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Logan arrived after a few hours. Despite being out in the woods there was a sudden amount of people who had come with the news crews. Logan was on the phone with banks waking people up to get the money that Rupert had requested.

He didn't say much to me. I don't know if he blamed me or not. I really didn't care if he did. I couldn't hold Tegan much. I just kept seeing Logan and I feared that Rupert may hurt him. The police told us we had seventy two hours in kidnapping cases. Seventy two hours before

all hope of my baby's survival drops significantly.

I can't watch TV. I'm like a zombie.

I noticed that a few people have their coats on. "What is happening," I ask them.

Paul steps forward. "Uh, they have a bunch of us signed up to go walk through the woods."

"Why," I snap. "My son is not dead."

"No, he's not." Paul agrees.

One of the detectives interrupts. "It is precaution in every kidnapping case."

"My son isn't dead." I say again.

My mother grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. She knows what I'm feeling like my father knows what Logan must be feeling. "I felt the same way," she whispers in my ear.

I cry in her arms trying to feel some comfort from her warmth. "I want him back. I want him in my arms."

I felt tormented by Logan Juniors last moments with me. I held him in my arms when he refused to sleep. He kept giggling and kicking his little legs. I bounced him on my lap. I kissed his little belly and he'd laugh some more. I showered him with kisses from his head to his feet.

I left the room and ran upstairs to my room. This is where I stayed the whole first day and half of the second day. I stayed in my room and cried. Finally, Logan came in and made me shower and be a mother to our daughter.

I held Tegan in my arms on my bed. She could sense my emotions and she had begun whining.

"Bella," Logan sounded irritated with me.

I glanced up at him. "What," I said.

"Comfort your daughter, she misses you."

I took a deep breath and looked away. "Whatever," I stated.

Logan took Tegan from my arms. "You know, Bella, he's my son too. He's a grandchild, a nephew, and a cousin. He means something to hell of a lot of people. So, when you realize you have family come downstairs or stay up in your hole."  He left out slamming the door on me.

I am his mother. None of them missed my son like I did. Forget, Logan.

 I stayed holed up in my room all night long. I tossed and turned and cried myself to sleep. The next morning, I was awoken by Tegan's screams. I pulled the pillow over my head to ignore her, but the more I tried to, the louder she became. Of all the people downstairs, I'd think someone would be able to keep her quiet.

My door came open and Logan walked in with a crying Tegan. I wasn't in the mood to rock her. I pulled the covers over my face and he pulled them down.

"Bella, Tegan is hungry and you haven't pumped anymore."

I rose up and pulled my shirt above my head. I undid my bra strap so that I hung free. Logan put Tegan in my arms and right away she began to suck. I looked at my other lonely breast. I swear if Rupert hurt him, I will kill him myself.

"Thank you," Logan told me. "We got her some formula, but she refused to drink that."

I rolled my eyes as I looked up at him. "I don't need your thanks. I wouldn't let her starve." I glanced down at my little girl. Her gray eyes were looking up at me. I could see someone had attempted to do her short curly brown hair.

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