Lotr Chat 50!!

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RosenburgProductions presents....

.... The Hobbit characters!!

Long ago in the Third Age of Middle Earth, the Hobbit characters were given their own chatroom to talk to one another in. It was to be seperate and closed off to all but them. Sadly, it was not to pass. A strange and rare virus corrupted the time stream surrounding the chatroom, meaning that the Lotr chatroom clashed and mixed with the Hobbit one. Time is strange, and many things may not make sense anymore, but that is what has come to pass, and it is what shall be.

Hope you enjoy :)

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WiseOldDwarf has logged on
TheTeaThief has logged on
FabulousElvenKing has logged on
ImmaNinjaElf has logged on
WiseOldElf has logged on
YouShallNotPass has logged on

YouShallNotPass: What the hell is going on???

WiseOldDwarf: Oh it explains it all at the top of the screen.

TheTeaThief: Where?

WiseOldDwarf: Up there. In italics, you see?

TheTeaThief: Oh, thanks Balin :)

WiseOldElf: Balin, eh.

WiseOldDwarf: Yes, what are you making of it elf?

WiseOldElf: You've stolen my username.

WiseOldDwarf: Wrong. Does yours say dwarf?

WiseOldElf: No, of course not!

WiseOldDwarf: Then they aren't the same.

WiseOldElf: Elves are wiser than dwarves anyway......

WiseOldDwarf: No way moron

WiseOldElf: Did you just call me a moron?

WiseOldDwarf: Aww sensitive little flower are you?

YouShallNotPass: As entertaining as this is, I'm going to have to break this up before someone gets hurt.

TheTeaThief: Ow!

ImmaNinjaElf: What?

TheTeaThief: I got a paper cut......

FabulousElvenKing: Gandalf! You were too slow- someone got hurt!!

ImmaNinjaElf: Seriously Thranduil?

FabulousElvenKing: What?

ImmaNinjaElf: Your username...

FabulousElvenKing: What about my username?

WiseOldElf: Yeah, what about his username?

FabulousElvenKing: Don't suck up to me Elrond.

ImmaNinjaElf: It isn't really fitting for a king, is it?

YouShallNotPass: I think it fits rather well....

FabulousElvenKing: I can do what I want. Anyway, what's up with your username?

ImmaNinjaElf: Well, ninjas are awesome. I'm awesome. Elves are awesome. Why not put them together?

WiseOldDwarf: well said Tauriel. :)

TheTeaThief: Does anyone care about my papercut?

MisunderstoodRingMaker has logged on

MisunderstoodRingMaker: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGHHH!!!!! SEIZE HIM!!!!!

TheTeaThief: What's wrong with him?

YouShallNotPass: Many, many things.......

MisunderstoodRingMaker: You steal tea do you!? Don't lie, I can see it in your username!

TheTeaThief: Me? Oh that's because I love tea, and I'm a burglar. Not because I steal tea.

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Are youu sure?

WiseOldDwarf: I can vouch for him.

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Oh. Good. I love tea myself.

TheTeaThief: Yep, nothing beats a good cuppa!

MisunderstoodRingMaker: Yeah. Well, I best be off.

MisunderstoodRingMaker has logged off

ImmaNinjaElf: He was..... strange.

FabulousElvenKing: Yeah...

TheTeaThief: At least he likes tea. Someone who likes tea can't be all bad.....

WiseOldElf: Actually.....

YouShallNotPass: No. We can't tell them.

WiseOldElf: Why not?

ImmaNinjaElf: Tell us what?

WiseOldElf: .......nothing.

YouShallNotPass: Good. It would disrupt the time stream.

WiseOldElf: I know, I know.

WiseOldDwarf: Hey Bilbo?

TheTeaThief: Yeah?

WiseOldDwarf: Thorin's having a party tonight and he wants you to be there

TheTeaThief: Aww that's nice of him. Where is it?

WiseOldDwarf: Your hobbit hole, eight pm sharp.

TheTeaThief: Oh. I'd better get some food in then.

WiseOldDwarf: Excellent, I'll come over and help :)

TheTeaThief: Thanks

WiseOldDwarf has logged off
TheTeaThief has logged off

FabulousElvenKing: Tauriel!

ImmaNinjaElf: Yeah?

FabulousElvenKing: Marry my son would you?

ImmaNinjaElf: What?

FabulousElvenKing: He has a crush on you.

ImmaNinjaElf: Bye. I'm going to find Kili

ImmaNinjaElf has logged off
FabulousElvenKing has logged off to have his hair done

YouShallNotPass: Will I see you at the Midsummer banquet this year Elrond?

WiseOldElf: .....I host the Midsummer banquet Gandalf. Yes of course I'll be there!

YouShallNotPass: Touché.

WiseOldElf: Shut up.

YouShallNotPass: I was just asking.....

WiseOldElf: Ugh!

WiseOldElf has logged off
YouShallNotPass has logged off


That was the FIRST EVER chat with Hobbit characters!! I really hope you guys enjoyed it- I'm super-excited to write all these new characters in :)

Willow x

P.S Votes are amazing XD  

Lord of the Rings Chatroom (Now with Hobbit)Where stories live. Discover now