Chapter Forty Two

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The next morning, I had been the first one to get up. Or, I thought I was. Aside Paul, but he was already gone.

Nope, Percy was awake. Making breakfast for everyone. And he just look fucking exhausted.

So of course, I forced him to at least try to sleep and said I'd continue breakfast. And he didn't argue with me, he did go to bed. With how late everyone was up last night and with all the excitement he's had lately, he needed sleep.

I hadn't even started making the whipped cream when somebody knocked on the door. It was like two minutes after Percy went to his room.

Figuring it was a neighbor or something, I went to answer the door. Percy had come out to grab something or another he had forgotten out here and when I answered the door...

"This isn't going to work," Dionysus insisted, talking to Zeus. "Do you not remember what happened last time we did this?"

Percy saw the gods and walked up behind me. It was.more than just those two. Poseidon, Hades, and Chiron were also here.

And suddenly Percy channelled his inner me.

"Don't even bother opening your mouth," Sally's son told Zeus as he was about to ask Percy something. "You know the answer is no. And unless you want to be charged with thousands of dollars in hospital bills—"

"Perseus Jackson—" I will give Poseidon credit for trying. But he was trying too late, apparently. With a bad story behind him and Percy.

"Oh, shut up." He wasn't afraid to mouth off to his father, which seemed bad. "I don't even want to hear anything out of your mouth anymore. I was in the hospital two weeks ago. I don't want to go back. And I don't think you really want more debt."

Well that's kind of harsh. My gods, it's his dad. But he's treating him like some sort of deadbeat. Which, as far as I'm concerned, the gods aren't. Dionysus always visited until he got in trouble with Zeus. But he writes. He calls. Venus used to. But they didn't get along anyways.

Point is, he's an amazing dad. I wouldn't think Poseidon would be much different. I'd think he'd almost be better because alcohol isn't involved. Sally doesn't drink.  Ever.

Hell, Dionysus sends all of my kid's birthday and Christmas presents. I kind of wish I would've stayed with him at times.

In the end, everyone aside Hades and Dionysus left. Chiron left just because he had a camp to run. Percy and him we're on good terms. But Zeus and Poseidon...

I let them in as Percy went back to bed and I asked why he was so mad with the others.

Dionysus rolled his eyes as Hades helped himself to an apple.

"They deserve it." Dionysus told me, sounding annoyed by them. "They're both the worst deadbeats. They act like they care about their kids until something happens, then they don't do anything. I mean, Zeus was a little better with his kids. He sensed them in their dreams and got Thalia to run away because of her mom and everything. But Poseidon is just the worst. He has two kids. Percy and Tyson. He let Percy go through abuse and rape and every fucking thing without turning his cheek. I lost my respect for the guy as a father."

Abuse and rape? I'm sorry, but what the fuck? How do you let your kid go through that and not do anything? I knew about Sally being abused and what not by Gabe. He did to her all the time. But I didn't know about Percy.

That fucker must've scared him into secrecy.

No wonder Percy has depression. He'd never been treated as an actual fucking person (outside of his mother and the occasional visits from family). And now that he is, he doesn't know how to handle it. And if he's like Sally at all, he might not believe it for a while. It took Sally a few years to fully trust everyone again after our uncle died of cancer. Everyone stabbed her in the back for not finishing school. Said she'd never be worth anything.

And look at her now. Married with two kids, and a book that's coming out within the next year. Which was always her dream. To write books.

"That's uh..." I remarked. "Pretty fucking stupid."

Sally and Anne woke up around the same time, five or ten minutes later. Sally got up because Susan did and Anne always has gotten up early.

Carrying Susan, Sally had come out after Anne and she saw the gods. And she knew them, weirdly enough. I didn't know Hades. Just Dionysus.

She groaned.

"You guys do realize that it's nice to have him home sometimes, right?" Sally pointed out to nobody in particular.

"Sally," Dionysus told my cousin. "If you could convince Zeus or Poseidon to leave Percy alone, we'd love you. They think he's going to rebel and it's... They're trying to lock him into Camp Half-Blood, but they have yet to talk me into it. Chiron is on board with Percy being there all the time. But I keep telling them that if he wanted to be around us, he would've taken Zeus's offer to become immortal and be a god under his father."

I'm sorry, he turned down what? That sounds fucking insane, but okay then.


I got up not long after Percy and Nico did. And uh... Holly's dad was there. Her other dad (it's a weird story), so she's talking with her dad, Percy and Nico were talking with who I'm assuming was Nico's dad or Percy's dad, and uh... Others showed up.

My siblings had all already been awake. Everyone was awake. The place is packed, and these people showed up. Tried dragging all of us away. Well, not our parents. But us. Even Cosette, and she's four.

They left Susan alone, too.

But there was one person on each of us. And then two of Nico, and three on Percy. And suddenly we were in the middle of a strawberry fields and Percy and Nico were beating the shit out of these people. And then I uh... Looked and realized they weren't people.

I'm not sure what they were, but they weren't human. They turned into dust after Percy and Nico would... Cut off their heads.

"You just..." Megan started, as terrified as the rest of us were.

They dragged us into this Camp place that... I saw a dude with only one eye in the middle of where two eyes normally go holding hands with a dude who was half... Goat?

What the fuck?

"Uh, Percy..." I remarked as we continued to walk somewhere. They seemed to know what they were doing, I don't know. "Where... Where are we?"

"Camp Half-Blood." Our cousin told us. "The Greek counterpart for demigods. The Roman counterpart is in California. The Egyptians all go to Brooklyn. The Norse go to... Hotel Valhalla I believe. Asgard."


The fuck is this? Roleplay?

"Asgard is a fictional place, Percy." Megan pointed out. "Demigods aren't real."

"That's funny," he told us. "Coming out a demigods mouth."

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