A small trip

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10 days later
I stand in front of the open suitcase, carefully folding my crisp black suit. Glancing up, I see Celestia rummaging through her wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. Her baby bump is visible beneath her flowing dress, and her eyes are filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

I had offered to buy her a new gown, but she had firmly told me no, saying it would be a waste when she due to her pregnancy wouldn't be able to use it again.

"Love, don't worry about the red carpet. Just focus on being comfortable and enjoying the evening". I reassure her, walking over and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Celestia sighs, forcing a smile. "I know, Tom, but it's just so overwhelming. The flashing lights, the cameras, the interviews... And with everything going on with Felicity and the case, I can't help but feel anxious".

I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. "I understand, but remember, we are in this together. No matter what happens, I will be by your side, supporting you as always".

I place a tender kiss on her forehead, causing her to relax a bit. "Besides, I have arranged for a private plane to make sure you and the twins are safe and comfortable during the flight. And to avoid the hassle of the airport".

Celestia looks up at me, her eyes shining with gratitude. "You always know how to make me feel better, Tom. Thank you".

As we go back to packing, Celestia finds a stunning, yet comfortable gown that will accommodate her growing baby bump. I help her fold it and place it in the suitcase.

With our bags finally packed, we sit down on the bed, side by side, taking a moment to savor the stillness before our big trip.

I take Celestia's hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We have come a long way, Celestia. No matter what the outcome at the Tony Awards or what people might say, I am grateful for our journey together. If he wasn't on Felicity's payroll I would send that damned doctor a thank you note for hid mistake".

Celestia smiles, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I couldn't agree more, Tom. We will face everything as a team, and no matter what, our love will see us through".

In this moment, our love feels stronger than ever, a beacon of hope amid the chaos of our lives. And as we prepare to step into the spotlight, I know we will face it all ... together.

We finish the last-minute preparations and make our way to the parking basement, hand in hand. As the elevator doors slide open, I see a sleek town car with dark windows waiting for us as I had instructed. I can hear the excited chatter of paparazzi outside, but I'm determined to shield Celestia from their prying eyes and questions when possible.

I guide her into the car, making sure she's comfortably seated before closing the door behind her. I then slide into the seat next to her, and the driver starts the engine.

We glide up the ramp and pull away from the curb, managing to avoid the paparazzi, and leaving them none the wiser. Celestia releases a breath, relieved that we have escaped their attention for now.

As we arrive at the airport, the private jet I have arranged comes into view. Celestia's eyes widen with amazement as she takes in the sleek aircraft. "Tom, this is incredible". She says, her voice filled with awe that warms my heart.

We make our way up the stairs and into the luxurious cabin. Celestia runs her fingers over the plush leather seats, marveling at the lavish interior. I can't help but smile at her reaction, knowing that I have made her happy.

However, she turns to me with a playful scolding look. "Tom, as wonderful as this is, it's quite extravagant. We really didn't need to spend so much on a private jet. I could have settles for business class".

I chuckle, knowing she is joking, taking her hand and leading her to a comfortable seat. "I know, love, but I wanted to make sure that you and the twins were as comfortable and safe as possible. Besides, it's not every day that I get nominated for a Tony Award. It's worth celebrating, don't you think ?"

Celestia shakes her head, but I can see the gratitude in her eyes. "Oh, you and your justifications". She teases, settling into her seat. "I suppose it is quite a special occasion".

As the jet taxis down the runway and takes off, we leave the chaos and stress of London behind, soaring toward our New York adventure. And as we share this intimate moment, I know that I wouldn't trade our love for anything in the world.

As we settle into our seats on the private jet, the cabin's soothing ambiance helps us relax. Celestia looks out the window, watching the clouds pass by while I decide it's a good time to ease her nerves about the red carpet event.

"So, the red carpet can be a bit overwhelming at first, but try to think of it as a celebration of our hard work and dedication," I explain, hoping to reassure her. "Smile, take your time, and remember that we'll be together every step of the way".

Celestia nods, taking in my advice. "I will do my best, Tom. I just don't want to let you down or embarrass you in front of your peers".

I squeeze her hand gently. "You could never embarrass me, Celestia. You're the love of my life, and I'm proud to have you by my side".

Seeing her smile, I continue, "Also, the reporters have been instructed not to ask about the court case. Tonight is about celebrating our achievements in the world of theater, not focusing on our personal life".

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you for taking care of that, Tom. I feel much better knowing we won't have to deal with those questions for once".

We spend the rest of the flight chatting, sharing stories, and occasionally stealing quick kisses. Before we know it, the pilot announces our descent into New York.

Upon landing, we exit the jet and find another town car waiting to whisk us away to a fancy hotel. The city's bright lights and energy surround us as we make our way through the bustling streets. Celestia gazes out the window, taking in the iconic New York landscape.

As we arrive at the hotel, I help Celestia out of the car and wrap my arm around her waist protectively. The anticipation of the Tony Awards and the red carpet event is palpable, but with Celestia by my side, I feel ready to face whatever challenges may come our way.

Once we're settled into our luxurious hotel suite, Celestia begins unpacking our bags. She carefully removes her gown from the suitcase, holding it up against herself as she gazes into the full-length mirror. Her eyes flicker with uncertainty, and I can tell she is worried about whether the dress is good enough for the event .

I walk over and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder. "Celestia, you look absolutely stunning in that gown". I tell her, my voice filled with admiration. "You will outshine everyone on the red carpet, especially me".

She smiles, but I can still sense her hesitation. "Do you really think so, Tom ?" She asks, searching for reassurance in my eyes.

"Without a doubt". I reply, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. "To me you are the most beautiful woman in any room, and tonight will be no exception".

Celestia's face lights up, her confidence growing with my words. She carefully hangs the dress in the closet, and we make our way to the large window overlooking the city.

The New York skyline sprawls before us, a breathtaking sight as the sun begins to set. We stand there, arms wrapped around each other, taking in the beauty of the moment.

"You know". Celestia says softly. "I never imagined I'd be here with you like this. It feels like a dream".

I smile, giving her a gentle squeeze. "It's a dream I'm grateful to share with you, my love. We've been through so much together already, and I wouldn't change a thing, because without it I wouldn't have you".

We share a tender kiss as the city lights begin to twinkle below us. In the midst of the bustling metropolis, we find our own little corner of peace and romance. No matter what the future holds, I know that as long as we have each other, we will face it all...  together.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now