Second hearing

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Tom, Alan, and I step out of the black SUV, the morning sun reflecting off the courthouse's marble façade. My heart races as we prepare for the second hearing, determined to get the case dismissed. Tom's hand rests gently on my swollen belly, offering me protection and comfort.

As if on cue, reporters swarm around us, their cameras clicking relentlessly and microphones thrust forward, eager to capture a soundbite from the famous actor and his pregnant partner.

"Tom, do you think you will win today's hearing ?" one reporter asks.

"Is it true that Celestia was supposed to be a surrogate for you and Felicity ?" another inquires.

The barrage of questions makes me grip Tom's arm tighter, my nerves growing tense. Yet, through the cacophony, Alan remains unfazed. His calm and collected demeanor is a beacon of stability amidst the chaos. He raises a hand, silencing the press for a moment. "We will be making a statement after the hearing. Please respect our privacy until then".

We push through the throng of reporters, finally reaching the courthouse steps. As we enter the building, I let out a shaky breath, relieved to be away from the prying eyes and invasive questions.

Inside the courtroom, the atmosphere is tense. Felicity, with her venomous smile, sits opposite us, confident in her fraudulent contract and her lawyer Vicktoria. Tom squeezes my hand reassuringly, whispering, "We will get through this together".

Alan, ever the composed professional, pulls out a folder containing a meticulously prepared defense. As the hearing commences, he will no doubt presents our case with precision and clarity, dismantling the falsehoods in Felicity's claims one by one.

As Alan rises to address the courtroom, he exudes a sense of calm and determination. "Your Honor". He begins, "I would like to present the case on behalf of Tom and Celestia, who have been falsely accused and entangled in a web of lies spun by Felicity".

He pauses, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in before continuing. "Let's start with the matter of the insemination. Celestia had no intention of becoming a surrogate for Tom and Felicity. In fact, she didn't even know she was being inseminated. Dr. Stevens, the physician responsible for the procedure, switched the papers due to his own negligence and without Celestia's knowledge. After that Celestia, together with Tom came to the agreement to keep the baby. I have the papers from the clinic stating that the insemination was a human mistake".

Alan pulls out a set of documents from his folder and hands them to the judge, who reviews them with a furrowed brow. The courtroom is silent, hanging on Alan's every word.

"Now, let's move on to the so-called contract Felicity claims Celestia signed. This contract was presented to Celestia under false pretenses when she moved into Tom and Felicity's home. Felicity deceived Celestia, claiming the contract was an agreement to maintain the confidentiality of the household. Celestia, believing she was signing a standard non-disclosure agreement, unwittingly signed the document. We believe Felicity used erasable ink and simply changed the working of the contract after".

Alan pauses, glancing over at Vicktoria, Felicity's lawyer, who shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "Your Honor, we have evidence that Felicity planned beforehand to change the wording of the contract and purposely hid it from Celestia. This contract is not only fraudulent but also a clear attempt to manipulate and control the situation".

He hands another set of documents to the judge, who looks increasingly concerned as he reads through them. The courtroom buzzes with whispers as people begin to grasp the extent of Felicity's deception.

"In conclusion, Your Honor". Alan says, his voice steady and resolute. "We have presented substantial evidence to prove that Celestia was inseminated without her knowledge and that the contract she signed was obtained through deceit. We request that this case be dismissed and that Felicity be held accountable for her actions".

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