"Throw it up to the roof!" I whisper to her.

"What?! Are you--" I cut her off.

"Just trust me!" I growl angrily.

She sighs and throws the bedding up to the roof and climbs up. Good, I don't want her to get hurt if they get past. I open the door and I get slammed to the ground by one of them; a Nightmare mark! I glare and punch him in the face rolling him off of me. Another Nightmare comes in swinging a machete sloppily my way, I back up to the balcony.

"Prepare to die, Agent Winter!" He cackles.

I shoot his hand and he cries in pain, finally I flip his legs over the balcony and he gets caught by SWAT below.

"You're division is slow, Cobra! Hurry them the fuck up next time?!" I hiss.

"My apologises, Agent Winter. Are you and the target alright?" He asks.

I nod and she jumps down from the roof. She shakily hands me the gun before going into her ensuite bathroom; she's clearly having flashbacks. I know the feeling of that too well, wouldn't I? Fucked up life...some of which I can't seem to recall no matter how hard I try.

The Nightmare I knocked out is making his way to the bathroom but I quickly slam him into the door busting it. I tackle the Nightmare and cable tie his wrists together. He is smirking as he stared at Elsa, something about his smirk screams evil.

"Stop trying to prolong this all! You know that he wants you! We'll keep coming and coming, Pitch always gets what he wants!" He hisses.

My breath hitched and I freeze up.

"Amelia, I always get what I want!"

"You're not taking him away from me!"

"You fucking bitch, you do as I say!"

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I shake out of my thought and hit the Nightmare hard in the back of his head knocking him out cold. I shake my head and Agent Cobra comes running in.

"What just happened?" He asks hurriedly.

"A black eye will happen if you don't get this fucking Nightmare out of my sight!" I hiss, angrily.

Cobra doesn't question further and takes the Nightmare that I had just knocked unconscious. My body is shaking in anger and my vision is clouding then turned red. SMASH!

"What the fudge?!"

Her scream startles me a little, I snap out of it and shake my head. The mirror above the sink is shattered and the pieces of shattered mirror are all over the sink and floor. I suck the air in through my teeth and look down; my fist is bleeding and cut to pieces.

"W-What's wrong with you?" She asks in shock.

I did that? Must be another anger outburst; my anger is uncontrollable a lot of the time. I walk out the bathroom and walk into my bedroom.

"Looks like me and the girl will be moving out again, where to though?" I sigh.

The phone begins to ring. Who could that be? It's Manny! Thank Christ, I need to know where me and the girl will be headed next.

"Jack, are you alright?! Elsa Queen had called and--" I cut Manny off.

"Yeah. Yeah. All fine. Where is the next safe house location? We'll need to get out of here as soon as possible since we don't know how many more Nightmares know of our safe house here." I question.

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