Twenty Three Weeks (Edited)

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Nearly three weeks after the appointment where I informed Logan of my continuously bothersome caller, nothing has been resolved much.

Logan contacted the police and while they did everything possible to catch the person including setting up stings and waiting for calls, nothing happened. The police did figure out that the caller was using disposable cell phones which made them impossible to trace. We were basically told there was nothing we could do except wait to see if the person spoke to me or made some other move. They didn't think I was in danger because all the person did was breathe.

Logan went to extreme lengths to get me some kind of untraceable cell phone so the person couldn't contact me and he was the only one with my new number. His plan seemed to work since I received no more calls from anyone. It has been refreshing not to freak out when my phone rang.

I awoke this morning in a pretty good mood. Last night, I felt the babies move. I felt them move and they haven't seemed to stop moving since. 

I picked up my new cell to call Logan.

"Spade," he answered. "Bella," he seemed to realize it was me.

"Yes, I think you should come over soon. I have important news."

"Are you okay?" he went alert.

"I'm perfect. See you soon."

"Yeah, okay."

I giggled. He's going to be so excited when he gets to feel the babies kicking. It is the absolute most wonderful feeling in the world. Feeling my babies kick makes this whole pregnancy feel real. I mean hearing the heartbeat is one thing, but feeling them. My boys.

I jumped in the shower so that I could be ready when Logan arrived. I slipped on a dress to wear. I'd become accustomed to attempting to dress nice for the man since he complained every time I put on my sweats. I left my hair down.

"Oh, hey Grant." I said as I spotted him in the upstairs hallways dusting. "You're up awful early."

"Yes, ma'am. I like to get an early start so I can be done. I have class today."

"Oh, what do you study?"


Huh, I thought. I never even thought about going to college at all. "Are your classes far from here?"

He shook his head. "Not at all about fifteen minutes by the freeway."

"What's the name of it?"

"It's the community college here." Grant said and gave me the name.

My plan for the day was to check them out online. I gave up on hope for college for  years, but maybe just maybe I could actually have a future. I needed to give that opportunity a shot, not for me. I had to do this for my babies. Their dad would have money. I wanted them to be proud of their mother as well. I didn't want Logan to feel like he had to provide everything for me or the children.

"Thanks, Grant, and if you want to leave early to prepare. I wouldn't mind vouching for you."

"Thanks, Bella. If it's alright I call you that."

I nodded. I had already told him to. "I like that better than ma'am. I'm only eighteen, you know."

He smiled and went back to his work.

I went downstairs and heard Logan's knock. I wasn't close enough so when I heard the door open, I knew that it was Nancy who had let him in.

"Morning, Mr. Spade. Is Bella expecting you?"

"Uh, yes."

"Let me get her."

I walked into the room. "I'm here."

Logan walked up to me in jeans and a buttoned up shirt. He is so hot. Wait, should I even be thinking like that? I pushed the thought out of my mind. I walked up to him. "You said you had some news."

I couldn't even contain the grin on my face. I grabbed Logan's hand and placed it onto my stomach right beside my belly button.

Logan's eyes met mine and he pulled me closer to him. I grabbed his other hand and placed it off to my side near my rib cage. I made sure that he could feel both of his children inside of me. "Wow, this is-wow."

"I know, right. It started late last night so sleeping was out of the question for awhile. I wanted to tell you first thing."

"Thank you. I'm glad you called I actually have plans for you."

"Oh," I said.

"Yes, as you know Christmas is coming in a few weeks."

"And my birthday, I hadn't even thought of that in so long."

"Well, I have. We always end up heading up to Aspen for skiing and getting lots of snow since hey we don't get any here. Are you up for going? My family has expressed a need to want to get to know you."

I cringed. "How would that work?"

"We have a very big house. What do you mean?"

I gave him a short laugh. "Me in the same house as your wife. I don't think so."

"Vanessa won't be attending."

That was a relief. "Sure, I will put on a smile and meet everyone."

"Thank you. This means a lot to me that you'll come. It's definitely a tradition I'll want to carry on with the kids."

I shook my head. "Oh my gosh, skiing. Do you know how many injuries that could happen?"

Logan laughed. "You'll be a great mother, no doubt."

"I know this." I said.

He smirked. "Well, I'll be gone until then. I have some traveling to promote my new movie."

I was confused. "You just finished shooting it."

"Not that one. I have three movies coming out in the next six months. The movie I just shot won't be out for  a year and a half."

"Wow. I always hated that with sequels."

He grinned and placed his hands onto my belly once more. "So amazing." Then he kissed me down there. I know he meant it for the babies, but the act was intimate especially from someone like him.

And then he was gone.

I was definitely going to be in trouble.

My phone began to ring. I picked it up off the table since thats where I left it last night. I saw the caller id.


Fantastic, I thought.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Nancy stated.

I turned to her as she stood in the archway to the kitchen. "What do you mean?"

"I hope you know what you're doing." She said once more and turned away.

I shrugged her off. I wasn't doing a thing.

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