Chapter 2

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Your POV

 "Alice Hartley?" Mrs. Jones said. "Here" I said. "You have a pretty name" Vic said.  I blushed, wait a minute.. I never blush. "Victor Fuentes?" Mrs. Jones said. "I go by Vic" Vic said. "ok, now today we will review the basics" she said. Today's going to be a long day I thought. I laid my head down and started out the window. it was cloudy, the rain was starting to fall. "hey Alice, can you help me find my next class? this whole school is kinda new to me" Vic said. "yeah.. sure" I said without looking at him. " ok?" he asked. "yeah... I'm just tired" I lied. I just can't stop thinking about what happened last night... the bell rang, I got my stuff and walked down the hall with Vic. "what grade are you in?" Vic asked. "11th" I said. "me too" Vic said. I kept glancing around, making sure I didn't see the person who hates me the most in this school... "who are you looking for?" he asked. "um... no one" I said. I bit my lip and turned the corner. oh no... there he is. I looked around and found a closet. I pulled Vic inside with me. "what are you-" "shh, keep your voice down" I whispered. "why?" he whispered. "I'll explain later" I said. I waited a little and then we got out.  hes gone, thank god I thought. "Here's your class, mines right across. wait for me if you need help finding your other classes" I said and we went our separate ways. I sat in the back like usual and started out the window the whole period. "hi I'm Tony" a guy said sitting in front of me. I waved and kept looking out the window. "aw you seem sad, what's wrong?" he asked. "nothing, I'm fine" I lied. somethings been bothering me lately, but I don't want to just tell a complete stranger my problems. for all I know he could use it against me. "I'm sure there's something wrong but its ok if you don't want to tell me" tony said. I stayed quite. "Hey you! Kid!. don't talk to the emo girl shes a freak!" a girl said and smirked. I sigh and ignored it. what happened next was unexpected, especially from someone that I just met. "shut up you slut, why don't you try wearing actual clothes next time" tony said. I looked up and Tony smiled at me. "don't let those haters get to you. its ok to be different" he said. I smiled and said "thanks tony". I talked to tony the rest of the period. hes really nice and it seems like if we were brother and sister. weird huh, but the way we talked was like the way I use to talk to my brother..... I miss him. the bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. "come on Alice, I'll walk you to class to make sure no one else picks on you" I smiled at tony and we walked out. "hey Alice, hey tony" Vic said. "you to know each other?" I asked as we walked down the hall. "yeah, tony's my best friends. were also in a ba-" Vic was cut off by tony elbowing Vic. "shut up Vic" tony whispered loudly. I didn't bother to ask, I mean its fine that tony doesn't want to tell me. we just met, they don't trust me... but I trust them a lot for some reason. I don't know why though.  "ok guys here we are. social studies" I said as we walked in. I walked straight towards the back of the room. there was no window, dammit. "why do you always sit in the back?" Vic asked. "why don't you sit in the back?" I asked. "well because its quiet and nobody really notices you." "exactly" I said. Vic sat next to me and tony sat in front of me. he turned around and said "so what are you guys doing after school?". "nothing" Vic said. Tony looked at me waiting for an answer. "well... I have some um.. stuff.. to do" I said not making eye contact. "what kind of stuff?" Tony asked. "you know stuff" I said. "come on Alice just tell us" Vic said. "yeah I rather not" I said. "why not?" tony said  "what is up with all the questions? damn guys" I said. "Mr. Perry turn around! class has started" the social studies teacher yelled. tony turned around and the teacher started talking. "I have a signed seats for you all.-" "are you fucking kidding me" Vic whispered. I laughed and the teacher said "Tony I want you up front" "you right there" he said pointing at me. "you will sit next to tony. Vic you will sit next to her". Vic went to sit in the front with tony and I stayed in my seat. there is no way I'm sitting in the front. "excuse me, I said sit up front" the teacher said again. "no. I refuse" I said. he glared at me and said "sit up front now". "I already said no" I said again. "get out" "I'll be glad to" I said and slammed the door close. I walked to the bathroom and just stood there. first day of school and you already got in trouble, well played Alice, well played.

Oh what a bad ass (; haha next chapter will be up soon ^.^ leave a comment (:

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