Bad bad Tom

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2 weeks later
I walk through the door, coming home early from rehearsing the new play I am doing. We got the afternoon off due to some electrical malfunction and I find myself wondering if she is home. But it is the wrong woman in my mind and it honestly makes me feel a bit bad. I should be hoping my fiancee was home, but instead I hope Celestia is there.

Over the last couple of weeks I have found myself talking with her more and more often. Truth is that I find her much easier to have an actual conversation with, than I have ever done with Felicity. And if I am completely honest with myself, I am sometimes wondering why I am with Felicity in the first place ? We aren't really compatible in many ways.

I know that Felicity won't be home for at least a couple of hours so I walk directly upstairs, telling myself that I simply need to ask her when her next doctor's appointment is.

"Darling, are you home ?" I stick my head into her room, the door left halfway open, but it is empty. Then I hear that the water is running in her bathroom. I know I should leave her room, but it is like something is pulling at me, begging me to just take one quick glance, telling my common sense it won't hurt anyone.

To be honest, I have been thinking too much about her lately and in very inappropriate situations; like when I imagined how she would feel under me the other night when I had sex with Felicity.

I sneak up to the door, which she has also left ajar. I am feeling very much like a stalker, hoping she won't discover me as I peak into the bathroom. I. Atch a glimpse just as she stepped under the water.

As my eyes start wandering up her legs I know that I am being really bad, both towards her and towards Felicity. I know this is not in any way okay, but I just can't help it. She has nice legs, they are shapely and look very soft.

Right before she turns under the water I catch a glimpse of her ass, making my throat go instantly dry. It is round and perky, just begging to be grabbed or caressed.

When she turns around, I notice that she has a small patch of dark curls, which to me is almost exotic. Felicity is always completely waxed down there and to be honest I can't remember the last time I have seen a woman with any hair down there.

I feel my cock stir, as my eyes continue to run over her wet body. Her stomach is flat, but not toned or muscular, more feminine and soft looking. She is most definitely not fat or even chubby.

When my eyes reach her voluptuous breasts, my pants are suddenly feeling quite constrictive and my breathing is getting shallow.

Oh God those breasts I can't keep my eyes off. That makes me think such very naughty thoughts and now I can see them in their full glory, water and soap running over them. There is no doubt they are all natural, but they were very full and perky ... I had expected them to be heavier due to their size.

I want to turn, to leave. I know I am doing something I shouldn't. It isn't okay for me to watch her without her knowledge and it isn't okay towards Felicity either.

But then her hands starts running down her body, soaping in those breasts and I can't help imagining it is my hands. She moans lightly and her pink nipples contract under her touch.

  My hand move down, trying to adjust myself through the pants to relieve the uncomfortable tightness, but the contact makes me moan, and I can't help rubbing my erection just a bit through my pants.

  As her hand slides down between her thighs I realize what she is doing, and I have to bite my lip to stop from making a very undignified sound she would probably have heard. Oh my God, it is such a turn on watching her like this, playing with herself and I am actually contemplating what would happen if I walked in there and offered her a hand or maybe something more.

But then I hear the front door open, and I curse low, hurrying out from her room and downstairs to greet my fiancee.

I wonder why Tom is home ? I had seen his car parked out front when I arrived. He isn't supposed to be home before later.

"Hi darling, I got off early because of some electric trouble. I have been waiting for you". Tom comes almost sprinting down the stairs.

I instantly recognize the look on his face and the glint in his eyes, and if I had any doubt they would have been removed when he hugs me, and I clearly feel his erection press against me, he is horny as hell right now.

What has he been doing before I came home ? Has he been watching porn or something ? I feel a pang of annoyance. "I had a very long and tiresome day Tom". I say, sighing, I really am not in the mood for his antics right now.

He presses me back against the wall, his hand finding my breast through the silk blouse. "Come on baby, I will help you relax".

"No Tom, I am not in the mood". I remove his hand from my breast and gently push him away.

His hand grabs my hair, pulling my head slightly back, not hurting me, just pissing me off. His eyes burning with desire. "You have been saying no to me a lot lately, is something wrong darling ?"

"Let go of me Tom, that hurts". I lie as I look up at him, and he releases me, looking a bit surprised by his own actions.

I shake my head, I had thought I had picked that rough streak out of him a long time ago. When We first started dating, he had been a bit rough with me the first couple of times we had sex. Not like super kinke or anything, just more than I liked. I had slowly but surely told him what was and wasn't acceptable, and pulling my hair most certainly isn't acceptable.

"And no nothing is wrong, work is just very taxing right now, and with not trying to get pregnant and finally being off the hormones ... well my body just needs a break". I say.

He has a very disappointed look on his face. "But I am horny baby, please ... just something. If your body needs a break, I get that ... I would be very happy to settle for you mouth or even your hand".

I roll my eyes as he is all but humping me. Seriously, we had sex two nights ago, so he has nothing to complain about. He just have to realize that they are long past that 'sex every day' phase of our relationship.

"I said no Tom, and no I am not giving you a blow job either ...if you are that needy you have a right hand". I say, pushing him off me and walking into the kitchen.

I hear him curse under his breath as he walks back upstairs. Well if he wants to sit up there and sulk about not getting sex, then I will let him.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now