Planning a Trip (Edited)

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Relaxed and showered, I sat on my couch watching the morning game show. I wouldn't mind going on this show. I'd actually get to be dressed up and look silly. I love it. As far as numbing my mind, this show is not helping.

I cannot believe that Vanessa was able to orchestrate my pregnancy. I am happy my babies are in this world and healthy, but I sort of feel raped. I gave birth to a boy and a girl, my virginity is practically long gone. Her words are also stinging more than I gave them credit for. I did have nothing and no one at the time. I didn't necessarily live from day to day, I budgeted well. I lived from paycheck to paycheck. To a lot of people, being a gas station attendant might seem like an awful job, but I was thankful to have that position until I got robbed.

My cell rang and snapped me out of my thoughts. Thinking it's Logan, I answered. "Yeah."

"You've been warned. Apparently you're not getting the message." A part of me deep inside froze at the sound of the ruffled voice made by some sort of voice recorder. My stalker is back.

Then there was the part of me that was pissed. My life has changed. I've been forced to grow up and adapt. I am not complaining. This is my life now. This person can go straight to hell. "Well, it's obvious you're the one not getting the picture."

"You've signed your own death warrant."

"Aw, does Polly want a cracker?"

"Listen here, you little-"

I cut the person off. "No, you listen. Stop calling me, enjoy watching me live my life from the sidelines. You're a sad pathetic person who can't handle the fact that Logan lives his life without you. You decided that you have the right to torment me because you're either too weak or to ugly to gain his attention, either that or you're gay and sorry for ya because Logan doesn't swing that way."

I heard a sharp intake of breath.

I laughed. "That's it, isn't it? You're a man. You're gay. Wow. No wonder you've stooped so low. You'll be happy to know that I stayed at Logan's last night and he let me touch what you can't even get near."

For the first time ever, my psychotic stalker ended the call before I could.

Hopefully, the dude will leave me alone now.

My phone rang back, but this time I knew who was calling me by the caller ID. "Gloria," I answered. I still felt weird calling her mom or mother or anything resembling motherly. I accepted their name which is nice, but I'd never had a mother before so I don't know how one goes about saying that.

"Isabella," she called me. I did say that I'd change my first name back as well. It's basically my name anyway. Bella to Isabella, simple. "How are you? I tried calling last night."

I didn't check my phone. "Oh, I'm great. Logan's sister and sister-in-law decided I needed a girls night. I did."

"That's wonderful, you can't forget to take care of yourself too. The reason I'm calling is the family can't wait to meet you. Your dad had the great idea to head up to the cabin, the whole family, we'd have a big weekend with barbecue and outdoors fun. What do you think?"

What did I have to lose? "Yeah, sure. When?"

"This weekend, don't worry about travel. Your father and I have booked train tickets. You'd have your own private room for you and the twins. I have the confirmation number here for when you pick up the ticket."

I rose up from the couch and went in search of a pen and paper. Found one. "Okay, what's the number?" I wrote it down. "Yeah, I'll be on the train tomorrow morning. A six hour ride with seven-week-old's should be interesting. I'm sure Logan will be okay."

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