental problems, being abused and raped as a kid, being bad at school. He knows the ins and outs of escaping that harm and he never even tried wanting to risk it at camp.

So he kept his mouth shut. Grover probably found out through their mental link. Nico by staying at his house.

Gods know if his parents even know the full extent of it.

Annabeth came over and sat down next to me. She knows this isn't normal for me.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked, handing me a water bottle.

"Yeah," I assured her, giving her a smile. "I'm just thinking. Nico told us some... Surprising things today. I think that's the word for it."

"Oh!" She replied, lighting up. "Did you guys find him?"

I shook my head.

"No, but he called Hazel." I clarified for her. "He said he's in the city. He forget to tell Hazel before he left that he was leaving. But we asked about Percy. Why he left."

She looked at me.

"Oh." Annabeth repeated, more calm and cautious this time. "Did he know anything?"

"He knew everything and more." I told my girlfriend. "Did uh... When you and Percy were together... Did Percy ever being up any sort of problems he had?"

Annabeth thought back to the start of summer and further. But in the en she shook her head.

"No, and he always seemed fine." The daughter of Athena told me. "I mean, days here and there. But that's normal. It wasn't that often. Why?"

I took a breath. I mean, Nico must've had to had Percy's permission if he told us. Nico would never out somebody like that. I'm assuming that's what the talking was for a while there.

So I deemed it safe to tell Annabeth. She's the only one that doesn't know at this point.

"Because apparently he has really bad problems." I explained. "He has really bad anxiety and you were right about the rape. But it wasn't a one time deal. Apparently it happened a lot as a kid. And I guess he has really bad depression too and when that's gets mixed with camp and then with something going on with his dad and him and kids aren't exactly being nice to him, I mean... He locked himself into his cabin for a couple weeks. Not locked. But he refused to leave. And I guess according to Chiron and Grover and Nico, it... Percy tried to kill himself after his first week here and he didn't even leave his cabin. So after a week of not improving they called in Poseidon and he said that if he's actually that bad and miserable and what not to just send Percy home. It wasn't worth it if he died by suicide because of something as stupid as that mixed with everything else."


Nico, after about two weeks, was declared to live with us. After three, I managed to find a therapist I liked. She was nice and also proudly gay, so knowing that helped me. She had a photo of her and her girlfriend and they seemed really happy.

I was happy for them.

I'm not joking, I spent like half of our first session rambling about why I probably wouldn't cut as much if given the opportunity anymore because of Nico being there now.

Because if he's there, it's not just my parents when they go to bed I'm safe. It's Nico being there and he's right next to me. He's easy to wake up if he sensed something wrong, like me leaving the bed too early. And if I did, I'd feel ten times worse about it now because it'd let him because I know that he knows that I know that I am better that and I can move past it. I'd feel worse about myself because he'd feel terrible because he wouldn't have woken up and yeah.

It's a long and complicated reason that comes down to just him being there and the guilt that comes from the idea of self harm and suicide around him.

But I mean, she told me that at least it seemed like I was in a relationship that was helping and not hurting. So that was a nice reassurement.

We had finally gotten around to going on that date we never got after my first session. We went out for dinner and it was originally for our one month anniversary. But now it was for our two month. And a day.

But either way, two months.

And the date started off really nice. We had a pretty cool waiter, we were at Olive Garden and there was good music playing in the back.

Of course, this was ruined when the gods decided to have their mid-summer meeting here like two tables away from us at a huge table.

Zeus came over and tried to make a big deal out of me being here. And I was having none of his shit anymore.

My dad and Hades tried to stop him from coming over and talking to us. So did Aphrodite, but it didn't matter. He came over anyways.

Leaned down on my table. Looked right at me.

"You should be at Camp Half-Blood."

I looked back at him.

"And you should be in a meeting." I informed him. "If you couldn't see, we were in the middle of a conversation. So why don't you get a little bit of respect for other people, go back to your meeting, and ask your brother about it. I am no longer taking your shit."

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