Making plans

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5 days later
I watch and follow as Tom carefully carries our little Lily into our home, making sure she is covered from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. I can't help but smile as he tells them that both girls are growing strong. It's such a relief to have at least one of our babies home, but my heart aches for Mia, still in the hospital.

Once inside, I take off my coat and sit down on the sofa, feeling the exhaustion from the day. Tom gently places Lily in my arms, and I can't help but tear up as I look at her delicate features. She is so beautiful, my little princess.

"We will have Mia with us soon, too". Tom reassures me, sitting down beside me and placing a comforting arm around my shoulders. We both gaze at our little girl, marveling at her existence.

Our quiet moment is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Tom looks at me before going to answer the door, leaving me with Lily. I hear him greet Alan, our lawyer, who has come over to discuss some concerning rumors he has seen circulating online.

Tom invites Alan into the living room, and they take seats opposite me. Alan, ever the calm and collected presence, looks sympathetically at me and then at Lily.

"Congratulations on bringing Lily home". He says gently. "I'm sure Mia will join you soon. I hate to bring this up, but I have noticed some rumors online that are causing me concern. They are suggesting that there are no babies at all and that you, Celestia, faked the entire pregnancy with a fake belly. I worry that Felicity might be behind this".

I feel a surge of anger at the thought of Felicity trying to discredit our family and happiness. Tom squeezes my hand, sensing my emotions.

"But no one will believe that, will they ?" I am surprised what someone will make up. Surely no one believes that.

Alan sighs. "The world has changed, some people believe anything if they can get a thrill from it. There are some who are looking through pictures, thinking they are seeing proof. Luckily it is only very few, not mentally sound people".

"We know the truth, and we have Lily here as proof". Tom says, his voice strong and unwavering. "And soon, we will have Mia with us as well. If Felicity is behind these rumors, she won't succeed in tearing us apart, and especially not with something this silly".

Alan nods in agreement. "You are right, Tom. It's important to stay focused on your family and not let these rumors get to you. I just wanted to bring it to your attention so you are aware of what's happening".

We thank Alan for coming to inform us and for his continued support. As he leaves, Tom and I sit together, holding Lily close. We know that our love and our family are strong, and no matter what rumors Felicity may spread, we will face them together, protecting our precious little girls, Lily and Mia.

The next day:
Emily and I sit in the living room, chatting excitedly about the plans for our combined wedding and christening celebration. Emily cradles little Lily in her arms, cooing softly at her niece. We discuss color schemes and decorations, going over various ideas and options.

"So, I was thinking a soft pastel palette would be lovely for both the wedding and the christening part". I suggest. "Maybe some blush pink, pale blue, and lavender accents ?"

Emily nods in agreement. "That sounds beautiful, Celestia. It will create such a serene atmosphere. I can't wait to see it all come together".

As we continue discussing the plans, Emily glances around and asks. "Where is my impossible brother, by the way ? I thought he would be here, going over the details with us".

I laugh gently. "Heis actually doing an interview right now. But, believe it or not, he has been surprisingly involved in the planning process. However, he did admit that the whole color and decoration thing wasn't really his cup of tea. He told me I could just choose what I liked. He will be happy with whatever makes me happy".

Emily smiles. "That's my brother for you. He has always been more focused on the big picture than the small details".

Our conversation then shifts to the rumors that have been circulating online. Emily rolls her eyes, clearly finding the whole situation ridiculous.

"I can't believe people actually think your pregnant belly was fake". She says with a huff, shaking her head. "I have actually gone into discussions with a couple of the idiots who are sharing pictures claiming they 'prove' it was all a sham. It's just so absurd".

I sigh, feeling grateful for Emily's support. "Thank you for standing up for me, Emily. It means a lot. Just please do not get yourself in trouble over it. I don't understand why anyone would believe such nonsense, especially now that Lily is here and Mia will be home soon".

Emily pats my hand reassuringly. "Don't worry about it, Celestia. People love to gossip, especially about celebrities like Tom. The important thing is that we all know the truth, and we're here to support you and the girls".

"Maybe we should do a photoshoot with the girls when Mia is home...? you know give them what they want to kill the rumors". I say with a sigh.

"Do it if you want to, but do not let them force you". Emily says, sending me a small smile. "The worst of them would just make up a new story... like it is a friend's babies you borrowed or they are created with AI. Some people just do not want the truth".

As we continue planning the wedding and christening, I feel a sense of warmth and comfort in having Emily by my side. With our family and friends supporting us, I know that we will be able to face any challenges that come our way, including ridiculous rumors.

As I walk through the front door, I can feel the exhaustion settling in. It's been a long day, and all I want is to be with my family. I find Celestia and Emily in the living room, chatting and laughing together.

I kiss Celestia on the cheek and give Emily a warm hug. "How are my favorite ladies doing?" I ask with a smile.

"We are great, Tom". Celestia replies. "How was the interview ?"

I shrug, brushing off the tiredness for a moment. "It went well, I think. They asked a lot about my recent projects and, of course, about our growing family. I made sure to emphasize how happy and excited we are".

Celestia smiles, and I can see the love and appreciation in her eyes. "I'm glad to hear that. So, are you curious about how the wedding planning is coming along ?"

Emily jumps in, teasing me. "Oh, you are going to love this, Tom. We have decided that you will be wearing a baby pink suit for the big day. To go with the there you know".

I chuckle and play along, pretending not to be phased. "Well, if it makes Celestia happy, I'm more than willing to wear a baby pink suit... or no suit at all".

"Ewww, unwanted mental images". My sister groans, throwing half a cupcake at me.

I snatch it from the air and bite into it. "You so asked for that".

Both Celestia and Emily burst into laughter, knowing that I would do anything for the woman I love, and that includes wearing a pink suit if she wanted me to.

As I sit down on the living room sofa, enjoying a few moments of peace and quiet, I glance around and notice that Lily isn't in the room. A concerned look crosses my face, and I turn to Celestia.

"Where's Lily ?" I ask.

Celestia smiles reassuringly. "She is sleeping soundly in her pram on the back porch. The doctor said as much fresh air as possible is good for her, and She loves sleeping out there".

Despite her reassurance, I can't help but feel nervous. "Is that really a smart idea ? What if something happens to her out there ?"

"On the back porch ? In our closed garden ?" Celestia furrows her brow, confused by my sudden worry. "Why are you so nervous, Tom ? The back porch is completely safe".

I hesitate for a moment before admitting, "Vicktoria came by the morning after you came home from the hospital. She wanted to warn me that Felicity might be up to something. I can't help but worry about Lily's safety if She is out of our sight".

Upon hearing this, Celestia's face goes pale. "Why didn't you tell me ?"

But before I can answer she jumps up from her chair, her eyes wide with fear. Without a word, she sprints towards the back porch, desperate to check on our baby girl. I follow closely behind her, my heart pounding in my chest, hoping I am just over protective.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now