Chapter 14

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*hours Before*

"Ok I got the wakie talkies and the lists" Lydia said tossing me them as she got into the car. She started driving again. "Listen up guys as I explain the rules" Lydia started to say. "Rule Number 1: you must stay with your teammates at all times. UNLESS your team leader/Captain tells you other wise. Rule Number 2: it is VERY important that you listen to your Team Leader at all times. No exceptions. And finally Rule Number 3: Stay away from security guards and cops." Lydia finished. We parked the car on the side of the street. "Lets go" I said and we got out of the car. "Where are we going exactly?" Jaime asked. "To the mall" Lydia said and smiled. We walked down the street and turned the corner. "Here we are, Gran Central Mall" Lydia said and smirked. We walked in and I gave her a wakie talkie and a list. "The objective of the game is to find/do everything that is on the list and take a picture or video with ALL your teammates in it. The team that fails to fulfill these obstacles will suffer the consequence. Do you understand?". The guys looked scared and probably regretting agreeing to join. "Come on guys! Don't Chicken out now!" I said. After the exchanged a few looks they finally agreed. "We understand". "Good" I said and smiled pulling tony and Vic to my side. "On your marks. get set. Go!". I took off running with Vic and Tony following closely behind. First on the list 'Get a picture with Santa'. I found the line to see the fake Santa. "Do we seriously have to take a picture with him?" Tony whispered as we got a bunch of weird looks. "If it's on the list we have to do it" I said and glanced to see who was next. "How come Jaime, Mike and Lydia aren't waiting in line?" Vic asked. "That's because they're list is in a different order. The point is we have to do everything in order or we automatically fail" I said. They sighed. "Oh look we're next!" I said. I pulled them along and pushed them towards Santa. "Come here young mans, sit on my lap" Santa said. I don't know about you guys but this Santa is fucking awesome! "What would you gentlemen like for Christmas?" Santa asked. "Star Wars Toys!" Tony said with a big smile. Oh Tony.. You're such a dork. "Star wars toys, good choice! What about you?" Santa said looking at Vic. Vic glanced at me then back at Santa and whispered something to him. Santa smiled and whispered something. What did Vic tell him? "Alice! Get over here and take a picture!" They yelled. I walked over and stood next to Vic as a lady took our picture with my phone. She handed it back and we said bye to Santa. "1 down, 9 to go" I said as we turned a corner. "Stop!" I said pushing them back and leaned against the wall. "Security guard by the vending machine" I said looking over. I watched as the security guard looked around and then walked into a store. "Ok let's go!" I said running towards the vending machine. I grabbed a bobby pin and started to pick the lock. I couldn't get it open. "Here, let me do it" Vic said taking the bobby pin from me. "And done" Vic said opening the vending machine door. I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I closed the vending machine door just in time. The cop walked out of the store and we walked past him casually. Once we turned the corner and were out of site we ran to the elevator. I pushed the button and waited for it to open. "Oh hey guys!" Mike said as the elevator door opened. Lydia winked at me as they walked out. We went in. "What floor?" Tony asked. I looked at the list. "Argue with any employe on floor 3" I read. "3 it is" tony said pushing the button. We walked out of the elevator and into a random store. "Okay for this one only one of us has to argue" I said. "Who's doing it then?" Tony asked. I thought for a second then said "Nose Goes!". I put my finger on my nose the same time Vic did. Tony was too slow. "Damn it guys" he mumbled as I pulled out my phone and pushed record. Tony slowly walked up the the cashier. "How may I help you?" "Ah I was wondering where I could find the condoms..". Omg tony. Nice way to start the conversation. "I'm sorry but we do not sell condoms here. Even if we did I wouldn't sell them to you" the cashier said angrily. "Oh come on! You do sell them! Just give me one!". "We don't have any! Get out!" "Stop lying. Give me my god damn condom and I'll leave". "I already told you we don't sell them" "bullshit! Just sell me one!" "You need to leave. Now" "not until I get my condom" "Security!!". Tony ran towards us "run" he said. Vic and I took off running behind him. I was dying of laughter and so was Vic. As we were running I bumped into someone I didn't expect to see here... I'm so screwed.

Authors note:

I'm sorry >.< I've been busy and stressed out. So much has been going on.

I know this chapter is pretty short. I'll post the next chapter later today. I have plenty of time today since today was my last day of finals.

I've been home since noon... I got out of school at 10:50 but I went to Jack In The Box to buy tacos...


my Mexican side is showing. ;-; sorry.

Anyways Chapter 15 up later today.

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