Chapter 17

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Your POV

"I fucking hate the rain.." Lydia muttered as we walked. All I could think about was last night. My mom hasn't yelled at me like that since Max started getting sick. I fucked up. I always fuck up. Reaching my house I went in to grab my keys. This morning I gave my mom the letter my dad had left. She asked me what it was and all I said was to open it. I left the house after that. As we got into my car my phone rang. Answering it my dad said "my plane is landing in 15 minutes". "I'll be there by then" I said. "Ok. See you soon" after that I hung up. Needing someone to support me, I called Lydia and she agreed to come with me. Once we arrived at the airport I saw my dad. He hasn't changed a bit. "H-hey dad" I stuttered. He pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you Alice.." He said. I didn't hug back. Part of me just can't forgive him. No matter how hard I try to forget the past I just can't. I will never forget. Pulling away I said "lets go see Max". He nodded as we got into the car again. Staying silent the whole ride while Lydia and my dad talk I still couldn't help but replay in my head what my mom had said. Damn it Alice stop it. Forget about it. I sighed. If only I could.


We've been at the hospital for quite a while now. When Max saw our dad he had the biggest smile ever. I saw his eyes shine again. "I'm gonna take Lydia home" I said standing up. "I'm staying at the hospital with your brother tonight so don't worry about coming back" my dad said. I nodded. Kissing Max's cheek I whispered "you know what to do if you need me..". He nodded. Leaving the hospital I got a text from Jason. I ignored it and drove Lydia home. "Hey if you need anything don't hesitate to call me" she said before getting off. Smiling a bit I waved. Before driving home I checked Jason's text. 'Im coming over at 8. You better be there'. Putting my phone away I drove home. I'm so screwed. Before I unlocked the door Tony came up to me. "tell me the real reason why you're with Jason. I won't tell Vic a promise. I just want to help you out..." He said. I can't tell Tony... Jason could find out and hurt him. "I can't tell you...". "Why not?" He asked. Trying so hard not to cry I answered "I just can't. now go, Jason's gonna be here soon and if he sees you here he'll.... Just go Tony, please" I'm scared to be here alone with Jason but if Tony stays, Jason will hurt him. I can't let Jason hurt my friends. "Fine, I'll leave. But just promise me one thing" tony said. "What..". "If you're gonna be with Jason, don't lead Vic on. His hearts been broken enough..." Tony stormed off. Opening the door and walking in I burst into tears as soon as the door closed. Why does this happen to me. Will someone kill me!? I don't want to feel this pain anymore. I wiped my tears away and was about to head up stairs to cut again when someone knocked on the door. He's here... Opening the door and Jason came in. Closing it I took a deep breath. "Come here" Jason said. I slowly walked towards him. Next thing I knew he slapped me and I fell to the ground. "next time you want to hang out with your friends you ask me first!! Got it?!?" I nodded as I held my cheek. He kicked me hard on my side. "And that's for giving me an attitude" and with that he left. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I went up to my room and into the bathroom. My cheek was turning purple, I put on cover up just incase my mom came home early. I deserve this... I opened the drawer and grabbed my blade. I was about to cut when I heard that familiar song I love so much. I put the blade down. walking into my room I opened the balcony door listened to the music play. I laid down in my bed and slowly drifted of to sleep.


"Alice get up" slowly opening my eyes I saw my mom standing in the door way. "I'm driving you to school so hurry up". "I'm capable of getting to school myself" I said sitting up. "After what you did I don't think so. Now hurry up". I sighed and got out of bed as she left closing the door behind her. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I don't want to go to school.. maybe I can escape once my mom drops me off. I've done it before so this should be easy. Getting out of the shower I changed into some ripped skinny jeans and and a black v-neck T-shirt. I did my make up and brushed my teeth. Not going to straighten my hair right now I don't have time anyways. As I put in some hair product I had so my hair would look wavy but not curly I noticed you could still see my bruise. Quickly putting on some cover up I grabbed my beanie and put it on. Finally I slipped on my high tops. It was starting to rain outside, I grabbed a jacket and went downstairs. "It's about time" my mom mumbled as we got into the car. Looking out my window as she drove we passed by Lydia and the guys. They didn't see me. I sighed and sunk down in my seat. "You have a half day today I won't be able to pick you up. I want a phone call from you as soon as you're home". We reached school and I opened the door. "So does this mean I'm technically grounded?" I asked getting off. "Yes" she said. I closed the door and she drove off. I looked up. Welcome to the school of peasants, I thought. Laughing a bit the bell rang. Instead of walking in I started to walk in the opposite direction. I decided to listen to music since I haven't done much of that lately. Probably cause I've been hanging around my friends a lot more. Well now that I HAVE friends since I only really had Lydia. "Shit" I said under my breath as I quickly ducked down behind a tree. Their voices got louder. "Maybe if you wouldn't have taken so long we wouldn't be late!" Mike protested. "It's not my fault! This hair isn't going to flat iron itself!" Jaime yelled. Omg Jaime.. You are the weirdest person I've met. "Just shut guys, judging by the fact that Alice isn't walking with us right now must mean something happened between her and her mom" Lydia said. "What do you think could have happened?" Vic asked. I saw her shrug. I sighed and stood up. "You dorks talking behind my back?" I smirked. "(Yn)!" They pulled me into a group hug except for Tony. Damn. He's being harsh. Well what he said to me was true... He was right though. Pulling away I dropped my smile. "I'll see you guys tomorrow.. I'm going home" before the could say anything I quickly walked away. "Hey-" I Winced in pain. Vic let go of my wrist. "Sorry I-". "It's fine don't worry about" I said. "What's wrong?.." He asked. "Nothing I'm just tired that's all. Text me if you need anything" as I walked away I looked back. "They stood there watching me. Facing forward I turned a corner. better get home and clean my wrist up before it gets infected. "Alice!" I turned around to see Tony running towards me. "I'm sorry if I sounded kinda harsh last night." He said. "It's ok". "You sure?" He asked. "Yeah..". Tony looked at me for a few seconds and then gave me a hug. "I'm sorry Alice.." He whispered. I hugged him back and said "it's ok, I know you didn't mean too". Tony pulled away and I smiled at him. "I have to go, I'll see you later" He said, I waved goodbye as he started to walk away. Tony apologized... I got to be honest, I love Tony, he's like a brother to me. I'm glad he apologized, I thought he hated me after what he said. He's was right though... I am kind of leading on Vic. I gotta keep a distance, I don't want to hurt Vic. It's going to be hard but I have too. If I really like Vic then I'll have to keep a distance. No matter what.

Author's Note:


Boring chapter? Yupp..

God damn it Tony. When are you going to confront Alice about what you saw!?!

And what the hell is up with Jason? Hitting her? Seriously.


Her moms a bitch too... But aye.. Not for long (;

Also, so what memory keeps replaying in her head that won't allow her to forgive her dad?.. Is her dad even worth forgiving?

Finally.. The adorable, wonderful brother, Max...

Fucking get better kid! Alright? Too young to leave this world and your sister who's promised to die with you.

Fuck man... Too much sadness.

I think it has to do with how I'm feeling I guess?...

Whatever. Next chapter up later tonight. (Not promising. I've learned I can't keep them)

Stay safe, stay strong, and let me know you'll be here while I am gone <3

⬆ True Mayday Parade fans would understand ;D

K bye.


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