Chapter 5

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Your POV 

School ended later on. I waited for Vic by my locker. I played with the locket around my neck that my little brother gave me on my birthday last year. Inside was a picture of him, on the other side was a picture of me, him, and my dad. I miss both of them so much, I wish the were at home with me. But I can't do anything to change the past. "let's go?" Vic said snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and we walked to my house. "is anyone home?" Vic asked. I shook my head no as I unlocked the door. we went up to my room and sat on my bed. "what's wrong Alice? I know something was bothering you during lunch" Vic said. I bit my lip and took off my Locket. I opened it and said "My little brother.... he has cancer. he's been in the hospital for 2 months. he isn't doing so good. the doctors said he has a small chance of surviving...." I said and burst into tears. "stupid cancer!! I wish cancer never existed" I said. Vic pulled me onto his lap and hugged me. not letting go. "hes going to be ok.. I promise. I'll go with you tomorrow. I'm not letting you go on your own" Vic said. "thank you so much" I said. "now come on, smile. everything's gonna be ok" he said. I tried to smile and Vic said "that was not a smile, here I'll help you" he said and started tickling me. "Vic. stop. I. can't. breath." I said in between laughs. "there we go" he said and smiled at me. "Alice are you home?" my mom yelled from down stairs. my eyes widen. "Vic you need to go! my mom doesn't like me bringing guys into the house. shes gonna kill me" I loudly whispered. his eye widen, he grabbed his backpack and hugged me. "call me if you need to talk ok" he said handing me a piece of paper. he opened the balcony door and climbed down my tree. thank god I had a tree right there. he waved goodbye and walked away. I sighed and wiped the tears away. "hey Alice, I'm gonna go see your Brother... do you want to come" my mom asked coming into my room. I nodded and slipped on my black high tops and grabbed a black sweater. I got into the car and the car ride to the hospital was silent. my mom hasn't really been talking to me lately.. with out My little brother, Max, there's nothing to talk about or to laugh and smile about. we walked up to his room and opened the door. I walked in and there he was... laying on that hospital bed, oh were there times when I wished it was me and not him. I walked over and he opened his eyes. he gave me a weak smile and said "Alice!! you came". I smiled and said "of course I came. you're my little brother and I love you" I said and smiled. "I love you too Alice" he said. he reached over and grabbed my locket. "I'm glad you still have this" he said. "Max, I'll be right back ok. I need to talk to the doctor" my mom said and left. "I'm gonna come spend the day with you tomorrow ok? don't tell mom though. it will be our little secret" I said. "ok, promise?" he said sticking out his pinky. "I promise" I said and locked my pinky with his. I gave him a hug and said "try to get some sleep, you need to rest" I said and kissed his forehead. he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. my mom walked back in and I said "what did the doctor say?". "he's getting worse..." is all she said before she broke down. she silently cried, I tried to hug her but she just pushed me away. we spent an hour there before going home. My mom eyes were red and she looked really tired so I decided to drive us home. when we got home we went inside without saying a word. I went straight up to my room and texted Vic. "Hey, It's me Alice. my brother's getting worse..." I sent it and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and looked at the clock. it was 10:00 pm. Vic's probably sleeping I thought. I opened my balcony door and soon heard the song I love so much and that familiar voice. "stay young, and at the top of our lung. our hands are free. our lives have just begun" I sang along to the guys voice. I kept singing along to the song. "And I could die right now, for something beautiful to take me somewhere else" I sang. the voice sounds even more familiar but I just cant figure out who it is. there must be four guys on the drums, one on playing bass, one playing guitar and one singing. who ever is singing has a great voice. A few minutes after they stopped playing my phone vibrated. i opened the text message and saw that it was from Vic. "just give it time... He's gonna be okay". "I hope so" I texted back. I got into my pj's and walked out to my balcony. I used the tree to get up onto the roof and sat down. I looked up at the stars... they're so beautiful. I saw a shooting star, I quickly closed my eyes and made my wish. "I wish my little brother will get better" I softly said and opened my eyes. I sighed and my phone vibrated again. "I'll be over at 7, so we can go see your little brother" Vic said. "Vic...thank you. for everything" I sent it and went back into my room. "I will always be here, no matter what. you can trust me Alice" he texted back. I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep....

Short Chapter I know ): Next chapter is going to be Amazing!! I'll post it soon. thanks for reading ^.^ leave feedback!!! 

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