Chapter 15

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(Your point of view)

All around me was nothing but darkness. No light, no hope, no dreams, no future. He took it all away. I wasn't ready to face him. But then again maybe I never would have be ready.

He took away everything, now all I have is darkness. He says I can come back if I embrace the other spirit of my ring, The evil side. But I can't be like him. So now I guess I'll be here forever. I can't believe all that's happened but I guess I should start from the beginning...

(24 hours before disaster strikes)

Yesterday me and Yugi had dueled and ended with a draw. Much to my disliking, but it is better than losing. Right?

Anyway I was walking with Seto talking about my duel.

Seto commented "I was impressed that you tied against Yugi."

I replied "Thanks... I think?"

He laughed and said "It's most certainly a complement."

I replied "Well thank you then."

A guy ran up to us and yelled "Hey your that girl that tied against the King!"

I replied "Yeah, I'm (y/n) nice to meet you."
He had brown hair and green eyes. With black framed goofy glasses.

He said "I'm Tony nice to meet you."
I thought 'That's weird that was my dad's friend's name.'

He added "I would love for you to duel me sometime!

I answered "Of course but I can't now, sorry."

He replied sadly "Your now the Queen of cards, your busy I understand. I live on the island as a computer tech. Just ask Pegasus to see me if you want to duel me."

I replied "Oh ok cool. Bye Tony!"

He replied "Bye!" Before walking off.

After that me and Seto parted ways and I went to my room. Olive had been hanging out with Mokuba non stop. So I've been kind of lonely without my little sis. I know it sounds pathetic but it's how I feel.

I went to Pegasus a couple of hours ago and he set my brother free and first chance my bro got he basically sped away on a boat. He never was one to stick around after someone holds you hostage.

Though I guess I wouldn't be either. Either way I was exhausted so maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt right?

Well little did I know someone was watching me, and that someone was going to end up causing me a lot more trouble than I really wanted. Not to mention me blurting out something that shouldn't have been said...

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