Lotr Chat- 24

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MyyyyyPRECIOOOUUUSSS has logged on
X_Strider_X has logged on
TatersRule has logged on
NotReallyDead has logged on
IAmNoMan has logged on
ElvenPrincess has logged on
DoingMyBestDad has logged on

TatersRule: I feel so betrayed.

IAmNoMan: What's wrong?

TatersRule: Gandalf played a "joke"

IAmNoMan: Aahh.

X_Strider_X: He gave the hobbits a "magic" lesson, knowing full well only wizards can perform magic.

DoingMyBestDad: That's horrible!

ElvenPrincess: I know. Poor you Sam.

TatersRule: It just feels so crushing. I had fantasies of me conjuring, and banishing. Creating tongues of fire, and commanding water.

IAmNoMan: You poor thing. *gives Sam virtual hug*

ElvenPrincess: *joins in virtual hug*

TatersRule: Thanks guys.

MyyyyyPRECIOOOUUUSSS: It seems Gandalf does not have the nicest sense of humour.

NotReallyDead: No. Lucky me and Aragorn caught him, really.

DoingMyBestDad: Boromir. If you tell Dad about this- could you tell him I helped as well?

NotReallyDead: Sure thing little bro.

DoingMyBestDad: Thanks.

MyyyyyPRECIOOOUUUSSS: I think we need to punish Gandalf.

ElvenPrincess: Agreed, but let's sort it out in secret- otherwise Gandalf could log on and see it.

X_Strider_X: Arwen, me and Gollum will sort that out then. Don't you worry Sam. Gandalf will get his comeuppance!

TatersRule: Thanks :)

MyyyyyPRECIOOOUUUSSS: Meet outside Rivendell?

ElvenPrincess: Sure!

ElvenPrincess has logged off
MyyyyyPRECIOOOUUUSSS has logged off
X_Strider_X has logged off

TatersRule: Gandalf is my friend, but I hate him SO much right now.

IAmNoMan: Completely understandable. I would in your place.

TatersRule: No, but is it unreasonable? I don't want to overreact.

DoingMyBestDad: You aren't overreacting at all.

TatersRule: Sure?

NotReallyDead: Definitely. You have every reason to hate his guts.

DoingMyBestDad: Why don't we have a b****ing session?

IAmNoMan: Always makes me feel better.

TatersRule: I dunno. Sounds uncomfortable.

DoingMyBestDad: Nah! It's easy. Watch:

DoingMyBestDad: I like Gandalf- but he can be really mean.

NotReallyDead: Like when he disrupted Aragorn and Arwen's relationship.

IAmNoMan: I know. He was soo ageist. Just going on about it.

TatersRule: And he's not even young!

DoingMyBestDad: Exactly. He has no right to go around judging people on their ages.

NotReallyDead: He's like 100 or something.

IAmNoMan: And he always talks in riddles.

NotReallyDead: Just because he's so much smarter than we are.

TatersRule: He just has to rub it in our faces.

DoingMyBestDad: I know. He just goes on and on about how clever, and wise he is. Ugh. Makes me sick.

IAmNoMan: And he acts really wise- but then does things like fake magic lessons which are totally immature.

NotReallyDead: I reckon he just played that "joke" on you because he wants to be liked.

DoingMyBestDad: Needy much?

IAmNoMan: Yeah. Some people just want to be popular too much.

TatersRule: And they never get anywhere.

NotReallyDead: They just make people annoyed.

TatersRule: Like me.

YouShallNotPass has logged on

YouShallNotPass: Hey guyys! Ohhh. You really hate me now, don't you?

TatersRule: Kinda :/

YouShallNotPass: Oh.

NotReallyDead: Yeah. Go away Gandalf.

DoingMyBestDad: You aren't wanted here.

YouShallNotPass: Don't you think you might be overreacting a TEENSY bit?

IAmNoMan: No.

YouShallNotPass: It was a joke, ok?

TatersRule: Just go Gandalf.

YouShallNotPass: Come on.

NotReallyDead: If you don't log off, I'll block you.

YouShallNotPass: I'm going, I'm going.

YouShallNotPass has logged off

DoingMyBestDad: What an a**hole.

TatersRule: Thanks everyone. You've helped a lot.

IAmNoMan: Are you going?

TatersRule: Frodo, Merry and Pippin have locked themselves in their rooms. I have to go see if they're ok.

NotReallyDead: Ok. Bye Sam!

TatersRule has logged off

IAmNoMan: Well, I'd better go as well.

NotReallyDead: Us too. Come on Faramir- we'll be late for din-dins otherwise :)

DoingMyBestDad: And you can't miss din-dins.

NotReallyDead: No no no!

DoingMyBestDad: Din-dins is the most important meal of the day!

IAmNoMan: Ok... Bye guys...

IAmNoMan has logged off
DoingMyBestDad has logged off
NotReallyDead has logged off

Gandalf, Gandalf, Gandalf. What have you done?

The vlogbrother's bunny:

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