Twice the news

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2 weeks later
"So, are you excited for the scan ?" Tom asks me as he parks in front of the clinic. It is time for a check up today. Tom had asked me very politely if he could come, saying that he would love to see the baby.

I smile at him. "Yeah very much. Last time it was just a little shrimp in there. This time we should be able to see that it is actually a baby. So what about you, excited ?"

"Most definitely. Okay, honestly I can't wait, it is like christmas morning". He says, his face lighting up in an even bigger smile. One of those that kind of makes my heart flutter a bit.

He gets out of the car and comes over to open her door, holding out his hand for me to grab as I get out. I smile up at him. He is always such a gentleman. "Thank you".

He offers me his arm, and I take it. Feeling a slight jolt at the physical contact. But I hide it well, embarrassed that he has that effect on my body. We walked into the clinic.

We go up to the reception and announce that I have arrived. I notice how the secretary gives Tom a look over. "You and your husband can wait over there in the green chair ...the doctor will be with you shortly".

I just nod. I don't really feel like trying to explain how he isn't my husband, boyfriend or my anything at all really.

Soon after the doctor calls us into a room and I get up on the gurney. Tom sits down next to me and grabs her hand, as the most natural thing in the world. He is looking at the little screen, his face happy and excited. It kind of warms my heart seeing how he reacts to everything about the baby. I have no doubt he will be a wonderful father.

The doctor puts some gel on my bare stomach and starts the scan. I look at the screen too, but honestly I find it hard to see what it is it shows. There seems to be too many arms and legs waving around in there, if that is even what it is.

The doctor freezes the picture and looks at us with a smile. "Well it seems that we have another surprise here. If you look here, that is arms, legs and a head. And over here we have another set of arms, legs and one more head. You are having twins".

"Twins ? We are having two kids ? Like really ?" Tom looks at the doctor, then at the screen squinting his eye and then back to the doctor who nods. Then he looks at me. "Holy shit, we are having twins''.

I nod, feeling how tears well up in my eyes. He seems so happy about it and it is contagious, making me forget to be scared. Then he leans down pressing his lips to mine. He whispers softly. "Thank you darling".

"No thank you Tom". I smile at him and for a moment I let myself be swept away by the impossible dream, the one where we are a real family. That he is mine and not only the accidental father of my children.

As we walk out to the car a little later after getting a lot of information and pictures of their twins. He gently takes both my hands and look at me. "I know I might seem big and a bit scary darling. But we are going to do this okay ?"

"Yeah, together. I have no doubt you are going to be the most wonderful father Tom". I say with a small smile. We might be doing it together, but not really together sadly.

"Thank you, that means so much. And I am sure you will be an amazing mother as well". He says opening the car door to me.

"Felicity darling. Could you come in here for a moment ? There is something important I need to tell you". I call from the living-room as I hear her in the hallway.

I can hear her sigh a bit annoyed, then she calls back. "Can't it wait, Tom ? I would like to get out of my work clothes and have a shower".

"No, it can't wait. Would you please come in here just for a moment". I say. Why can't she just come when I ask her to ? She always had to challenge everything I say and do. It feels like our relationship is a war to be won.

She comes into the living-room, looking at me. Her voice is indifferent. "What is possibly so important that you have to tell me right away ?"

"We went to the clinic today for a scan. It seems they missed something at the first scan. We are having twins". I say looking at her. Wondering how she will react to the news.

Felicity just stands there for a moment. "Twins ?!" She seems to think again. "Hmm, actually that has its possibilities. You could each get one and we wouldn't need to have any contact with her after they are born. We get a kid and she gets a kid, everyone wins".

"No ! I can't even believe you said that. I am not splitting my kids up and I would never ever take any of them away from their mother, not unless she chose it that way". I am staring at her in shock. I can't believe she had actually said that.

She just shrugs and walks towards the door. "Well I really can't see the problem. Everyone gets what they want and it would be so much easier. She would not be in our lives".

I watch her as she walks out the door and upstairs. At this moment I am wondering what had happened to the woman I fell in love with ? Because I am quite sure it hadn't been this cold hearted bitch.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now