Chapter 4

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Your POV

"Come on Alice" Vic and Tony said as we walked to 4th period. "who was that Jason guy anyways" Tony asked. "ex boyfriend.." I said. "oh... well he's an asshole" Vic said. "tell me about it.." I said and we reached Tony's class. "I'll see you guys at lunch" tony said and walked in. "so what class do you have?" I asked Vic as we kept walking. "213, language arts" he said. "seriously its like we have all our classes together" I laughed. Vic laughed too. "well I'm glad we do, I get to spend more time with you" he said. I blushed, what is this guy doing to me. I've never felt like this for anyone. I just cant get over the fact that his voice sounds so familiar. Like I've heard it somewhere before. but I just cant remember. we walked into class and the teacher gave us assigned seats.. great I thought. luckily I got to sit in the back but at the same time I was kinda sad that I didn't get to sit next to Vic. I sighed and put my head done. "hey babe"... not again. I looked up and gulped, Jason sat next to me. I looked at Vic and he glared at Jason. I raised my hand, "Mr. smith can I move somewhere else?". the teacher looked at me for a few seconds and then said "you like sitting in the back, that's why I put you there". "I know but I changed my mind" I said quickly. "Only this once Alice, go ahead and sit up front next to Vic" he said and Vic smiled at me. "wow what a bitch" Jason said as I got up. I flipped him off and sat next to Vic. the teacher started the lesson. out of the corner of my eye I could see Vic staring at me once and a while. I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down 'why do you keep staring at me you stalker (;' I folded it and passed it to Vic. I saw him turn red when he read it. he quickly wrote something and then passed it back. i opened it and read 'is it really that noticeable? sorry... its just that you're really pretty....' omg... Vic is making me fall for him even more. 'it's ok... (: so um.. what are you doing after school?' I passed it to him. 'nothing, I was about to ask you the same thing. Maybe we can hang out..' I read. 'sure. we can hang out at my house if you want' I wrote. 'sure (: I'll met you at your locker after school' he wrote. I smiled at him and the bell rang. "I'll see all of you tomorrow." Mr. Smith said. me and Vic walked out and found Tony waiting for us with another guy. "hey Mike" Vic said. "who's that?" Mike asked referring to me. "that's Alice, Alice this is my brother Mike"  Vic said. "hi" I said. "nice to meet you Alice" he said and we walked to the cafeteria. the guys got into line for lunch. I started walking away into the cafeteria. "Alice aren't you gonna eat?" Vic said. "um I'm not really hungry" I said and walked off before he could say another word. god I hate lying to my friends... I thought. I sat down and soon saw Lydia sit down in front of me with a guy. "Alice this is Jaime. Jaime this is my best friend Alice" Lydia said. I smiled at Jaime and put in my headphones. I pushed play and listened to the sadness will never end by bring me the horizon. I just really like this song... Vic sat next to me along with Tony and Mike. "hey Jaime!! Tony and Mike said. they know each other? what the hell? I thought. "hey guys this is Lydia, Lydia this is Vic, Tony and Mike" Jaime said. Vic looked at me with worried eyes. he knows somethings wrong with me. It seems like he's the only one who can tell. I put my hands on my lap and looked down at them playing with my bracelets. I soon saw Vic's hand entwine with mine. our hands fitting together so perfectly. I looked up at him and he mouthed "you are not Alone....". I tighten my grip on his hand and stared at our hands again. I bit my lip holding back the tears. "Alice?" Lydia said. "yeah" I said putting on a fake smile and looking up. "are you coming to school tomorrow?" she asked. I shook my head no... I have something I need to do. "are you going to know?" she asked biting her lip regretting asking me. I nodded and she said "do you want me to go with you?". "no, its fine" I said. it's been a week since I've seen his smile... my little brother's beautiful smile. I tighten my grip on Vic's hand, bit my lip and leaned my head on his shoulder. be strong Alice.. be strong for Max..

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