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As most of you know, I've been waiting until now to introduce the Hobbit characters. I've also added in a couple of bonus LotR characters as well on request of a few readers!

Tons of you have sent in suggestions for usernames, and those that I've directly used I'll credit below. However many of the usernames are slightly tweaked versions of the ideas you sent, so I have decided to give dedications to everyone who submitted ideas, regardless of whether they made it into the final list. They were all wonderful, and I really appreciate all the support I've received from you guys!   

Sorry for going on a bit....... But now, the glorious moment is here, and I present to you, the amazing, the brilliant, the creative, HOBBIT USERNAMES!!!

The Hobbit:

The Hero
Bilbo - TheTeaThief

The Dwarves
Dwarlin - EggHead
Balin - WiseOldDwarf Username by Freecuddlesxx
Fili - PlaitMaster283
Kili - ShortSexyDwarf Username by XxkiaraisawesomexX
Bifur - AxeHead
Bofur - HatOfWonder
Bombur - Fooooooood
Ori - SlingshotBoy
Nori - FancyPantBeard
Dori - GoldIsShiny
Oin - CurlierBeardThanThou
Gloin - GingerFire171
Thorin - KingUnderTheMountain Username by Walling247

The Baddies
William (troll) - BoredOfSheep
Bert (troll) - MagicHooter
Bill (troll) - TrollChef
GoblinKing - ScrotumBeard
The Pale Orc (Azog) - TansRStupid
Smaug - HotandGold Username by lalalollipop2801

The Others
Thranduil - FabulousElvenKing Username by jedihobbitwizard
Tauriel - ImmaNinjaElf Username by Freecuddlesxx
Radagast - RhosgobelRabbitsRule Username by lalalollipop2801
Beorn - HairyBeary
Bard the Bowman - BeedleTheBard Username by lalalollipop2801

BONUS Lotr Names!!

Galadriel - ShiningStar_X
Celeborn - SilverTreeLord
Haldir - PointyEaredGuardian
Deagol - FishyDeath
Balrog - FieryDoom

I don't know the Hobbit as well as I know Lord of the Rings, so if there are any characters missing, tell me in the comments and I'll add them to this list!

I'm so, so excited about this and I hope you enjoy Chat 50!!

Willow x

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