Author's Note

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Sorry I've been gone so long and haven't been posting much. My computer broke but luckily the next chapters were on my ipod :D. anyways School is stressing me out a bit. I'll try posting a new chapter every night starting today. I hope you enjoy the story but seriously comment and tell me what you think /.\ I feel like I'm a horrible writer.... On another note, I have a few things to say. I need to get this off my chest..

I know a lot of people who self-harm... It hurts to know that you couldn't do anything about it. I blame myself sometimes for not being there when they need me the most. I always put others before myself. Always. If you ever need to talk about something don't hesitated to message me. I'll listen.. I'll understand. even if our situations aren't the same. I'll try to put myself in your place and understand.

I don't really know what else to say... I'm sitting in class too. So I'll just leave it here. Chapter 9 will be up later tonight. thanks for reading. And if you feel like you aren't loved.. Well guess what. I love you. Stay Safe, Stay Strong. And let me know you'll be here while I'm gone. <3


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