Chapter 11

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We reached my house I unlocked the door and went inside "I should warn you, toby likes to meet new people" I said and smiled. "Who's Toby?" Vic asked. Before I could answer Toby came running in and jumped onto Vic making Vic stumble and fall backwards. Toby kept licking Vic's face. They guys couldn't stop laughing. "Toby, sit!" I said ad Toby got off of Vic and sat down next to me. I reached my hand out and Vic took it. I pulled him up. "Did that really just happen" Vic said. "Yup" I said and we all laughed. "You got to admit that was pretty funny" Mike said. We all nodded and I said "ok so choose a movie" I said opening the cabinet in the living room. "Woah!" They all said. "How many movies do you have?!" Jaime said. "A lot" I said and smiled. "So just incase my mom comes home early I need your backpacks. I'm gonna put them in my room" I said. The nodded and handed me their backpacks. I took them to my room and one slipped out of my hand. Papers fell out, I put the other backpacks on my bed and picked up the papers. 'The Cheap Bouquet' the top of one paper said. Are these song lyrics?? I started to read them "stay young and at the top of our lungs. Are hands are free, our lives have just begun" omg this is the song!! All the lyrics were written on here even the cords. I put it back into the backpack and then noticed something. These fell put of Vic's backpack, he lied.... Vic hates lying, why would he lie? I put his backpack on my bed and went back downstairs. "No! We're watching the Notebook!!" Mike and Jaime yelled. "No! We're watching Zombieland!" Vic and tony yelled. "Guys! What is going on!!" I said. "We want to watch the notebook" mike said. "And we want to watch Zombieland" Vic said. "Zombieland is stupid!" Jaime yelled. "The notebook is for pussy's!" Tony yelled back. "Let's let Alice choose the movie!" They all yelled and looked at me. "Ah.. I got to be honest I really like the notebook-" "hah! In your face!" Jaime yelled. "But I really really love Zombieland" I said. "Woo!! Zombieland it is!!" Tony and Vic yelled. "Fine" Mike and Jaime said. I laughed and put the movie in. I turned around and all four of the guys were on the couch. I walked toward him "um let's see... Vic" I said pulling him up off the couch. "Come help me get drinks" I said as we walked towards the kitchen. "So what do the guys like to drink?" I asked as I opened the fridge. "Anythings fine" Vic said. I handed him four cokes. I put the popcorn in the microwave. "Alice.. You still haven't answered me" Vic said. I sighed and said "can we not talk about this. Lets just have a good time" I smiled. "You know I like that smile better than the fake ones you've been giving me lately" he said. "'ve noticed?" I said. Vic nodded. Before Vic could say anything Jaime yelled "I smell popcorn!!". I laughed and the microwave beeped. I poured the popcorn into a bowl and went back to the living room. I sat in the middle between Vic and Tony. The movie started and I laid my head onto Vic's shoulder.

*An Hour Later*

My phone rang. I paused the movie and the guys started to complain. "Shut up! It could be my mom!" I said and they all went dead silent. I answered "hello?". "Open the door!!" Lydia yelled threw the phone and hanged up. I jumped up off the couch and ran toward the door. I opened in and Lydia came running in. "Nice timing!" She said. I closed the door and said "come on, were only half way threw the movie" I sad and we went into the living room. We sat on the couch with the guys and Lydia said "what movie are you guys watching?" "Zombieland!" Tony cheered. "I hate this movie. Why can't we watch the notebook" Lydia grunted. "I know right!!" Jaime said. "Just shut up and watch the damn movie" I said and pushed play again. "I really want a Twinkie now.." Mike said. I laughed and got up to go to the kitchen. I came back with a box of twinkies and tossed one to Mike. "Alice have I told you how much I love you right now." Mike said as he ate his Twinkie. "Haha I love you too Mikey". "You love me too right?" Tony said. "I love you too Turtle" I said. Tony smiled. "What about us?" Vic said. "Um... I don't love you guys" I said. Vic, Jaime and Lydia's jaws dropped. "I'm kidding! I love all of you guys" I said. "You better" Vic mumbled. "What was that?" I said pretending I didn't hear him. "Nothing" Vic said. "Pass the twinkies" Lydia said. I tossed her the box and soon enough all of us had a Twinkie. "I need to go pee, Alice where's your bathroom?" Jaime asked. "Down that hall. First door on the left" I said. Jaime got up and disappeared down the hall. The house phone rang, I got up and looked at the caller ID. It's from the hospital, oh no... Something's wrong with my brother.

Authors Note:

Lol cliffhanger (; so did something bad happen to Max? Why hasn't Tony said anything about what he saw? Will Alice ever confront Vic about lying to her? You'll find out tomorrow :D

....I'm going to bed. e.e goodnight.

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