Chapter 1: Where have you been?!

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Author: Hey guys and gals. Been a long time since I updated, sorry about that. I was really busy with school stuff. I have free time now soooooo.....on with the chapter!


I was still on the floor being hugged to death by my four girls.

(Y/N): *groan* girls.....air...need...

The girls let go of me. They stood up and their heads were facing the ground. They're hiding their faces? I stood up and dusted myself off. Let's see how long they'll last~ I walked into their direction, I see they flinched, but I continue walking ignoring them and headed to the living quarters and sat on a couch. Qrow closed the doors and headed upstairs, the others (except the team RWBY) went in the living quarters and sat on couches separated from mine. They all look at me with looks of confusion. The girls walked in the living quarters and stood at the center (the living quarters has four couches and is placed surrounding a carpet in the middle). The girls are still trying to hide their faces. *sigh* Time to speak up I guess....of course I'll play a little trick~

(Y/N): I see some of you have already moved on?
Weiss and Blake twitched when they heard this.
Blake: N-n-No! I still love you (Y/N)!
Weiss: Y-Yeah! I don't see anyone here manlier and lovable like you!
Blake: I agree with Weiss!
Ruby: Me too!
Yang: Me three!
Neptune: Hey we're men as well.

(Y/N): Pfft.
I can't hold on my laughter. The sight of them all fidgety and shouting was cute.
RWBY: What?
(Y/N): Hahahaha. It's nice to know my four girls still loves me.
WB:'re not doubting us?
(Y/N): No, because I was with you during I was Rex, right? I see your pain and how you miss me.
WB: (Y-(Y-(Y/N)....
Both of them started to tear up.
They then hugged me, but this time it wasn't too tight. Ruby and Yang got jealous, so I signaled them to come in for a hug. Both of them smiled and hugged me too. This time their hug isn't as tight as before. They let go of the hug and sat with me on the couch.

Ruby: So (Y/N) you said you were "augmented". What exactly is "augmented"?
(Y/N): Well....
I removed my cloak, I was only wearing a brown t-shirt, a sleeveless leather vest, blue tattered jeans, red rubber shoes, and my briefcase was attached to my back. Of course they saw the robotic left hand (I removed the artificial skin), the eyes, and hair.

RWBY: (Y-(Y/N)......
(Y/N): Well...I...changed....a lot.
Sun: You don't say?
RWBY glared at Sun and I just snickered. I know he meant no harm, he just wants to lighten up the mood.
(Y/N): Anyways, A man saved my life when he found me heavily injured and close to dying. He saved me by augmenting me, making me half robot. Mostly it's on my left arm *waves left arm*, eyes *looks at each of team RWBY and then adjusted the eyes focus* muscles, and bones. You can't see the last two, but I can see them myself.

I remove my shirt and vest. It revealed my scarred battle hardened body.

(Y/N): Although I did get some new scars from the fight with Dez.

I pointed on scars with jagged edges on it's side; some small and medium scars on my body, a big scar on my chest, and a horizontal scar on my faces which cuts the eyes.

(Y/N): This scar *points at the scar on the eyes* I really thought the attack that made this scar will cut my life, my eyes. On my "dying" breath I only thought of my time with you girls. Even if we didn't get to go on dates.

I plopped down the couch and looked on the ground.

(Y/N): I really thought that THAT was the last time I'll be with you girls. So accepted my last breath. Then I waked up with no memories and was augmented. I met Nikolai Dustesla, the person who saved my life, augmented me, and treated me like his son. I treated him as a father as well. Then I met Yi, Yasuo, Leona, Lucian, and Fiora the other people who were augmented. I did some missions for Nikolai then he revealed me the truth. He also revealed to me that his brother wanted to use me for evil, but he was against it and was set on stopping his brother. Anyways after letting me get back my memories I still treat them the same, a father and a group of friends. Of course I thought of how you girls will see me.....will you see me as me? Someone else because you moved on? abomination.

I looked up and was met by four slaps on my cheeks. I saw my girls with tears on their eyes.

Ruby: Dummy!
Weiss: Dolt!
Blake: Idiot!
Yang: Dumb!
RWBY: Who cares if you thought that was your end! Who cares if you got really beat up! Who cares about what you thought on how we will react when we see you! How could you even thought that we'll see you as an abomination! We LOVE YOU (Y/N). And that won't change. We know how hard it was to get to know you when we first met, so we became assertive and force you to sleep with us, cuddle us, and kiss us.

I smiled and stood up from the couch and hugged them while stroking their heads. They were drying their tears.

RWBY: You still owe us dates though.
(Y/N): Hahaha. Right.

Azure POV

I was watching what was happening with (Y/N) now. I was watching him by using my butterflies and make them form into a mirror. I see he is loved...a lot. I thought to myself as I was watching him with his friends and his four girls. Hhhmmmm.....It'll be nice to play some tricks with him~ I said to myself with a mischievous smile. I snap my fingers and then Thresh and the others came.

Thresh: What is it Azure?
Me: I want to go to the mortal plane.
Sol: No.
Me: Why not? *pouts*
Thresh: Because it's too dangerous.
Me: Then I'll bring Riven and Shyvanna with me. They're both great fighters so they could be my bodyguards.
Thresh: *sigh* This is about Zed's pupil, (Y/N)? Was it.
I nod.
Thresh sighs and scratched the back of his head.
Thresh: There's no stopping you isn't there?
Me: Nope.
I said with a victorious grin.
Thresh, Sol, and Kalista sighed as Riven and Shyvanna fist bumped.
Me: Hehe. This'll be fun.


We were in a bigger room and was laying down a big mattress. This is so nostalgic. The four girls dressed in their pajamas and nightgowns all stare at me.....with lust in their eyes.

(Y/N): Girls?
RWBY: Oh (Y/N), how we missed you.

They then clawed my clothes out.

(Y/N): Ah come on! That was a gift from a viliger I helped.
Weiss: We'll buy you new clothes~
Yang: Right now what we need~
Ruby: Is~
Blake: This~
I then felt four hands on my member.

(Y/N): Oh boy.....this is gonna be a long night is it?
RWBY: Oh yes~

They then kissed me all around my body and made their way to my hard member.

Ruby: So...
Weiss: Big....
Blake: So...
Yang: Hard!

~ End chapter

Author: No lemon for u! I don't really plan on writing a lemon. So yeah...I want to be considerate to the female readers (if there are any) and the child readers. And the day when I decide to write a lemon is the day that I'm not busy with school and if this book now has a mature content warning on the description.

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