After party

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The moment is finally here. My heart skips a beat as the presenter reads out the winner's name: "Tom Hiddleston!" The room erupts in applause, and I can feel the joy and pride surging through me. I squeeze his hand tightly, tears welling up in my eyes.

Tom stands up and gives me a quick, loving kiss before making his way to the stage. As he takes the microphone, the applause dies down, and the room falls silent, hanging on his every word.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for this incredible honor". Tom begins. "I am truly humbled and grateful to be standing before you tonight, holding this prestigious award".

He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "I want to start by thanking my amazing fans. Without your support and dedication, I wouldn't be here today. You inspire me to give my all in every performance, and I am eternally grateful for your love and encouragement".

I smile, knowing Felicity belittled him for doing teater, this has to be a proverbial slap in her face.

Tom continues, "I also want to express my deepest gratitude to my incredibly talented colleagues. I have been fortunate to work with some of the most gifted people in the industry, and I am constantly in awe of your passion, your creativity, and your dedication to your craft".

His gaze then finds mine in the audience, and he smiles warmly. "To my beautiful girlfriend, Celestia, you are my rock, my partner, and my everything. Thank you for always believing in me and for being by my side every step of the way. I am so excited for the next chapter in our lives as we welcome our twins into the world. I love you more than words can express".

A tear rolls down my cheek as the audience applauds, moved by Tom's heartfelt words.

"And finally, I want to thank my family for their unwavering love and support. You have always encouraged me to follow my dreams, and I am forever grateful for the sacrifices you have made to help me achieve them". He says, the tone of his voice telling me he is getting emotional too.

With one final bow and a wave to the audience, Tom concludes his speech. As he makes his way back to our seats, the room is filled with a warm, celebratory energy. I can't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness, knowing we have accomplished so much together and have so much more to look forward to. As Tom sits beside me, our hands intertwined, our journey as a team continues, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

The ceremony comes to an end, leaving the room abuzz with excitement and chatter. As the attendees begin to rise from their seats, Tom turns to me with a concerned expression. "Celestia, I know you're pregnant and all, but would you be up for attending the after-party? I completely understand if you'd rather head home and rest."

I can see the excitement in his eyes, and I don't want to dampen his spirits on such a special night. Despite the fatigue that comes with pregnancy, I muster up a smile and nod enthusiastically. "Of course, I'd love to go to the after-party! This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I want to be there to celebrate with you. Don't worry about me; I'm feeling up to it".

Tom's face lights up, and he leans in to give me a gentle kiss. "Thank you, Celestia. I promise we won't stay too long, and I will keep an eye on you to make sure you're doing alright. Tell me if it becomes too much".

As we make our way to the after-party, the energy is electric. The venue is beautifully decorated, with elegant lighting casting a warm glow over the room. People are mingling, laughing, and dancing to the live band, their spirits high after the memorable ceremony.

Tom and I join the festivities, chatting with his friends and acquaintances, sharing our joy and congratulations with the other winners. Throughout the evening, Tom remains attentive, making sure I'm comfortable and enjoying myself.

As the night goes on, I can feel my energy starting to wane, but I don't want to spoil the fun. Instead, I lean into Tom and whisper, "I'm getting a bit tired, but I don't want to leave just yet. Can we find a quiet spot to sit and relax for a bit ?"

Tom nods understandingly and guides me to a cozy seating area where we can take a break from the bustling party. As we sit together, hand in hand, we take in the joyful atmosphere and reflect on the incredible journey that led us to this moment.

Just as Tom and I settle into our quiet spot, one of his female friends, Amy, approaches us with a bright smile. "Tom, would you like to dance ? The band is playing such great music, and I know you love to dance".

I can see the excitement in Tom's eyes, but he hesitates, worried about leaving me alone. Sensing his concern, I give him a reassuring smile. "Go ahead, Tom. My feet are sore, and I could use a break. Have fun !"

With my encouragement, Tom takes Amy's hand and they head to the dance floor, joining the lively crowd of dancers. I watch them with a contented smile, happy to see Tom enjoying himself.

As I sit back and relax, Tom's friend Chris comes over and takes a seat beside me. "Celestia, I have to say that it's great to see you and Tom so happy together". He says warmly. "I have to admit, I was never a fan of his ex-fiancée, Felicity. She never seemed like the right fit for him".

I nod, appreciating Chris's sincerity. "Thank you, Chris. I feel so lucky to have found Tom. We have been through a lot together, and our love has only grown stronger".

Chris smiles in agreement. "It's evident how much you two care for each other. It's refreshing to see Tom with someone who truly understands and supports him".

As we continue our conversation, I glance over at the dance floor, watching Tom and Amy laugh and twirl to the music. Despite my sore feet and the fatigue that comes with pregnancy, I am grateful for the chance to experience this incredible night with my loving boyfriend.

Eventually, Tom returns to our quiet spot, his face flushed from dancing. He thanks Amy for the dance before sitting down beside me. As we enjoy the rest of the evening together, I can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the love and support that surrounds us, both from each other and from the wonderful friends Tom has.

After a while, I can sense that Tom is ready to call it a night. With a tender smile, he asks if I'm ready to head home. Grateful for his consideration, I nod, and we make our way out of the party, arm in arm.

As we get ready to leave the celebration behind, I can't help but think about how lucky I am to have such a loving, supportive partner. Our love has only grown stronger through the months, and I am excited to see what the future has in store for us, both professionally and as a growing family.

Tom and I bid farewell to his friends and make our way to the waiting limousine. Tom gently takes my hand, guiding me as we navigate the crowd and step into the luxurious vehicle.

Once we are settled in the plush leather seats, Tom wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. "Thank you for being here with me tonight, Celestia. I know you are tired, and I can't express how much it means to me that you were by my side through all of this".

I snuggle into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his love. "Tom, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I'm so incredibly proud of you, not just for winning the award, but for the hard work and passion you have put into your career. You deserve every bit of success and recognition you get".

A soft smile forms on his lips, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Hearing that from you means everything to me. I couldn't have done any of this without your love and support, Celestia. Thank you for always believing in me".

As the limousine glides through the city streets, the twinkling lights passing by like a dream, we sit in comfortable silence, basking in the warmth of our love. The events of the night have only strengthened our bond, and as we head back to the hotel, hand in hand, I can't help but feel excited for the future and the new adventures that await us.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum