Chapter 21

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*Next day*

"Earth to Alice" Tony said waving his hand in front of my face. "sorry". "What were you thinking about?" He asked. "I haven't seen Vic all day. He was here this morning" I said. "Have you tried texting him?". I nodded. "Called him?". I shook my head no. "I'll try right now" I said and pulled out my phone. It rang over and over again. It went straight to voice mail. I sighed and hung up. "No answer". "Try later" tony said as  we walked to class. Vic, where are you?...

*after school*

"There's Vic!" Jaime said. I quickly turned around and my heart dropped. He was walking with a girl... Laughing and smiling. "That's Veronica" tony muttered. What the hell is Vic doing with her? "Vic!" Mike yelled. Vic started to walk over to us with Veronica. Veronica glared at me and tony noticed. Jamie, Mike, and Tony tensed up when they reached us. "Hey guys" Veronica said in a high pitched voice. "Alice, this is Veronica. Veronica this is Alice, my best friend" Vic said and smiled. Veronica glared at me. Ignoring her I looked at Vic. "how come you haven't answered my calls?". "Veronica took my phone". I sighed and Veronica spoke up "lets go Vic". She pulled him away from us but I grabbed Vic's wrist. Vic turned around as I started to talk "I wanted to talk to you about something". "Can't we talk later?" Vic looked at Veronica as he said this. "But I-" "Vic! Lets go!" Veronica cut me off and pulled him away. They walked away and I felt tears coming. She stole Vic from me... The guys noticed and I ran off before they could say anything. "Alice!" They chased after me. Tony caught up to me and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I yelled. We went into My house as he threw me on the couch. "Veronica is playing her stupid game again" Mike started to say. "We need to talk to Vic" Jaime added. "We need to soon. Before he gets back with her" Tony said. "Obviously he likes her more than me because he didn't even want to listen when I told him I wanted to talk to him." I cut in. "Alice.. Vic Loves you" Mike tried to reassure me. "No he doesn't! If he did then why was he laughing and smiling with Veronica! I've never seen him smile like that!" I started to cry again. He's gone.. Stupid Veronica! Stupid Jason! I could have been with him a long time ago. God I'm so stupid. I ran my hands threw my hair. "Alice calm down" Tony said rubbing my back and pulling me closer to him. "No!" I pushed him away from me. "This is all my fault!!" I yelled and ran upstairs. I locked myself in the bathroom and looked for my blade. "I can't find it! Where is it!" I yelled. I was becoming desperate. I need relief now.

Tony's POV

"Tony leave her alone" Jaime said. "No! She's going to hurt herself!" I yelled and Mike was confused "what do you mean?". "Isn't obvious!? Long sleeves, sweaters, bracelets!?! Haven't you guys noticed!? She cuts! And she's going to do it again if we don't stop her!" I yelled. The guys looked shocked. We ran upstairs and banged on the bathroom door. "Go away!" Alice yelled. "Tony break the door, it's the only way" Mike said. I kicked down the door and Alice dropped the blade. Only one cut.. Thank god I thought. She burst into tears and I just held her. "I'm sorry Tony... I'm sorry I broke our promise.." She cried. "It's okay Alice... I forgive you" I said. Jaime and Mike joined in the hug and we just held Alice. "Promise you guys won't tell anyone... Nobody know but you guys". "We promise" Jaime and Mike said. I picked Alice up and laid her down on her bed. She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep. "Come on guys" I whispered and went downstairs. "Tony.. How come you never told us" Jaime said softly. "I promised I wouldn't.. I tried to convince her to tell you guys but she didn't want too". "We're always going to be here for her.. She's like a sister to me" Mike said. "Same here". "We need to talk to Vic about Veronica. Before he becomes an asshole again" Jaime said clenching his fists. I hate to admit it but we all know its true. He will become one again. "I'll talk to him first" I finally said. "I'm calling Vic now" Jamie said and pulled out his phone. He dialed but Vic didn't answer. Jaime sighed and said "Tony, does Lydia know?". I shook my head no "you can't tell her. We promised remember. Plus Lydia is leaving tomorrow to spend a week with her grandparents. We don't want her to worry about it". "You're right". "go home guys... I'm gonna stay with Alice" . "Calls us when she wakes up, just to make sure everything's ok" Mike said. I nodded and walked them out. I checked the time, it's only 4:30. The house phone rang I got up and answered it. "Tony? Where's Alice? Is she ok?" Alice's mom said worried. "She's fine. She broke down, I got her to calm down and she feel asleep." I said. "Thank you Tony. When she wakes up make sure she takes her medication". "I'll make sure she does". "Tony, can I ask you a favor?" "What is it?" "When she wakes up, take her to see Max..." "I'll take her". "Thanks again. I'll see you soon" she said and hung up. I went upstairs to check on Alice. She was still sleeping, I looked at her wrist. The cut wasn't deep, that's good, I thought. "Tony.. What time is it?" Alice asked as she opened her eyes. "Its almost 5.." "Here" I said handing her a glass of water and 2 pills. She took it and said "has my mom called?". "Yeah, she told me to take you to go see Max" I smiled a bit. She smiled back and got out of bed. We drove to the hospital and went up to Max's room. "Alice! Tony!" Max said and smiled really big. "Hey buddy" I said and he smiled. "Alice the nurse brought me this book, will you read it to me" Max asked Alice. She smiled and sat on the bed. She started reading. Alice really loves her brother, the only time she really smiles is when she's with him.. Or Vic. I sighed, Vic isn't thinking. He knows he loves Alice but Veronica is just so slutty. All she wants is sex, At least Vic is smart enough not to do it with her. If he did, I would never forgive him. I texted Mike and Jaime telling them that Alice is awake and that we went to visit Max. 'Glad to know she's ok. See you later tonight for band practice' mike texted back. 'I hope she's doing good. Don't be late to practice!' Jamie texted back. I texted them back and looked up when Max started to talk. "Hey Alice, where's Vic?" Max asked. Alice's smile disappeared. "He's busy today" I answered for her. "Oh..." Max said. Alice continued reading and I texted Vic. 'We need to talk. Don't be late to band practice' I sent it and put my phone away. Alice finished the book and I said "Max I got you something". His eyes lit up "what is it!?". "Remember that action figure you wanted so bad last time?". "Yeah!" Max answered. "Well... I got you it!" I said and pulled it out of my pocket. "Thank you so much Tony!!" Max said as I gave it to him. "Tony you shouldn't have-" Alice started to say. "but I wanted too. Max makes you happy and as long as you're happy then so am I" I cut her off. Alice smiled and we spent the rest of the day with Max. I've never loved anyone as much as I love Alice.. Not in the way you're thinking. I mean as a sister.. Someone I can protect and keep safe. What I do for her may not be enough but, at least it's something. I guess it's safe to say that I know her better than anyone. I can see through her fake smiles.. Her lies.. She may be acting like she's okay on the outside but I know what she's really feeling on the inside. To be honest I use to have a bit of a crush on her. I soon came to realize it wasn't a crush.. It was a sign that I needed to be close to her. That I needed to protect her. I use to think I was falling back into my depression. But then Alice came along and she pulled me out without knowing it. She saved me.. And now it's my turn to save her. Or at least try too.

Well... That was something..

Umm.. I don't know where I was going with the whole last part of this chapter. .-.



No cliffhanger!

Look at that!

You happy Meghan? xD

You better be!

Lol. Okay. So.

Coming up in the next chapter..

"I thought he loved me.. I thought he wanted me. But I was wrong. He hates me and wishes I was dead. Can my life get any worse?! Oh wait! It just did! Running away wasn't something I'd think about doing.. But now I am. I'm running away. Now it's just me against this filthy world"


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