Chapter 16

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After a few minutes of Lydia and I explaining the challenged we were on our way. Walking into a store I tripped on something. Before I hit the floor Vic caught me. "Thanks" I said standing up. He smiled and we kept walking. "Who's there!?". I quickly turned off the flashlight and hid behind something. Looking over to my left I saw Jaime, Lydia, Mike and tony hiding. Where's Vic? Leaning forward a bit I felt Vic's hand. I pulled him towards me before the light flashed toward us. A few seconds went by and the footsteps faded away. "That was close.." Tony whispered. We stood up and kept walking. "Guys this is a bad idea. Maybe we should leave.." Mike said. "It'll be fine" Lydia replied. I sighed. Maybe Mike's right but it's too late for that now. I turned my flashlight off and walked away from the group. It was too dark for them to see me walking away anyways. Exiting the store I stayed close to wall. What am I doing?.. I should have stayed with them they're probably freaking out right now. I kept walking. They don't need me for this last challenge anyways. All they have to do is get one person to sit in the shopping cart and another person to push them. They have to gather all of the things on the list and get to the check out station first. The only trick is you can't talk to each other and you need a flash-.. Damn it. I have the damn flashlight. How are they suppose to win? I sighed and turned around. Why did I leave in the first place? I don't even know honestly. As I was walking back I had this weird feeling someone was following me. I shook it off and went back into the store. "Where the hell did you go?" Lydia asked me. I shrugged. "We can start now" she said. We started walking to the shopping carts till all of a sudden the lights turned on. "We need to get out of here" I said quickly. Before we could run someone grabbed me from behind. It was a security guard. "Run!" I yelled at them. They hesitated. "Just go! I'll be fine!" I yelled at them. They finally took off running. "Get back here!" The security guard yelled. I tried to get free but it was no use. "Stop it!" He yelled at me. Once I saw them exit the door I somehow managed to get one of my hands free. I elbowed him in the stomach and he let go grunting in pain. I quickly ran out of the store as fast as I could. As I ran out the guys were all there waiting for me. "I knew you would get away" Lydia smirked and then we started to run down the stairs. "Remind me why we had to meet on the FOURTH FLOOR!?!?" Jaime yelled. "Stop being such a baby and run faster" Mike said. We laughed a bit and kept running down the flight of stairs. Finally reaching the first floor two security guards were standing by the front door. "Back door it is" I said pulling the guys from running towards the front door. The security guards hadn't seen us yet. "We're almost free!" I yelled. Before I knew it we were surrounded my security guards. Each one of them had a hold of us. "Spoke too soon" Jaime said as they put hand cuffs on all of us. I couldn't help but feel guilty. If I hadn't left them that security guard wouldn't have followed me. This is all my fault..

*Present Time*

Slowly I dialed my moms number. It rang a few times before she answered. "Hello?". I gulped. "M-mom.." I stuttered. "Alice? I'm at work why are you calling me?". "I-I did something.. And I'm in j-jail.." I kept stuttering. "...god damn it Alice. Aren't you ever going to learn? I'll be there in a bit" she hung up. I put the phone back. I fucked up. It's all my fault. Making my way back to the cell I couldn't help but feel even more guilty. "What did she say?" They asked as I entered. "She's on her way.." I said keeping my head down and sitting on the bench. A cop walked towards us. "Hey kids.." He said. We looked up. "After investigating a bit and finding out you guys didn't steal anything or damage anything I came to a decision. I'm dropping the charges. Take my advice and don't pull something like today ever again. You won't meet someone as nice as me next time" he smiled a bit before walking away. "I like that guy" Mike smirked. I'm glad he decided to drop the charges. If he hadn't I would have been sent back too-. "Lets go home kids" my mom said as a cop opened the cell. We all walked out and got into my moms car. The whole car ride was silent besides my mom asking for directions to drop off the guys. Lydia was the first to be dropped off along with Jaime. Then Vic and Mike. Vic said bye to me after thanking my mom and getting off. I smiled a bit at him and then drove away. My mom didn't bother to ask who the guys were which was fine with me, I didn't want to talk anyways. The last one to be dropped off was tony since of course he lived right next door. As we got out of the car and went inside I couldn't help but feel like crying. Once my mom closed the door behind her she began to yell at me. "What the hell were you thinking Alice!? I had to leave work to go pick up your ass from jail!? How are we suppose to make money if you keep pulling me out of work! Don't you see we need to money for Max! Stop being selfish and think about your brother for once.." She finished before leaving the house and slamming the door behind her. I broke down in tears.

Falling to my knees I cried harder. She's right, I'm selfish. I'm pathetic and weak. And I don't think about anyone besides myself. Why do I even try anymore? Why fight? Why keep faking a smile? There's no point in doing so anymore. I give up. "I'm so done..." I sobbed. Slowly getting up and walking to my room I couldn't help but think of what I could do right now. This is my chance to kill myself.. Home alone, no one will know I'm committing and no one will save me. Picking up my pace I went into my room. Searching through my drawer till I found my blade. Just one cut vertically and this will all be over. Before I made the cut I stopped. If I do this.. I'm only being selfish. I'm only thinking about myself right now. Doing this will only bring my friends pain. I'll let down Max if I do it... I can't break the promise I made him. I can't leave him alone. Why kind of sister would I be if I left my dying brother alone?.. Grabbing the blade again I cut horizontally like always. If Max doesn't make it I'll die with him.. That's a promise.

Authors note:

Holy crap...

What's is this!?!? Posting new chapters more often!?

I don't know guys xD I've had a lot more time to write since they canceled school last Thursday and Friday. They canceled it today too.

I also haven't been motivated enough to write till my best friend wanted to know what happens since I left it off on a cliffhanger.

So yeah... I'll write chapter 17 later tonight. It'll be up tomorrow. (Not gonna promise since I always break promises ;-;)



He's finally 18 can you believe it? :')

Hahah I know he turned 31 today guys xD

I just thought if a bunch of us tweeted "happy 18th birthday Vic" it would make him smile and laugh a bit.

If you haven't tweeted him that do it now!

It'll put a smile on his face I know it (:


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