Chapter Three

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Percy was freaking out over text about two minutes after I found all of that out.

I looked down at my messages and saw his contact him.

"Speak of the devil," I remarked. "And he will appear."

"Percy?" Thalia asked me. "Seriously?"

"Yes, and he's freaking out."


"Were gonna find out together."

I opened up the messenger app. I just got this phone. I'm still figuring it out. Its monster safe. That's why I got it. Leo figured out how to make that.

And sadly, I started to laugh my ass off at these texts.

Percy: Grover
Percy: dude
Percy: H E L P M E
Percy: I don't know what to do
Percy: because I might have a date tomorrow
Percy: but it might not be a date ???
Percy: I don't !?!?
Percy: and I'm too chicken shit to ask because I tried and I just got more confused
Percy: like we established that I'm not straight and it messed everything up
Percy: because he said he'd pay
Percy: and then he said it wasn't a date
Percy: but like
Percy: isn't that what a date is?
Percy: you go out with someone
Percy: one of you pays
Percy: ???
Percy: this is what all of the people from school are saying???
Percy: that it's a date???
Percy: dude??
Percy: help?
Percy: Grover Underwood I swear to gods if you're laughing at this I will hurt you the next time I see you
Percy: this is serious
Percy: I don't know what to do
Percy: and I really don't want to to Piper about this. She'll tell everyone. I'd rather go beyond the grave to Silena
Percy: I'd call Nico but it'd be weird
Percy: help
Percy: I've never been on an official date before
Percy: but it's not a date
Percy: Grover
Percy: help

Right around when he started sending all the question marks is when I started to laugh my ass off.

Finishing my dinner, I called him. Walking away from everyone else.

He answered after the second ring, which was normal for him.

"Hey, dude." He said, sounding really confused and worried. "I'm freaking the fuck out."

"Yeah, I noticed." I told him. "Also, why don't you just call Nico and ask for Silena? It's not weird."

"Grover." Percy stated.


"Nico was the one who might have asked me out but might have not." My best friend tried to explain. "I feel like he'd know my problems here. And it's not a problem, I mean I almost never get like this. I don't freak out like this or anything with just about anything so I mean considering that it'd make things—"

"Percy." I paused him. "Before you pass out, breathe. This is Nico were talking about. He's a gay guy who thinks you're straight."

"Yeah, I kind of messed that up, too."

"What did you do?" I asked, starting to make my way to the strawberry fields.

"He made it sound like a date," Percy explained to me. "So I asked if it was a date. It seemed like yes or no question. But he responded with that I was straight, and so no. And then I told him that I'm not straight and I just messed it all up, Grover. We finally started to get along and started talking again and I made it weird and awkward. Like I always do. This is why I have no friends. Outside of you."

Yeah, Percy's more negative than you'd think. This was a normal thing to come out of his mouth. That I'm his only friend. He gives himself crap and puts himself down all the time.

It's annoying. But also hopeless to change. So I just deal with it.

"Well if you start talking that way, it's just going to get weirder." I told him. "Nico is just as confused as you are. Piper said that he said that he wasn't sure what to do, he wasn't sure if it was a date or whatever was going on. He didn't say any names, though. So you're safe. Is it just lunch?"

"No." My best friend told me. "I invited him to stay here for a few days before even bringing up lunch. I know he hates it there and my mom and Paul seem to enjoy him being here. I suggested we meet somewhere beforehand just in case and he suggested pizza and he said he'd pay and I... I don't know what to do, man."

He sighed, and I'm thinking he sat down. That's what it sounded like, at least. I've never seen Percy this worked up about a miscommunication before. Especially such a small detail. If it turns into a date, it turns into a date.

And then something clicked in my head. Which made sense considering all his freaking out.

He's freaking out because he likes Nico. And if it's a date he doesn't want to seem like he doesn't care but if it isn't he doesn't want to seem too needy or over the top.

Because it's not like him and Annabeth ever went on an actual date. They went on a picnic once. It for interuppted. But they went on it because the stove stopped working, apparently.

That's it.

That's all he's been on in terms of dates. Well, not including school dances and what not. He's been to those. But that's a little different.

This was a new level for him.

"I, uh..." I tried to think about what I'd do in this situation. Because we don't know if Nico still likes Percy or not. "Let me be a nosy bitch for few hours, alright? I'll get back to you before or after campfire. That or just text him."

"Just be nosy." He begged. "Please."

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