The library.

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My usual seat (next to Xander) was taken by a council member. Since I was accepted by the pack I was supposed to sit across Xander. The dining table was 15-20 metres long and I had the privilege of sitting far away from Xander but right in front of him. The high members bowed and I nodded. I sat down and I could feel Xander's heated gaze. I didn't look at him - I kept my head down.

I dug my spoon into the plate of rice and began shovelling the rice into a giant heap. I kept playing with my food. I was not at all hungry.

"Filthy rogues aren't allowed to eat the table. ", I pictured Alpha Jacob saying.

I haven't touched my food, after an hour I got up and left. The talk amid the table was still young. It wasn't going to end soon. I walked to the east wing of the palace - I have never wondered here.

I came across an old oak door. Something about this door made me want to go into the room behind it and so I did. I pushed my heavy door with both arms and to my amazement I had stumbled into the library. I switched on the lights and looked at the marvelous sight before me.

Shelves and shelves of books all under one roof. There was a stairs that lead to different levels of the library. Ladders were stacked against shelves and the smell of books created a homey effect. There were several rectangular tables with chairs and a single desk-lamp.

I absolutely loved reading - just like my mother. I haven't read a good book in ages because I was constantly on the run as a rogue.

I walked towards a random shelf, closed my eyes and picked a book.

It was a thick leather book. The spine was blank but the cover read in golden writing, 'Werewolf inheritance '.

I knew nothing about packs and history - maybe this book could help me.

I opened the book and began reading.

First the moon goddess made moon tellers - wolves who guided packs. They protected werewolves. They were mortals....

I heard about this story. This story is taught to wolves at a young age so that they know where they came from and who they are. I skipped this story as I already knew it.

I began read on.

The moon godesss created The Fire sisters - wolves who live for a hundred years only but are excused from death within their lifespan. The sisters watch over the werewolves with purple eyes and ensure peace is kept spiritually. They communicate with the goddess and govern rituals. Although the sisters remain hidden they will always approach problems head - first. They are skilled warriors and strong leaders with....

I haven't heard of the fire sisters. There was so much of infomation about them that I couldn't have read it all in one go.

I left the book on the table and began searching for the werewolf monarchy.

I found several books on the crown. I didn't know anything about Xander or his family... or how they died. I heard about their deaths... Even rogues would know about such big news.

I skipped a couple of pages until I got to Xander's parents.

The late king Zanther Hale and Queen Evangeline Hale ruled during the Bluemoon era. Their reign ended in 1990 after a vicious attack by the king of rogues.

King on king. The king of the rogues was a term given to the person wolves feared. He was self - proclaimed royalty. No one knew we're he risided but he must have been in his mid 50s now.

On September 4th, while the king, queen and crown prince went on a family vacation without the stress of their titles weighing them down, the king and queen were ambushed. The king fought back but he was outnumbered. The King of rogues caught the crown prince and forcefully clapsed his hands on a silver sword - and made the prince drive it into the king and queens hearts.

The prince was left at the scene and the rogues left - leaving a horrific story behind...
I couldn't read anymore. Xander was a child - he was innocent and he has to live with the fact that his hands were clasped on the sword that killed his parents. The leader of the rogues grabbed Xander's hands and held it into the sword while the rogue leader stabbed the king and queen.

I brought my hand to my mouth. I can't imagine the horror of having to go through that. Maybe that is what changed him - the loss of innocence?

I ran out of the room and to his office - he wouldn't come to the room because we were fighting.

He was standing and facing a notice board. I was in tears and I grabbed him.

"Rebecca? what happened? ", he said shocking.
I needed to hold him. I felt his pain.

"I don't want to fight. ", I wiped my tears. The king and queen had such little time together... this story made me want to just forget about everything and do one thing - be with my mate.

He looked into my eyes as he cupped my cheeks. I softened into his hold.

"I love you, Xander. ", I hugged him.

He smiled softly and kissed me passionately but romantically at the same time.

His tounge danced with mine. It was a slow kiss.

"I love you too, Rebecca. ", he kissed my forehead and then my lips again but I stopped midway.

"I want you to mark me. ", I said out of breath because of our heated kiss.


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