Celestia's day in court

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I stand before the mirror, adjusting my blouse to accommodate my growing belly. Tom approaches from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Remember, Celestia, don't stress. Breathe and just be yourself". He advises, his voice shaking slightly.

I laugh, turning to face him. "It sounds like you are the one who needs to breathe".

A cramping pain suddenly grips my lower back. I try to hide my discomfort, refusing to worry Tom any further. "Come on, let's head to the courthouse and get this over with". I say, forcing a smile.

As we arrive, I can feel the tension in the air. Felicity and Vicktoria exchange hushed words, casting occasional glances our way. Alan greets us with a warm smile and asks, "Are you ready, Celestia ?"

I nod, taking another deep breath. "As ready as I will ever be".

We enter the courtroom, and Tom squeezes my hand reassuringly. The judge calls the session to order, and my heart races as I prepare to take the stand.

Vicktoria stands up, her eyes narrowing as she approaches the witness stand. "So, Celestia, you claim that it was all just an accident that you were inseminated with Tom's sperm ?" She asks, an incredulous tone in her voice.

I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Yes, it was a complete shock". I confirm.

Vicktoria raises an eyebrow. "Then why did the doctor claim he had been paid for the procedure ?"

"I have no way of knowing why he said that". I reply, my voice steady. Alan had warned me not to start saying the others are lying, but instead just say that I do not know. "But the clinic supports my story and...".

Vicktoria interrupts me, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Wasn't it like a dream come true, Celestia ? To find yourself pregnant with a movie star's children ?"

I feel my cheeks flush, but I force myself to maintain eye contact. "No, it was unexpected and overwhelming. But now, Tom and I are committed to raising our children together, and that's all that matters. I do not care about his fame".

Vicktoria smirks, folding her arms as she asks me. "Isn't it true, Celestia, that you manipulated your way into Tom and Felicity's home by threatening Tom that you would get an abortion, and that it was all just a ploy to get closer to him ?"

I take a deep breath, staying composed in the face of Vicktoria's accusation. "No, that's not true at all". I answer, my voice firm. "I never wanted an abortion, nor did I ever threaten to get one. I was just concerned about whether I was ready to be a mother, given that I didn't have a stable job and was living on a friend's couch at the time".

I pause, gathering my thoughts before continuing. "It was actually Tom who offered me a place to stay, so that I could have support during my pregnancy. He insisted that we could work things out together, and that's exactly what we have been doing".

I look toward Tom, who nods in agreement, his eyes filled with love and support. The courtroom remains silent, as everyone listens intently to my heartfelt defense of my actions and the life I'm now building with Tom.

Vicktoria's eyes narrow as she asks Celestia, "Did 'working things out together' include seducing Tom and becoming his mistress while he was still engaged to Felicity ?"

I feel my blood boil at the insinuation, and I want to yell out that if anyone seduced someone, it was me seducing Celestia. But I hold my tongue, knowing it's not my place to interrupt.

Celestia shakes her head, remaining calm despite the accusatory question. "No, it was never planned". She replies. "I felt sorry for Tom, seeing how Felicity treated him, but I tried to stay out of their relationship".

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