Lotr Chat- 7

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IAmNoMan has logged on
DontBeHasty has logged on
InspiringLeader has logged on

IAmNoMan: Theodin?

InspiringLeader: Yes, Éowyn?

IAmNoMan: Can I fight battles with you?

InspiringLeader: Of course not. It's far too dangerous!

DontBeHasty: I

InspiringLeader: What?

DontBeHasty: Cannot

IAmNoMan: Who are you?

DontBeHasty: type

InspiringLeader: This is plainly obvious.

DontBeHasty: quickly.

IAmNoMan: I think we figured that out.

LeglessLegoLegolas has logged on

LeglessLegoLegolas: Don't be mean to Treebeard! It isn't his fault.

DontBeHasty: Thank  

InspiringLeader: Not again.

LeglessLegoLegolas: THEODIN!

InspiringLeader: ...Sorry

DontBeHasty: you

IAmNoMan: Whilst this chat is thoroughly fast-paced and interesting, I have to go now.

IAmNoMan has logged off

InspiringLeader: I'd better go and inspire my troops by telling them they're all gonna die.

InspiringLeader has logged off

DontBeHasty: Well that was funny.

LeglessLegoLegolas: Haha! That was brilliant Treebeard :)

DontBeHasty: I know ;) You were good too.

LeglessLegoLegolas: Aww, thanks. Want to go for a stroll?

DontBeHasty: Meet you in 5?

LeglessLegoLegolas: Sure!

DontBeHasty has logged off
LeglessLegoLegolas has logged off

Just a short chat to let TreeBeard have a shot ;)
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