Chapter 8: Someone Showed Up

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3rd Person POV
The sun rose across the horizon, the cool morning breeze fills the air, the birds chirp as they wake up. Oh! and what's that? Five figures jogging, the main character (Y/N) cheerfully jogs, although I can't seem to say for the others....they look tired, jelly legs, panting really, really hard.

I was doing my routinely jog, the girls also joined in. I heard some tired sounds and loud grunting coming from behind. I look behind me and see my team looking pitiful while pushing themselves to jog at the same pace as I am.

(Y/N): *sigh* You girls wanna take a break?
Ruby: *pant* YES PLEASE! *pant*
Weiss: *pant* For once *pant* I agree with Ruby *pant*
Blake: *pant* I'll take *pant* that offer *pant*
Yang:*pant* Sure *pant* thing

The girls take a break near the beacon academy statue. I felt sorry for them so I went and buy some water to give them.
(Y/N): hey guys, I'm just gonna buy some water, stay here okay?
RWBY: okay!

Noah POV
Me and my team were doing our daily exercise so we wouldn't stay out of shape while here in beacon.

Jake: So...what are we gonna do about the new Leader of the Order of Shadows?
Natasha: Should we report it to Master Shen?
Ane: I say we do!
Me: Well he hasn't done anything bad or evil.....maybe he's just here to live a normal life like us.
Natasha: But Bro! He used the death mark on you!
Me: And I'm still here, alive and kicking.
Jake: Well as long as he doesn't harm anyone I'm fine with him staying here.
Ane: Jake! That's like saying your fine sleeping with the enemy under the same roof!
Me: It's fine Ane. Plus Master Shen told me that Master Zed isn't that irrational to teach people to just kill whoever they want to.
Ane: I still don't trust (Y/N).
Natasha: Well, if big bro's okay with it then I'm fine with it to.
Me: Okay! Now onto Jogging 20 laps around beacon!

We stretched our legs and begin our first lap. We were jogging slowly at first then we pick up the pace. We were gonna circle around the beacon academy statue, there we saw team RWBY all sweaty, exhausted, and their legs were shaking. I could guess they Jogged more than they could chew (I'm so sorry for this joke). We stop by them for a morning chat.

Me: hey guys! Doing some morning jog as well?
Ruby: *pant* hey *pant* Noah
Me: I guess you pushed yourselves too far?
Yang: *pant* isn't it *pant* obvious!
Me: So what made you guys do a morning jog?
Blake: *pant* it's a *pant* long story

I went to a vending machine to buy some water for the girls and a Crocrade for me (Gatorade parody). I sat down a bench in front of the vending machine and drank my Crocrade. Then a guy wearing a red and black....tights? He was wearing a red mask. He was two swords strapped on his back, his two pistols were sheathed on his hips. He bought whiskey on the vending machine then sat down beside me. He called me out and showed me a paper of him stabbing a dude with his two swords.
???: hey kid! Sorry to ask you this but have you seen this 200 - pounds sack of assholes, Francis?
(Y/N): errr, no mot realy.
I remove half my mask so my mouth could drink my Crocrade. He seems to notice my scars.
???: Daym Man! What happened to your face?
(Y/N): Stuff
???: Well I say, those scars look totally awesome! It shows how much ass you beat!
He then revealed the lower half of his face then drink his whiskey.
???: At least you're not like this butterface
(Y/N): What happened to you sir?
???: Well some Asshole did some experiment on me to "cure" my cancer. And Now My Face Is Ugly! But hey the cancer was cured and it comes with some awesome powers as a package.
(Y/N): is the guy named Francis, the one who did that?
DeadPool: Yup! Oh and by the way the name's Pool, DeadPool
(Y/N): I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). So you're out for revenge Mr. Pool?
DeadPool: You bet! Can't even visit my Oh so beautiful wife because of the shit he did to me. Oh and by the way what's with the other water bottles? You gonna use this to screw someone up?
(Y/N): N-no, it's for my girls...errrr...I mean teammates
DeadPool: Hoho, so yer a ladies man ey? Well I have a tip for you kid. If you ever do sex with them and they started to gush out white liquid out of their p**** it means they really, really , REALLY like you. But don't stop there! Continue until they're unconscious.
(Y/N): *blushing* eeerrrr, thanks for the tip(?) Mr. Pool. But I don't think they're gonna be that interested in my face of mine.
DeadPool: WWHHAATT! My Man, it's about the personality you know? And how well you do in bed is what matters to a lady.
(Y/N): Well...I guess your...right?
DeadPool: of course I Am, I'm freaking DeadPool!
(Y/N): Exuse me to ask Mr. Pool, but you're out for revenge right? What do you think is the best method to smoke out...oh I don't know...a leader of an evil organization?
DeadPool: Ahhh, so you DO want to screw someone up. Well what I'm doing is KINDLY asking people who have been working with him KINDLY. Then chase down that Bag of asshole.
(Y/N): any luck?
DeadPool: Well no, they won't talk after I shoot them in the head or stab them, or slice them down with my two awesome swords you know?
(Y/N): eeerrr, I think they won't be able to talk if they're shot in the head, stabbed, or sliced, Mr. Pool.
DeadPool: do you have any suggestions?
(Y/N): eeerr torture? or scare them first to make them talk?
DeadPool: hhmmm, good idea (Y/N), now if you'll excuse time to go back and hunt.
(Y/N): okay, good luck Mr. Pool.
He finished his whiskey, fixed his mask, gave me a fistbumb before leaving. Well that was a weird encounter. I gulped down my Crocrade, threw it in the trash then leave. I went back to the girls and saw them chatting with team NNJA, who I guess is out for their morning excercise. My team noticed me approaching them, well looks like they rested well.

RWBY: Hey (Y/N)!

They tackled me with hugs. Uugggghhh, is what Mr. Pool said true? Then I heard Jake whistled.

Jake: *whistle* smooth move man.
Ane & Natasha: EHEM!

The girls broke their hug and we're all blushing realizing what they just did. Of course I blushed too under my mask obviously.

Noah: (Y/N)!

I was called out by Noah who has his hands on his hips. He then points at me

Noah: I WILL make you see me as YOUR worthy RIVAL, like what your master saw in my master!
(Y/N): heh, I'll wait for that time, but of course remember that I keep getting stronger everyday. Now if you will excuse us, I have to get the girls back to our room they could look like they could use some rest.

Yang: you could carry us if you want to.
(Y/N): but there's four of you and one of me.
Blake: then maybe you could use your shadows to carry three of use then you'll carry one. BUT change places with your shadows from time to time.
(Y/N): But-
Weiss: No But!
Ruby: hehe, butts
(Y/N): not that kind of but, Ruby. Fine I'll do it.

I did as what Blake told me and carried them to our room.

Noah POV
Me: Well looks like we don't really need to worry much about him.
Ane & Natasha: why?
Jake: cuz looks like those girls has a leash on him.
Me: Anyway let's go back to training

Author's note: So how'd you guys like the cameo?
DeadPool: Of Course They Fucking Loved It
Author: You really think so Mr. Pool?
DeadPool: I know so! Oh and I'm not done with you!
Author: What did I do?!
DeadPool: You think you could just force me to a cameo without paying?
Author: ......
DeadPool: I know, So Pay up!

And so after that the author went a little broke after DeadPool did a Cameo

But seriously guys I hope you liked this chapter. I was watching DeadPool when I was doing this so I just thought of making this chapter

DeadPool: Oh! And YOU READER! Don't forget to watch DeadPool 2' okay? I'll be watching you.
Author: really Mr. Pool?
DeadPool: Hey! At least I didn't forced someone to a cameo
Author: geez man, I already pay
DeadPool: and it was a pleasure doing business with you!

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